Graduate Catalog 2023-2024

Registration, Program Changes and Partial Withdrawal

Students will register on the day and time designated for this purpose. After registration, a designated period will be given on the Academic Calendar to make changes in program schedule, to add or drop courses or to change course sections.

  1. Program modifications during the period of changes:

    To add or drop a course or change a course section during the period of change designated on the Academic Calendar, the student should complete a change of program form. The student will then pay the fee set by the Business Office and will present the form to the Registrar’s Office to be processed.

  2. After the period of change of program has ended, a student will be able to drop one or more courses (partial withdrawal or total withdrawal). For partial withdrawal, the student will first consult the professor of the course and will present a completed partial withdrawal form to the Registrar’s Office. When the professor is not available, the director of the department will sign the partial withdrawal form. After dropping the course, the student will be able to continue attending the course with the instructor’s permission. For total withdrawal from the University, please consult the section “Withdrawal from the University” of this Catalog. A student who drops a course or completely withdraws from the University during the period designated on the academic calendar will receive a grade of W. The periods for partial or total withdrawal from courses will be:
    1. Semester: last day of class.
    2. Trimester: last day of class.
    3. Summer: last day of class.
  3. When a student stops attending a course, (see the definition of UW en the section of Administrative Action Symbols) and does not qualify for the grade of Incomplete or F, the professor will enter the symbol UW in the column “Grade” and will indicate the student’s last date of class attendance or the student’s last activity related to the course in the column “Last Attend Date”, following the format of the BANNER System: DD/MM/YYYY (day, month, year).
  4. All students, who have not attended class or participated in an academic activity related to the course during the first weeks of class, according to the stipulated date in the appropriate academic administrative calendar, will receive, from the professor, the administrative annotation AW. (Refer to the section Class Attendance of this Catalog).