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Graduate Catalog 2025-2026
Graduate Catalog 2025-2026
EDUC - Education
> 6000
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Board of Trustees
Academic Administration of the University (Campuses and Central Office)
Faculty of the University
General Information
Admission to Master’s and Doctoral Programs
Online Education
Tuition, Fees and Other Charges
Student Financial Aid
Services Related to the Office of the Registrar
Support Services and Student Life
Study Modalities and Learning Experiences
International Student Mobility Program (ISMP)
Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements for Professional Certificates, Master’s and Doctoral Programs
Academic Norms for Master’s Programs and Professional Certificates
Academic Norms for Doctoral Programs
Graduation and Diplomas
Academic Norms of Compliance
Graduate Academic Offerings
Programs of Study: Masters-and-Doctoral-Programs-and-Professional-Certificates
ACCT - Accounting
ANES - Anesthesia
ARED - Art Education
ARTS - Fine Arts
ATSD - Autism
BADM - Business Administration
BIOL - Biology
BIOT - Biotechnology
BLED - Bilingual Education
BUED - Business and Entrepreneurial Education
BUSI - International Business Intelligence
CHEM - Chemistry
CJUS - Criminal Justice
COED - Cooperative Education
COIS - Open Information Computer Systems
COMP - Computer Science
COMU - Communication
CPSM - Mental Health Technician
CRIN - Crisis Intervention
CSNS - Computer Science in Networks and Security
CYSE - Cyber Security
DIAB - Education in Diabetes
DIMU - Instructional Design and Multimedia
DMEC Digital Marketing and Electronic Commerce
DNAP - Nursing Anesthesia
ECMP - Educational Computing
ECON - Economics
ECRE - Economic Crimes Research
EDUC - Education
EDUC 6000
EDUC 6001
EDUC 6004
EDUC 6013
EDUC 6024
EDUC 6035
EDUC 6043
EDUC 6044
EDUC 6045
EDUC 6046
EDUC 6047
EDUC 6048
EDUC 6049
EDUC 6050
EDUC 6053
EDUC 6054
EDUC 6055
EDUC 6056
EDUC 6057
EDUC 6058
EDUC 6059
EDUC 6060
EDUC 6061
EDUC 6063
EDUC 6066
EDUC 6068
EDUC 6079
EDUC 6090
EDUC 6091
EDUC 6092
EDUC 6093
EDUC 6094
EDUC 6095
EDUC 6096
EDUC 6096
EDUC 6113
EDUC 6124
EDUC 6143
EDUC 6210
EDUC 6220
EDUC 6230
EDUC 6240
EDUC 6270
EDUC 6281
EDUC 6282
EDUC 6300
EDUC 6310
EDUC 6320
EDUC 6340
EDUC 6345
EDUC 6360
EDUC 6380
EDUC 6420
EDUC 6451
EDUC 6452
EDUC 6455
EDUC 6457
EDUC 6460
EDUC 6470
EDUC 6472
EDUC 6480
EDUC 6580
EDUC 6601
EDUC 6602
EDUC 6603
EDUC 6605
EDUC 6610
EDUC 6615
EDUC 6620
EDUC 6850
EDUC 6861
EDUC 6862
EDUC 6900
EDUC 6912
EDUC 6914
EDUC 6915
EDUC 6917
EDUC 6918
EDUC 6919
EDUC 6923
EDUC 6931
EDUC 6932
EDUC 6933
EDUC 697_
EDUC 6990
ELEN - Electrical Engineering
ENGL - English
ENTR - Entrepreneurship
EVSC - Environmental Sciences
FACO - Family Counseling
FINA - Finance
GERO - Gerontology
GLIN - Loss and Grief Intervention
GLLO - Global Logistics
GOVE - Government and Public Policy
HCRM - Health Care Risk Management
HIST - History
HURS - Human Resources
IBAD - International Business Administration
INBS - International Business
INBU - Interregional and International Business
INSE - Information Security
ISCF - Information Security in Computer Forensics
LARE - Labor Relations
LIDE - Leadership and Instruction in Online Education
LING - Linguistics
LISC - Library and Information Sciences
MATH - Mathematics
MECN - Mechanical Engineering
MKGD - Marketing and Graphic Design
MKTG - Marketing
MOMI - Molecular Microbiology
MUED - Music Education
MUSI - Music
MUTE - Music Technology
NEUR - Educational Neuroscience
NURS - Nursing
OCLE - Organizational Change Leadership
ORSY - Organizational Systems
PGER - Psychogeriatrics
PSYC - Psychology
PUHE - Public Health
QODS - Quality Organizational Design
RELI - Religious Education
REME - Research Methods
SEMI - International Business Administration
SLAR - Second Language Research
SMKT - Strategic Marketing
SNLI - Sign Language Interpretation
SOPM - Service Operations Management
SOWO - Social Work
SPAN - Spanish
SPLP - Speech-Language Pathology
TALO - Applied Technology in Operations and Global Logistics
THEO - Theology
TURI - Tourism
WSCN - Wound and Skin Care
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EDUC 6000
Human Resources Management and Labor Relations in Educational Scenes
EDUC 6001
Fiscal Management
EDUC 6004
Information Systems in Educational Management
EDUC 6013
Organizational Behavior in Educational Institutions
EDUC 6024
Educational Measurement and Evaluation
EDUC 6035
Educational Planning
EDUC 6043
