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Graduate Catalog 2023-2024
Graduate Catalog 2023-2024
> PSYC - Psychology
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Programs of Study: Masters-and-Doctoral-Programs-and-Professional-Certificates
ACCT - Accounting
ANES - Anesthesia
ARED - Art Education
ARTS - Fine Arts
ATSD - Autism
BADM - Business Administration
BIOL - Biology
BIOT - Biotechnology
BLED - Bilingual Education
BUED - Business and Entrepreneurial Education
BUSI - International Business Intelligence
CHEM - Chemistry
CJUS - Criminal Justice
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COIS - Open Information Computer Systems
COMP - Computer Science
COMU - Communication
CPSM - Mental Health Technician
CRIN - Crisis Intervention
CSNS - Computer Science in Networks and Security
CYSE - Cyber Security
DIAB - Education in Diabetes
DIMU - Instructional Design and Multimedia
DMEC Digital Marketing and Electronic Commerce
DNAP - Nursing Anesthesia
ECMP - Educational Computing
ECON - Economics
ECRE - Economic Crimes Research
EDUC - Education
ELEN - Electrical Engineering
ENGL - English
ENTR - Entrepreneurship
EVSC - Environmental Sciences
FACO - Family Counseling
FINA - Finance
GERO - Gerontology
GLIN - Loss and Grief Intervention
GLLO - Global Logistics
GOVE - Government and Public Policy
HCRM - Health Care Risk Management
HIST - History
HURS - Human Resources
IBAD - International Business Administration
INBS - International Business
INBU - Interregional and International Business
INSE - Information Security
ISCF - Information Security in Computer Forensics
LARE - Labor Relations
LIDE - Leadership and Instruction in Online Education
LING - Linguistics
LISC - Library and Information Sciences
MATH - Mathematics
MECN - Mechanical Engineering
MKGD - Marketing and Graphic Design
MKTG - Marketing
MOMI - Molecular Microbiology
MUED - Music Education
MUSI - Music
MUTE - Music Technology
NEUR - Educational Neuroscience
NURS - Nursing
OCLE - Organizational Change Leadership
ORSY - Organizational Systems
PGER - Psychogeriatrics
PSYC - Psychology
PUHE - Public Health
QODS - Quality Organizational Design
RELI - Religious Education
REME - Research Methods
SEMI - International Business Administration
SLAR - Second Language Research
SMKT - Strategic Marketing
SNLI - Sign Language Interpretation
SOPM - Service Operations Management
SOWO - Social Work
SPAN - Spanish
SPLP - Speech-Language Pathology
TALO - Applied Technology in Operations and Global Logistics
THEO - Theology
TURI - Tourism
WSCN - Wound and Skin Care
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PSYC - Psychology
PSYC 597_
Special Topics
PSYC 5015
History and Systems of Psychology
PSYC 5030
Ethics and Legal Aspects of Psychology
PSYC 5033
Interview Processes and Techniques
PSYC 5040
Biological Basis of Behavior
PSYC 5050
Development Throughout the Life Cycle
PSYC 5060
Psychology of Personality
PSYC 5100
Cognitive and Affective Basis of Behavior
PSYC 5150
Statistics Applied to Psychology
PSYC 5170
Measurement and Test Construction
PSYC 5200
Social and Multicultural Basis of Behavior
PSYC 5220
Research Methods
PSYC 5231
Psychological Measurement I
PSYC 5232
Psychological Measurement II
PSYC 5280
Roles and Functions of the School Psychologist
PSYC 5285
Psychological Counseling
PSYC 5286
Psychological Counseling and Career Assessment
PSYC 5287
Practicum in Psychological Counseling and Career Assessment
PSYC 5296
School Consultation, Collaboration, and Organization
PSYC 5297
Practicum in School Consulting, Collaboration, and Organization
Supervised Practice in Psychological Counseling I
Supervised Practice in Psychological Counseling II
Supervised Practice in Psychological Counseling III
Advanced Integration Seminar
PSYC 6000
Theoretical Foundations of Family Therapy
PSYC 6005
Family Psychopathology
PSYC 6010
Counseling Techniques and Individual, Group, and Family Psychotherapy
PSYC 6015
The Nontraditional Family
PSYC 6020
Intervention with Families in Crisis
PSYC 6050
Intervention Models and Techniques I
PSYC 6051
Intervention Models and Techniques II
PSYC 6090
Psychopathology Throughout the Life Cycle
PSYC 6110
Psychological and Learning Problems in Children and Adolescents
PSYC 6113
Counseling and Psychotherapy Models
PSYC 6114
Counseling and Psychotherapy Techniques
PSYC 6214
Intervention and Psychotherapy Models with Children and Adolescents
PSYC 6216
Psychoeducational Evaluation and Intervention
PSYC 6255
Cognitive Assessment
PSYC 6265
Personality Assessment
PSYC 6275
Models of Individual Psychotherapy Based on Evidence
PSYC 6276
Practicum in Models and Individual Psychotherapy Based on Evidence
PSYC 6280
Systemic Models Based on Evidence
PSYC 6281
Practicum in Systemic Models Based on Evidence
PSYC 6285
Intervention and Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents
PSYC 6286
Practicum in Intervention and Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents
PSYC 6290
Group Psychotherapy
PSYC 6291
Practicum in Group Psychotherapy
PSYC 6302
Organizational Psychology in Personal and Human Capital Processes
PSYC 6307
Organizational Quality, Improvement, and Excellence
PSYC 6309
Appreciative Inquiry into the Organizational Processes and Transformation
PSYC 6310
