General Catalog 2021-2022

Photography (A)

The Associate Degree in Photography is designed to provide theoretical and practical preparation in photography. Graduates will be able to work as professionals in commercial areas of the photographic field.

The Bayamón Campus is authorized to offer this Program.

Goals of the program

  1. To train a professional photographer with a high ethical and aesthetic sense who dominates the field of photography.
  2. Develop a professional in the photography area with knowledge that will allow you to establish your own business.

Program objectives

  1. Create and manipulate digital images for professional photography.
  2. Master the use and management of the camera, lighting equipment and computer programs to manipulate photographs.
  3. Know the basic elements to develop a business model in the field of professional photography.
  4. Know the legal and ethical aspects of the field of professional photography.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

This Program is designed to develop the competencies that will enable students to:


  1. Demonstrate knowledge of the foundations of professional photography work.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of the equipment and the computer programs used in the field of photography.
  3. Recognize photography as a business option to put into practice the skills required in this professional field.


  1. Use the inherent vocabulary to the discipline of photography correctly.
  1. Integrate and apply the principles and foundations of both theory and practice in the field of photography in real situations in the world of work.
  2. Install and operate equipment related to the field of photography.
  3. Operate specialized computer programs used in the field of photography.


  1. Make responsible decisions taking into consideration the ethical and moral aspects of the profession.
  2. Recognize the necessity to stay updated in the technological advances in the field of photography.

Admission Requirements

  1. All students interested in this program must meet the Admission Requirements to Associate Degree Programs established in the General Catalog of the Inter American University of Puerto Rico.

Transfer and Intra University Transfers Requirements

  1. Meet the Admission Requirements for transfer students or intra university transfers established in the General Catalog of the University.
  2. Have a minimum average of 2.50 in the university of origin.

Retention Requirements

  1. Meet the Academic Progress Norms established in the General Catalog of the University.
  2. Pass the courses required for the major with the minimum grade of C.

Graduation Requirements

  1. Meet the Graduation Requirements established in the General Catalog of the University.
  2. Complete all the Program requirements.
  3. Obtain a minimum general average of 2.50.

Requirements for the Associate Degree in Photography

General Education Requirements 27 credits
Major Requirements 27 credits
Electives 6 credits
Total 60 credits

General Education Requirements - 27 credits

GESP Spanish - Select 6 credits from the GESP category


GEEN English - Select 6 credits from the GEEN category


GEP-GECF 1010Introduction to the Christian Faith


GEP-GEIC 1010Information and Computing Technologies


GEP-GEMA 1200Fundamentals of Algebra


GEP-GEPE 3010Art Appreciation



GEP-GEHS 2010Historical Process of Contemporary Puerto Rico



GEP-GEEC 2000Entrepreneurial Culture


Major Requirements - 27 credits

COMU 1025Introduction to Graphic Production


COMU 1031Photographic Techniques


COMU 1032Photography Business


COMU 1045Editorial Graphic Production


COMU 2610Illumination in Photography


COMU 2621Digital Photographic Manipulation


COMU 2622Advanced Photography


COMU 2970Seminar on New Trends in Photography


ENTR 2200Foundations of Entrepreneurship