General Catalog 2021-2022

Cardio-Respiratory Care (AAS)

The Cardio-Respiratory Care Program has as its main goal the preparation of technicians and professionals in the area of cardio-respiratory care at the associate level. Through this Program the student will obtain the knowledge and skills necessary to provide comprehensive and high quality care to clients, relatives and community in different scenarios. The program aims to:

  1. Prepare a respiratory therapist with the knowledge and skills necessary to offer cardio-respiratory care in harmony with the exigencies of Law #24, which regulates respiratory care practice in Puerto Rico.
  2. Contribute to the support and maintenance of the integral health of the community served.
  3. Offer excellent care based on legal and ethical-moral values.

It is expected that students who decide to exit the program to work as Associate Degree therapists in Cardio-Respiratory Care will be able to:

  1. Develop and implement cardio-respiratory care to support, maintain and restore the respiratory health of patients with cardiopulmonary problems.
  2. Use established communication channels to administer respiratory therapy to patients in acute or critical condition according to the life cycle.
  3. Collaborate with other members of the health team to assist in the diagnosis, treatment, evaluation, control, rehabilitation and prevention in patients in order to offer quality care.
  4. Consider research findings in the respiratory field to justify the interventions.
  5. Have the knowledge and minimum skills to perform their role effectively when offering care to patients.
  6. Develop skills to handle the technological equipment when offering cardio-respiratory care in any scenario where they may offer their services.
  7. Comply with the provisions of the laws that regulate their practice and with the code of ethics to uphold the standards of honesty.

The Aguadilla and Barranquitas campuses are authorized to offer this Program.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

This program is designed to develop the competencies that will enable students to:


Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

  1. The elements of the natural and social sciences and of cardiorespiratory care related to the offering of health services to clients with respiratory problems.
  2. The respiratory care required in harmony with the diverse modalities of client care, the family and the community.
  3. The procedures and techniques to offer cardiorespiratory care.
  4. The pharmacological aspects of the medicines used in clients with cardiorespiratory problems.


  1. Apply the theoretical-scientific concepts and the psychomotor skills in the role as a technician of cardiorespiratory care in different scenarios.
  2. Apply the care modalities that they offer in the prevention, promotion, maintenance and restoration of the respiratory health phases of the client.
  3. Participate in the development of the care plan and select the equipment they are going to use in providing the client’s care.
  4. Use effective communication techniques during their interventions with the client, the family and the members of the multidisciplinary team.


  1. Assume responsibility for their personal and professional growth while considering technological, social, research and professional changes.
  2. Integrate moral values and the ethical, legal and spiritual principles when offering cardiorespiratory care.
  3. Show responsibility for their actions when performing their profession.

Admission Requirements

  1. Comply with all admission norms established in the General Catalog.
  2. To be a candidate for admission to the Program, students must have:
    1. a minimum average of 2.50.
    2. a negative Criminal Record issued within the last sent 30 days by the Police of Puerto Rico.
    3. a certificate of health with one year of validity issued by the Department of Health.
    4. a Vaccination Certificate against Hepatitis B and Chickenpox, among others, required by the Department of Health of Puerto Rico.
    5. a Negative Doping Test.

Requirements for Clinical Practice:

To be admitted to a clinical practice agency the requirements are:

  1. A negative criminal record issued within the last 30 days by the Police of Puerto Rico.
  2. A current health certificate issued by the Department of Health.
  3. A certificate of vaccination against Hepatitis B.

Some agencies and courses have additional requirements. Students are responsible for meeting any other requirement that may be required by the practice agency, such as a current CPR Certificate, Negative Doping Test, and a negative certificate of Culture of Nose and Throat, among others.

Internal and External Transfer Requirements

  1. Meet all admission norms for transfer students established in the General Catalog and those of the corresponding campus.
  2. Admission to the Program or to take courses of the major in combined registration for students of another campus of this University requires the previous authorization of both program directors.

Requirements for the Associate of Applied Science Degree in Cardio-Respiratory Care

General Education Requirements 24 credits
Major Requirements 52 credits
Total 76 credits

General Education Requirements - 24 credits

GESP Spanish - Select 6 credits from the GESP category


GEEN English - Select 6 credits from the GEEN category


GEP-GECF 1010Introduction to the Christian Faith


GEP-GEIC 1010Information and Computing Technologies


GEP-GEMA 1200Fundamentals of Algebra



GEP-GEHS 2010Historical Process of Contemporary Puerto Rico



GEP-GEEC 2000Entrepreneurial Culture


Major Requirements - 52 credits

CARD 1130Cardio-Respiratory Care I


CARD 1210Introduction to Theory and Practice in Cardio- Respiratory Care


CARD 1220Pharmacology Applied to Cardio-Respiratory Care


CARD 1231Cardio-Respiratory Care II


CARD 2110Cardio-Respiratory Pathophysiology


CARD 2120Diagnostic Tests and Pulmonary Function


CARD 2140Cardio-Respiratory Care Clinics and Rehabilitation


CARD 2190Integration of Fundamental Knowledge


CARD 2233Mechanical Ventilation


CARD 2234Practice in Mechanical Ventilation


CARD 2910Integrated Practice I


BIOL 1003Basic Biological Concepts


BIOL 2151Human Anatomy and Physiology I


BIOL 2152Human Anatomy and Physiology Ii


BIOL 2154Fundamentals of Microbiology


CHEM 2110General Chemistry for Health Sciences


PHYS 1013General Physics and its Applications