General Catalog 2023-2024

Ultrasound Diagnostic (AAS)

Program description

The Associate Degree in Applied Sciences in Ultrasound Diagnostic will develop competent health professionals in the preparation of quality images that support the diagnosis and treatment of patients. It includes a base of scientific knowledge and based on concepts and principles of natural sciences and ultrasound skills in the areas of obstetrics, gynecology, abdominal and superficial parts. Through clinical experiences, the program develops skills in handling specialized equipment and highly advanced technology.

The Aguadilla Campus is authorized to offer this program.

Program Goals

  1. Contribute to the development of professionals with general skills in the field of ultrasound and imaging modalities.

  2. Promote the integration of research and use of advanced diagnostic ultrasound technology to improve practice.

  3. Promote ethical-legal practice and respect for diversity in Diagnostic Ultrasound professionals.

  4. Develop competent ultrasound technologists capable of complying with the regulations of their profession.

Program Objectives

  1. Train professionals in the concepts of structure and function of the organs of the human body.

  2. Apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills in their practice as diagnostic ultrasound technologists.

  3. Develop the necessary skills to perform functions and responsibilities within the standards of practice established for ultrasound technologists.

  4. Promote professional values and attributes so that they can exercise a high level of ethical-legal conduct with patients and other members of the interdisciplinary health team.

  5. Integrate research and technological advances into practice in a way that allows for a safer and more assertive diagnosis.

Competencies Profile of the Graduate

The Program is designed to develop the skills that allow the student to be prepared to work in various settings such as: general and specialized hospitals, medical offices, specialized clinics, diagnostic imaging centers, educational institutions, medical equipment companies and industries, among others.


  1. Recognize the most common pathologies and associated terminology.

  2. Recognize the procedures to be followed during a diagnostic ultrasound study.

  3. Recognize existing laws that protect patient rights, privacy, and patient confidentiality.


  1. Use established ultrasound techniques to obtain the best diagnostic study.

  2. Evaluate the quality of the images obtained according to the standards of the profession so that the doctor can use them in the diagnostic process.

  3. Effectively manage new technology ultrasound equipment, with its required care and maintenance.

  4. Write reports in accordance with the ultrasound quality protocol.


  1. Appreciate the importance of observing the regulations of the profession.

  2. Recognize the importance of communication, respect and empathy.

  3. Demonstrate ethical-legal behavior in performing diagnostic ultrasound studies.

Admission Requirements

All students who aspire to be admitted to the Associate Degree in Applied Sciences in Diagnostic Ultrasound must meet the following specific requirements:

  1. Be admitted to the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico, Aguadilla Campus.

  2. Submit completed application for admission.

  3. Submit official and updated transcript of recent study credits.

  4. Have a GPA of 2.50 or higher.

  5. You must present:

    1. Two (2) 2x2 photos

    2. Health certificate

    3. Evidence Hepatitis B, Varicella and Influenza Vaccines.

    4. Negative Criminal Record Certificate

Each of these pieces of evidence must be presented prior to starting the second semester of the first year of the program and must be valid for 6 months at the beginning of each semester. This applies to all students enrolled in the Program. The student is responsible for complying with any other requirement requested or required by the agencies or clinical affiliations that serve as practice centers for the Program.

The student must comply with those non-academic requirements related to the fulfillment of the essential functions of the discipline. These appear in section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Therefore, given the job requirements and functions of the ultrasound technologist, the student must be aware that he will occasionally have to lift and move heavy objects. All students with a history of physical limitations will be advised to consult with their doctor prior to enrollment.

Student program retention Requirements

  1. Comply with the Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards established in the current General Catalog of the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico.

  2. The student will attend their practice center or clinical affiliation as scheduled by the coordinators and director of the program.

  3. If a student obtains a grade below C on two occasions in the same course or in two concentration courses, they will be submitted to a probationary period of no more than one academic year. The student, who, during the probationary period, does not reach the minimum grade of C required or was suspended for punishable conduct will not continue in the Program and may choose to apply for admission to another study program.

  4. The student who has three (3) or more days of absence per semester in a clinical practice course, without a reasonable justification, leads to the withdrawal of this.

  5. They must meet all the requirements of the Practice Center to enroll in the USDX 2017 Practice in Ultrasound I, USDX 2021 Practice in Ultrasound II, USDX 2031 Practice in Ultrasound Ill and USDX 2140 Integrative Workshop courses.

Graduation Requirements

To complete the Associate Degree in Applied Sciences in Ultrasound Diagnostic, the candidate must meet the requirements at the lnter-American University.

  1. Comply with all the norms and graduation requirements for the associate degree established in the General Catalog of the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico.

  2. Pass all the academic requirements of the General Education Program and those specific to the associate degree in Applied Sciences in Diagnostic Ultrasound.

  3. Obtain a general academic index no less than 2.50 and concentration no less than 2.00 points.

  4. Obtain a minimum grade of B in the concentration practice courses USDX 2017 Practice in Ultrasound I, USDX 2021 Practice in Ultrasound II, USDX 2031 Practice in Ultrasound Ill and USDX 2140 Integrative Workshop.


General Education Program Requirements 24 credits
 Major Requirements 43 credits
Total 67 credits



General Education Requirements - 24 credits

GESP Spanish - Select 6 credits from the GESP category


GEEN English - Select 6 credits from the GEEN category


GEP-GEMA 1200Fundamentals of Algebra


GEP-GECF 1010Introduction to the Christian Faith


GEP-GEIC 1010Information and Computing Technologies


GEP-GEEC 2000Entrepreneurial Culture


GEP-GEHS 2010Historical Process of Contemporary Puerto Rico


Major Requirements - 43 credits

USDX 1000Introduction to the Principles and Protocols of Diagnostic Ultrasound


USDX 1010Anatomy and Physiology in Ultrasound


USDX 1110Patient Care in Diagnostic Ultrasound


USDX 2010Basic Physics in Diagnostic Ultrasound


USDX 2011Intermediate Physics in Diagnostic Ultrasound


USDX 2015Abdomen and Pelvis Ultrasound Procedure and Evaluation


USDX 2016Abdomino-Pelvic Pathology


USDX 2017Practice in Ultrasound I


USDX 2020Pathology in Obstetrics and Gynecology


USDX 2022Ultrasound Procedure and Evaluation in Obstetrics and Gynecology


USDX 2030Procedure and Evaluation of Ultrasound in Superficial Anatomy


USDX 2031Practice in Ultrasound III


USDX 2032Pathology in Superficial Anatomy


USDX 2040Integrating Workshop