General Catalog 2024-2025

Admission to the University

All students to be admitted must present a valid document that proves their identity, for the purposes of compliance with the law and applicable regulations. Students admitted, domiciled in Puerto Rico or in a state or territory of the United States, may present for this purpose, any valid document recognized at their domicile for personal identification purposes.

Any student admitted to a fully online distance program domiciled outside the United States, may present for this purpose, any valid document recognized in their country of origin for personal identification purposes.

A valid document refers to, but is not limited to, passport, driver's license, national identification document, virtual or digital identification or provisional means of identification, among others.

Admission to the University does not imply being admitted to a particular study program. This is valid for the academic term in which it is granted. However, the validity of the admission may be extended, at the request of the applicant, for an additional period of no more than one academic term.