Training Design
PSYC 6314
Psychological Evaluation in the Organizational Environment
PSYC 6315
Psychological Professional Consulting
PSYC 6370
Psychopathology in the Work Scenario
PSYC 6371
Psychology of Health and Occupational Well-Being
PSYC 6410
Practice in Interview Processes and Techniques
PSYC 6421
Practice in Advanced Statistics
PSYC 6422
Practice in Psychology Research
PSYC 6428
Practicum in Psychoeducational Evaluation and Intervention
PSYC 6914
Practicum in Cognitive Assessment
PSYC 6915
Practicum in Personality Assessment
PSYC 6925
Practice in Psychological Research
PSYC 6930
Practice I: Personal and Professional Development in Psychology
PSYC 6931
Practice II: Psychological Counseling
PSYC 6932
Practice III: Psychological Counseling
PSYC 6933
Practice I: Personal and Professional Development
PSYC 6934
Practice II: Psychological Counseling
PSYC 6935
Practice III: Psychological Counseling
PSYC 6936
Practice IV: Psychological Counseling
PSYC 6938
PSYC 6941
Practice II: School Psychology
PSYC 6942
Practice III: School Psychology
PSYC 6944
Practice II: School Psychology
PSYC 6945
Practice III: School Psychology
PSYC 6946
Practice IV: School Psychology
PSYC 6947
PSYC 6953
Practice I: Organizational and Work Psychology
PSYC 6954
Practice II: Organizational and Work Psychology
PSYC 6955
Practice III: Organizational and Work Psychology
PSYC 6983
Seminar on Psychological Research
PSYC 6985
Research in Organizational and Work Psychology
PSYC 6989
Internship in School Psychology
PSYC 6990
PSYC 7005
Professional Standards in Clinical/School Psychology
PSYC 7010
Human Diversity
PSYC 7015
Professional Standards in Clinical/Counseling Psychology
PSYC 7020
PSYC 7030
Quantitative Research
PSYC 7035
Correlation and Regression
PSYC 7040
Qualitative Research
PSYC 7045
Analysis of Qualitative Data
PSYC 7050
Design and Evaluation of Psychological Programs and Services
PSYC 7060
Neuroscience of Cognoscitive, Affective, and Development Processes
PSYC 7970
Special Topics
PSYC 7971
Advanced Research Seminar
PSYC 8210
Adulthood: Psychological Perspectives
PSYC 8220
Psychotherapeutic Intervention with Families
PSYC 8230
Evaluation and Intervention in Populations with Special Conditions
PSYC 8240
Seminar in Psychological Evaluation
PSYC 8250
Psychotherapeutic Intervention with Couples
PSYC 8260
Seminar: Handling High Risk Psychological Cases
PSYC 8270
Group Psychotherapy
PSYC 8280
Alternative and Complementary Therapies
PSYC 8310
Professional Standards in School Psychology
PSYC 8320
School Organization and Operation
PSYC 8325
Vocational Counseling and Evaluation of Careers
PSYC 8330
Psychological Evaluation and Intervention with Infants and Preschool Children
PSYC 8340
Neuropsychological Evaluation
PSYC 8415
Design and Organizational Transformation
PSYC 8425
Measurement in Industrial Psychology
PSYC 8430
Seminar in Industrial/Organizational Psychology
PSYC 8445
Decision Making and Conflict Management
PSYC 8455
Management of Knowledge in the Organization
PSYC 8465
Development of Highly Effective Work Teams
PSYC 8490
Analysis of Organizational Environments
PSYC 8515
Professional Consulting
PSYC 8610
Family Therapy
PSYC 8620
Psychological Interventions in Schools
PSYC 8630
Objective Evaluation of Personality
PSYC 8640
Couples Therapy
PSYC 8650
Clinical Psychopharmacology
PSYC 8660
Clinical Supervision and Consultancy
PSYC 8710
Intervention in Crisis
PSYC 8715
Projective Evaluation of Personality: Rorschach
PSYC 8720
Substance Abuse
PSYC 8730
Evaluation of Allegations of Sexual Abuse
PSYC 8740
Trauma: Psychological Perspective
PSYC 8750
Intervention with Women Victims of Violence
PSYC 8760
Spirituality in Counseling Psychology
PSYC 8770
Alternatives and Complementary Therapies
PSYC 8780
Infantile Psychoanalysis
PSYC 8795
Psychology of Health
PSYC 8912
Practicum in the Design and Evaluation of Psychological Programs and Services
PSYC 8913
Practice in Evaluation and Interventions in Populations with Special Conditions
PSYC 8914
Practicum in Psychological Evaluation and Intervention with Infants and Preschool Children
PSYC 8915
Practice in Neuropsychological Evaluation
PSYC 8916
Practice in Industrial/Organizational Psychology I
PSYC 8917
PSYC 8918
Practice in Industrial/Organizational Psychology II
PSYC 8919
Practicum in Family Therapy
PSYC 8921
Practicum in Objective Evaluation of Personality
PSYC 8922
Practicum in Couples Therapy
PSYC 8923
Practicum in Clinical Supervision and Consultancy
PSYC 8975
Integrated Practice in Clinical/Counseling Psychology I
PSYC 8976
Integrated Practice in Clinical/Counseling Psychology II
PSYC 8977
Integrated Practice in Clinical/Counseling Psychology III
PSYC 8978
Integrated Practice in Clinical/Counseling Psychology IV
PSYC 8985
Integrated Practice in Clinical/School Psychology I
PSYC 8986
Integrated Practice in Clinical/School Psychology II
PSYC 8987
Integrated Practice in Clinical/School Psychology III
PSYC 8988
Integrated Practice in Clinical/School Psychology IV
PSYC 8990A
PSYC 8990B
PSYC 8991
Dissertation A
PSYC 8992
Dissertation B - Continuation of Dissertation
Oferta Académica
Ayudas Económicas
Vida Estudiantil
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Correo Electrónico
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