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General Catalog 2022-2023
General Catalog 2022-2023
> CHEM - Chemistry
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Board of Trustees
Academic Administration of the University (Campuses and Central Office)
Faculty of the University
General Information
Admission to the University
Honors Program
Services Program for Adult Students (AVANCE)
Online Education
Tuition, Fees and Other Charges
Institutional Policies and Procedures of Return of Funds Applicable to Students with a Total Withdrawal
Student Financial Aid
Norms and Services Related to the Office of the Registrar
Academic Recognitions
Support Services and Student Life
Study Modalities and Learning Experiences
International Student Mobility Program (ISMP)
Satisfactory Academic Progress Norm: Undergraduate Programs
Graduation, Honors and Diplomas
Academic Norms of Compliance
Undergraduate Academic Offerings
General Education Program
Programs of Study: Undergraduate (Associate and Bachelor’s) Degrees
ACCT - Accounting
ACHA - Archeology
ADEV - Applications Development
AEST-Reserve Officers Corps Aerospace Studies
AGRO - Agronomy
ANTH - Anthropology
ARAB - Arabic
ARED - Art Education
AREN - Architectural Engineering
ARTS - Fine Arts
AUDI - Auditing
AWSC - Airway Science
BADM - Business Administration
BIIN - Bioinformatics
BIOL - Biology
BIOT - Biotechnology
BIPS - Biopsychology
BMSC - Biomedical Sciences
CARD - Cardio-Respiratory Care
CHAP - Institutional Chaplaincy
CHEM - Chemistry
CJUS - Criminal Justice
COED - Cooperative Education
COEN - Computer Engineering
COMF - Computer Forensics
COMP - Computer Science
COMU - Communications
COTN - Computer Technology and Networks
CRIM - Criminology
CTMR - Computerized Tomography and Magnetic Resonance
CYBE - Cyber Crimes
DANC - Contemporary Dance
DGDM - Digital Graphic Design and Multimedia
DSGN - Design
ECMP - Educational Computing
ECOM - Electronic Commerce
EDUC - Education
ELEC - Electronic Engineering Technology
ELEN - Electrical Engineering
ENDE - Entrepreneurial Development
ENGL - English
ENGR - Engineering
ENTR - Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development
EVSC - Environmental Science
EVTH - Environmental Technology
FINA - Finance
FORS - Forensic Science
FREN - French
FSMT - Restaurant and Food Services Administration
GAME - Design and Development of Videogames
GASC - Culinary and Gastronomic Services
GEOG - Geography
GEP-GECF - General Education Program - Christian Thinking
GEP-GEEC - General Education Program - Entrepreneurial Culture
GEP-GEEN - General Education Program - English
GEP-GEHP - General Education Program - Health and Quality of Life
GEP-GEHS - General Education Program - Historical and Social Context
GEP-GEIC - General Education Program - Information and Computing
GEP-GEMA - General Education Program - Mathematics
GEP-GEPE - General Education Program - Philosophical and Aesthetic Thought
GEP-GESP - General Education Program - Spanish
GEP-GEST - General Education Program - Scientific and Technological Context
GERM - German
GERO - Gerontology
HCAD - Health Services Adminiatration
HESC - Health Science
HIST - History
HMGT - Restaurant and Food Services Administration
HPER - Health Physical Education and Recreation
HRMT - Hotel and Restaurant Manager
HUMA - Humanities
HUSE - Psychosocial Human Services
HRMA - Human Resources Management
INEN - Industrial Engineering
INSR - Insurance
INTB - International Business
ITAL - Italian
ITEC - Information Technology
LADE - Landscape Design
LATI - Latin
LING - Linguistics
MAEC - Managerial Economics
MAMS - Marketing and Sales
MAND - Mandarin
MASC - Marine Science
MATH - Mathematics
MDME - Marketing for Digital Media
MECN - Mechanical Engineering
MEDT - Medical Technology
MEEM - Medical Emergencies
