Technical Certificate Programs Catalog 2023-2024

Goals of the Technical and Vocational Certificate Program

The Technical and Vocational Certificate Program is designed to offer short career program to young people and adults, to meet the existing demand for trained personnel in technical and high skills areas in banking, business, industry, government and for self-employment.

The goals of the Technical and Vocational Certificate Program are to:

  • Provide a technical education and with high skills that responds to the needs of a job market that is becoming more and more exigent.
  • Develop in students the skills and knowledge directly related to the profession they choose to serve the community.
  • Support students in the attainment of their academic, professional and work goals.
  • Promote the appropriate use of technological resources as continuous learning tools.
  • Provide students with experiences in real work scenarios, or by means of laboratories in order to bring them near to the world of work.
  • Foment in students the interest in their continuous professional development.
  • Develop in students the minimum entrepreneurial competencies that will allow them to consider self-employment as an alternative of professional development.

The Technical and Vocational Certificate Program promotes the retention of students by offering services and activities that support the achievement of their academic goals. In addition, it provides programs that foster the development of knowledge, skills, values and aptitudes that prepare students with the appropriate competencies to perform in society.