Population with Intellectual Impediments
EDUC 6044
Population with Specific Learning Problems
EDUC 6045
Population with Superior Intelligence and Talents
EDUC 6046
Curriculum Development
EDUC 6047
Nature and Needs of Handicapped Infants and Preschool Children
EDUC 6048
Assessment and Programming for Handicapped Infants and Preschool Children
EDUC 6049
Dealing with Behavioral Disorders
EDUC 6050
Current Issues in Interdisciplinary Special Education
EDUC 6053
Intervention with Families in Inclusive Environments
EDUC 6054
Assessment in Interdisciplinary Special Education
EDUC 6055
Seminar in Interdisciplinary Special Education
EDUC 6056
Curriculum Evaluation
EDUC 6057
Teaching Models and Strategies
EDUC 6058
Legal Foundations of Education
EDUC 6059
Design and Development of Interdisciplinary Special Curricula
EDUC 6060
Curriculum, Assessment and Intervention Methods for Special Students
EDUC 6061
Contemporary Methods in the Teaching of Sciences
EDUC 6063
Curricular Design and Evaluation in Education in Science
EDUC 6066
Technological Aid in Teaching Exceptional Students
EDUC 6068
Advanced Language and Reading
EDUC 6079
Instructional Leadership
EDUC 6090
Students with Autism
EDUC 6091
Psychosocial and Neurophysiological Aspects of Students with ASD
EDUC 6092
Methods of Multisensory and Multimodal Communication for Students with ASD
EDUC 6093
Behavior Management and Interventions for Students with ASD
EDUC 6094
Curriculum and Educational Methodologies for Students with ASD
EDUC 6095
Curriculum and Educational Methodologies for Students with ASD
EDUC 6096
Curricular Adaptation of Teaching Skills for the Student with ASD
EDUC 6096
Psychopedagogical evaluation for students with ASD
EDUC 6113
Educational Administration (PK - 6)
EDUC 6124
Educational Administration (7-12)
EDUC 6143
Transition Process and Employment in Special Education and Vocational Rehabilitation
EDUC 6210
Human Resources and Labor Relations
EDUC 6220
Human Development and Diversity Processes
EDUC 6230
Student Services
EDUC 6240
Techniques in Behavior Analysis
EDUC 6270
Evaluation and Design of Teaching for Exceptional Students
EDUC 6281
Supervised Practice I
EDUC 6282
Supervised Practice II
EDUC 6300
Strategies, Methods and Techniques for Teaching Reading and Writing to the Exceptional Population
EDUC 6310
Methodology in Teaching Mathematics
EDUC 6320
Strategies, Methods and Techniques for Teaching Mathematics to the Exceptional Population
EDUC 6340
Development of Language and Reading
EDUC 6345
Methods of Evaluation
EDUC 6360
The Family in the Education of Handicapped Children
EDUC 6380
Administration of Special Education Programs
EDUC 6420
Counseling for Life and Career Transition
EDUC 6451
Counseling Theories
EDUC 6452
Individual Counseling
EDUC 6455
Assessment of the Individual
EDUC 6457
Assessment and Evaluation in Counseling
EDUC 6460
Child and Adolescent Counseling
EDUC 6470
Group Counseling
EDUC 6472
Family Counseling and Consultation
EDUC 6480
Seminar: Contemporary Problems and Trends
EDUC 6580
Integration of Technology in Instructional Design
EDUC 6601
Virtual Learning Communities in Higher Education: Experience I
EDUC 6602
Virtual Learning Communities in Higher Education: Experience II
EDUC 6603
Virtual Learning Communities in Higher Education: Experience III
EDUC 6605
Current Problems and Controversies in the Higher Education in Latin America
EDUC 6610
Learning Theories and Teaching Models in Higher Education
EDUC 6615
Educational Technology in Higher Education
EDUC 6620
Planning and Educational Design in Higher Education
EDUC 6850
Seminar in Special Education
EDUC 6861
Field Study Seminar
EDUC 6862
Field Study Seminar
EDUC 6900
Thesis Seminar
EDUC 6912
Practicum in Counseling
EDUC 6914
EDUC 6915
Internship in Management and Educational Leadership
EDUC 6917
Internship in Higher Education
EDUC 6918
Internship in Counseling I
EDUC 6919
Internship in Counseling II
EDUC 6923
Internship in Administration and Supervision of Occupational Programs
EDUC 6931
Research or Application Project in the Area of Specialization I
EDUC 6932
Research or Application Project in the Area of Specialization II
EDUC 6933
Continuation of the Preparation of the Research or Application Project
EDUC 697_
Integrative seminar in education on autistic spectrum disorder
Integration Seminar: Educational Management and Leadership
EDUC 6990
Oferta Académica
Ayudas Económicas
Vida Estudiantil
Capellanía Virtual
Desarrollo y Exalumnos
Inter Web
Correo Electrónico
Solicita Admisión