MGOI - Management and Organizational Innovation
MICR - Microbiology
MISC-Reserve Officers Corps Military Sudies
MKTG - Marketing
MMAT - Materials Management
MOPR - Mobile Device Programming
MUBA - Music Business Management
MUED - Music Education
MUSI - Applied Music
MUSIC - Popular Music
NANO - Nanotechnology
NASC - Natural Science
NTEL - Networks and Telecommunications
NURS - Nursing
OCTH - Occupational Therapy
OMSY - Office Systems Administration
OPMS - Operations Management
OPST - Optical Science Technology
PHAR - Pharmacy Technician
PHIL - Philosophy
PHTH - Physical Therapy Assistant
PHYS - Physics
POLS - Political Science
PORT - Portuguese
PSYC - Psychology
PUAD - Public Administration
RATE - Radiological Technology
REAL - Real Estate
RELI - Religion
Renewable Energy Technology wth Photovoltaic Systems
RUSS - Russian
SBAD - Small Business Administration
SECU - Security
SOCI - Sociology
SONO - Medical Sonography
SOWO - Social Work
SPAN - Spanish
SPTH - Speech and Language Therapy
SRIM - Recreational and Sports Facilities Management
STAT - Statistics
THEA - Theater
TOXI - Toxicology
TURI - Tourism
VETC - Veterinary Technician
VGMA - Videogames and Mobile Applications
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Catálogo General 2023-2024
General Catalog 2023-2024
Graduate Catalog 2023-2024
Catálogo Graduado 2023-2024
Technical Certificate Programs Catalog 2023-2024
Catálogo Programa Certificados Técnicos 2023-2024
General Catalog 2024-2025
Graduate Catalog 2024-2025
Technical Certificate Programs Catalog 2024-2025
CHEM - Chemistry
CHEM 1000
Fundamentals of Applied Chemistry
CHEM 1111
General Chemistry I
CHEM 2110
General Chemistry for Health Sciences
CHEM 2115
General Chemistry for Engineers
CHEM 2120
Chemistry Applied to Agricultural Science
CHEM 2212
General Chemistry II
CHEM 2221
Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 2222
Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 2223
Development and Application of Didactic Materials in Chemistry
CHEM 2250
Chemistry and Soil Structure
CHEM 397_
Special Topics
CHEM 3000
Environmental Chemistry
CHEM 3010
Environmental Chemical Analysis
CHEM 3180
Chemical Literature and Information Retrieval
CHEM 3230
Structure Determination by Spectroscopic Analysis
CHEM 3320
Analytical Chemistry
CHEM 3350
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
CHEM 3351
Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
CHEM 3360
Food Chemistry
CHEM 3370
Green Chemistry
CHEM 3380
Introduction to Nanotechnology
CHEM 3390
Biotechnology for Chemists
CHEM 3400
Computation Laboratory and Its Applications to Chemistry
CHEM 3420
Environmental Analytical Chemistry
CHEM 3900
Research in Chemistry
CHEM 3910
Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics
CHEM 3920
Physical Chemistry: Quantum and Kinetic
CHEM 3955
Chemical Synthesis
CHEM 4000
Instrumental Analysis
CHEM 4003
Industrial Chemistry
CHEM 4070
General Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 4170
Separation Methods
CHEM 4180
Advanced Organic Chemistry
CHEM 4200
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 4220
CHEM 4221
Biochemistry II
CHEM 4230
Forensic Chemistry
CHEM 4240
Instrumental Analytical Chemistry
CHEM 4300
Research Methods in Biochemistry
CHEM 4320
Industrial Chemical Analysis
CHEM 4350
Chemistry of Materials
CHEM 4650
Chemical Kinetics
CHEM 4700
Agricultural Chemistry
CHEM 4750
Blue Chemistry
CHEM 4870
Process Validation
CHEM 4900
Chemical Assistance for Improving Crops
CHEM 4910
Industrial Practice
CHEM 4915
Practice in Industrial Chemistry
CHEM 4965
Senior Seminar
CHEM 4970
Industrial Chemistry Seminar
Oferta Académica
Ayudas Económicas
Vida Estudiantil
Capellanía Virtual
Desarrollo y Exalumnos
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Correo Electrónico
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