Graduate Catalog 2024-2025


Inter American University has a variety of publications to facilitate communication within the University community, with alumni and with other academics and academic communities.

Interamericana is the official publication of Inter American University. It is published four times a year and its approximately 30,000 copies are distributed to students, faculty, administration, alumni and friends of the Institution. This publication covers activities from all instructional units and features special interviews and current events affecting education or the development of the Institution as well as general information regarding the faculty and administration.

Videoenlace Interactivo is a publication of the Vice-Presidency for Academic and Student Affairs and Systemic Planning. Its objective is to share the experiences of professors and students in the field of online learning. It serves as forum for dialog and the exchange of ideas in the use of technology in the educational process.

The Law Review, edited by students, is the official publication of the School of Law. Its articles are written by professors and students from the School of Law, judges and practicing lawyers. Because of the careful selection of its articles, the Law Review of Inter American University’s School of Law is highly esteemed in the field of law.

Homines is published by the Metropolitan Campus. It contains critical analyses of current thoughts and events relevant to national and international affairs in the vast field of the social sciences. It is published twice a year.

Prisma is published annually by the Arecibo Campus. It has an interdisciplinary focus for the purpose of fomenting research and literary creativity in the University community. Essays, critiques, poems and short stories are published.

Surisla is published annually by the Ponce Campus. It transmits the literary works of the University community as well as the extramural contributions through an interdisciplinary focus.