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Graduate Catalog 2021-2022
Graduate Catalog 2021-2022
MUSI - Music
> 5000
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Graduate Academic Offerings
Programs of Study: Masters-and-Doctoral-Programs-and-Professional-Certificates
ACCT - Accounting
ANES - Anesthesia
ARED - Art Education
ARTS - Fine Arts
ATSD - Autism
BADM - Business Administration
BIOL - Biology
BIOT - Biotechnology
BLED - Bilingual Education
BUED - Business and Entrepreneurial Education
BUSI - International Business Intelligence
CHEM - Chemistry
CJUS - Criminal Justice
COED - Cooperative Education
COIS - Open Information Computer Systems
COMP - Computer Science
COMU - Communication
CRIN - Crisis Intervention
CSNS - Computer Science in Networks and Security
CYSE - Cyber Security
DIAB - Education in Diabetes
DIMU - Instructional Design and Multimedia
DMEC Digital Marketing and Electronic Commerce
ECMP - Educational Computing
ECON - Economics
ECRE - Economic Crimes Research
EDUC - Education
ELEN - Electrical Engineering
ENGL - English
EVSC - Environmental Sciences
FACO - Family Counseling
FINA - Finance
GERO - Gerontology
GLLO - Global Logistics
GOVE - Government and Public Policy
HIST - History
HURS - Human Resources
IBAD - International Business Administration
INBS - International Business
INBU - Interregional and International Business
INSE - Information Security
ISCF - Information Security in Computer Forensics
LARE - Labor Relations
LIDE - Leadership and Instruction in Online Education
LING - Linguistics
LISC - Library and Information Sciences
MATH - Mathematics
MECN - Mechanical Engineering
MKGD - Marketing and Graphic Design
MKTG - Marketing
MOMI - Molecular Microbiology
MUED - Music Education
MUSI - Music
MUSI 5000
MUSI 5001
MUSI 5002
MUSI 5003
MUSI 5004
MUSI 5010
MUSI 5017
MUSI 5018
MUSI 5020
MUSI 5030
MUSI 5040
MUSI 5051
MUSI 5061
MUSI 5065
MUSI 5080
MUSI 5120
MUSI 5185
MUSI 5200
MUSI 5255
MUSI 5256
MUSI 5257
MUSI 5265
MUSI 5701
MUSI 5702
MUSI 5711
MUSI 5712
MUSI 5721
MUSI 5722
MUSI 5731
MUSI 5732
MUSI 5741
MUSI 5742
MUSI 5751
MUSI 5752
MUSI 5761
MUSI 5762
MUSI 5771
MUSI 5772
MUSI 5781
MUSI 5782
MUSI 5791
MUSI 5792
MUSI 5801
MUSI 5802
MUSI 5811
MUSI 5812
MUSI 5821
MUSI 5822
MUSI 5841
MUSI 5842
MUSI 5851
MUSI 5852
MUSI 5861
MUSI 5862
MUSI 5871
MUSI 5872
MUSI 5881
MUSI 5882
MUSI 5891
MUSI 5892
MUTE - Music Technology
NEUR - Educational Neuroscience
NURS - Nursing
OCLE - Organizational Change Leadership
PSYC - Psychology
PUHE - Public Health
QODS - Quality Organizational Design
RELI - Religious Education
REME - Research Methods
SEMI - International Business Administration
SLAR - Second Language Research
SMKT - Strategic Marketing
SNLI - Sign Language Interpretation
SOPM - Service Operations Management
SOWO - Social Work
SPAN - Spanish
SPLP - Speech-Language Pathology
TALO - Applied Technology in Operations and Global Logistics
THEO - Theology
TURI - Tourism
WSCN - Wound and Skin Care
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MUSI 5000
Compendium of Theory and Sight Reading
MUSI 5001
MUSI 5002
MUSI 5003
MUSI 5004
MUSI 5010
Compendium of History and Musical Literature
MUSI 5017
Complementary Instruments III
MUSI 5018
Complementary Instruments IV
MUSI 5020
Comparative History of Music
MUSI 5030
Theoretical and Sol-Fa Compendium
MUSI 5040
Advanced Theory and Harmony
MUSI 5051
Instrumental Literature
MUSI 5061
Vocal and Choral Literature
MUSI 5065
Popular Music
MUSI 5080
Orchestration and Arranging by Computer
MUSI 5120
MUSI 5185
Interpretation and Musical Analysis
MUSI 5200
MUSI 5255
Workshop in Applied Music I, II, III
MUSI 5256
Workshop in Applied Music I, II, III
MUSI 5257
Workshop in Applied Music I, II, III
MUSI 5265
Conducting and Literature
MUSI 5701
Applied Music - Flute
MUSI 5702
Applied Music - Flute
MUSI 5711
Applied Music - Oboe
MUSI 5712
Applied Music - Oboe
MUSI 5721
Applied Music - Clarinet
MUSI 5722
Applied Music - Clarinet
MUSI 5731
Applied Music - Bassoon
MUSI 5732
Applied Music - Bassoon
MUSI 5741
Applied Music - Saxophone
MUSI 5742
Applied Music - Saxophone
MUSI 5751
Applied Music - Trumpet
MUSI 5752
Applied Music - Trumpet
MUSI 5761
Applied Music - Horn
MUSI 5762
Applied Music - Horn
MUSI 5771
Applied Music - Trombone
MUSI 5772
Applied Music - Trombone
MUSI 5781
Applied Music - Euphonium
MUSI 5782
Applied Music - Euphonium
MUSI 5791
Applied Music - Tuba
MUSI 5792
Applied Music - Tuba
MUSI 5801
Applied Music - Percussion
MUSI 5802
Applied Music - Percussion
MUSI 5811
Applied Music - Piano
MUSI 5812
Applied Music - Piano
MUSI 5821
Applied Music - Organ
MUSI 5822
Applied Music - Organ
MUSI 5841
Applied Music - Voice
MUSI 5842
Applied Music - Voice
MUSI 5851
Applied Music - Violin
MUSI 5852
Applied Music - Violin
MUSI 5861
Applied Music - Viola
MUSI 5862
Applied Music - Viola
MUSI 5871
Applied Music - Cello
MUSI 5872
Applied Music - Cello
MUSI 5881
Applied Music - Contrabass
MUSI 5882
Applied Music - Contrabass
MUSI 5891
Applied Music - Guitar
MUSI 5892
Applied Music - Guitar
Oferta Académica
Ayudas Económicas
Vida Estudiantil
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