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General Catalog 2025-2026
General Catalog 2025-2026
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Academic Administration of the University (Campuses and Central Office)
Faculty of the University
General Information
Admission to the University
Honors Program
Services Program for Adult Students (AVANCE)
Online Education
Tuition, Fees and Other Charges
Institutional Policies and Procedures of Return of Funds Applicable to Students with a Total Withdrawal
Student Financial Aid
Norms and Services Related to the Office of the Registrar
Academic Recognitions
Support Services and Student Life
Study Modalities and Learning Experiences
International Student Mobility Program (ISMP)
Satisfactory Academic Progress Norm: Undergraduate Programs
Graduation, Honors and Diplomas
Academic Norms of Compliance
Undergraduate Academic Offerings
General Education Program
Programs of Study: Undergraduate (Associate and Bachelor’s) Degrees
ACCT - Accounting
ACHA - Archeology
ADEV - Applications Development
AEST-Reserve Officers Corps Aerospace Studies
AGRO - Agronomy
ANTH - Anthropology
ARAB - Arabic
ARED - Art Education
AREN - Architectural Engineering
ARTS - Fine Arts
AUDI - Auditing
AWSC - Airway Science
BADM - Business Administration
BELI - Integral Beauty
BIIN - Bioinformatics
BIOL - Biology
BIOT - Biotechnology
BIPS - Biopsychology
BMSC - Biomedical Sciences
CARD - Cardio-Respiratory Care
CHAP - Institutional Chaplaincy
CHEM - Chemistry
CJUS - Criminal Justice
COED - Cooperative Education
COEN - Computer Engineering
COMF - Computer Forensics
COMP - Computer Science
COMU - Communications
COTN - Computer Technology and Networks
CRIM - Criminology
CTMR - Computerized Tomography and Magnetic Resonance
CYBE - Cyber Crimes
DANC - Contemporary Dance
DGDM - Digital Graphic Design and Multimedia
DSGN - Design
ECMP - Educational Computing
ECOM - Electronic Commerce
EDUC - Education
ELEC - Electronic Engineering Technology
ELEN - Electrical Engineering
ENDE - Entrepreneurial Development
ENGL - English
ENGR - Engineering
ENTR - Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development
EVSC - Environmental Science
EVTH - Environmental Technology
FINA - Finance
FORS - Forensic Science
FREN - French
FSMT - Restaurant and Food Services Administration
GAME - Design and Development of Videogames
GASC - Culinary and Gastronomic Services
GEOG - Geography
GEP-GECF - General Education Program - Christian Thinking
GEP-GEEC - General Education Program - Entrepreneurial Culture
GEP-GEEN - General Education Program - English
GEP-GEHP - General Education Program - Health and Quality of Life
GEP-GEHS - General Education Program - Historical and Social Context
GEP-GEIC - General Education Program - Information and Computing
GEP-GEMA - General Education Program - Mathematics
GEP-GEPE - General Education Program - Philosophical and Aesthetic Thought
GEP-GESP - General Education Program - Spanish
GEP-GEST - General Education Program - Scientific and Technological Context
GERM - German
GERO - Gerontology
HCAD - Health Services Adminiatration
HESC - Health Science
HIST - History
HMGT - Restaurant and Food Services Administration
HPER - Health Physical Education and Recreation
HUMA - Humanities
HUSE - Psychosocial Human Services
HRMA - Human Resources Management
HRMT - Hotel and Restaurant Manager
INEN - Industrial Engineering
INSR - Insurance
INTB - International Business
ITAL - Italian
ITEC - Information Technology
LADE - Landscape Design
LATI - Latin
LING - Linguistics
MAEC - Managerial Economics
MAMS - Marketing and Sales
MAND - Mandarin
MASC - Marine Science
MATH - Mathematics
MDME - Marketing for Digital Media
MECN - Mechanical Engineering
MEDT - Medical Technology
MEEM - Medical Emergencies
MGOI - Management and Organizational Innovation
MICR - Microbiology
MISC-Reserve Officers Corps Military Sudies
MKTG - Marketing
MMAT - Materials Management
MOPR - Mobile Device Programming
MUBA - Music Business Management
MUED - Music Education
MUSI - Applied Music
MUSIC - Popular Music
NANO - Nanotechnology
NASC - Natural Science
NTEL - Networks and Telecommunications
NURS - Nursing
OCTH - Occupational Therapy
OMSY - Office Systems Administration
OPMS - Operations Management
OPST - Optical Science Technology
PHAR - Pharmacy Technician
PHIL - Philosophy
PHTH - Physical Therapy Assistant
PHYS - Physics
POLS - Political Science
PORT - Portuguese
PSYC - Psychology
PUAD - Public Administration
RATE - Radiological Technology
REAL - Real Estate
RELI - Religion
Renewable Energy Technology wth Photovoltaic Systems
RUSS - Russian
SBAD - Small Business Administration
SECU - Security
SOCI - Sociology
SONO - Medical Sonography
SOWO - Social Work
SPAN - Spanish
SPTH - Speech and Language Therapy
SRIM - Recreational and Sports Facilities Management
STAT - Statistics
THEA - Theater
TOXI - Toxicology
TURI - Tourism
VETC - Veterinary Technician
VGMA - Videogames and Mobile Applications
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ACCT 1161
Introduction to Financial Accounting
ACCT 1162
Introduction to Managerial Accounting
ACCT 3020
Managemental Accounting for CPA Candidates
ACCT 3030
Computerized Systems Applied to Accounting
ACCT 3041
Puerto Rico Tax System for Individuals
ACCT 3042
Tax System of Puerto Rico For Corporations, Partnerships and Other Entities
ACCT 3055
Cost Accounting I
ACCT 3061
Intermediate Accounting I
ACCT 3062
Intermediate Accounting Ii
ACCT 3063
Intermediate Accounting Iii
ACCT 3085
Federal Taxes for Individuals
ACCT 3086
Federal Taxes for Corporations, Partnerships and Other Entities
ACCT 3095
Business Ethics
ACCT 3100
Special and Current Topics in Financial Accounting
ACCT 3460
Accounting for Non Profit Organizations
ACCT 3480
Accounting for Business Combinations and Partnerships
ACCT 4010
Auditing and Ethics for Accountants
ACCT 4011
Planning and Execution of The Audit
ACCT 4012
Norms in The Preparation Of Audit Reports And Verification
ACCT 4015
Forensic Accounting
ACCT 4020
Business Law for CPA Candidates
ACCT 4912
Accounting Internship
ACCT 4980
Research in Accounting
ACHA 3501
Archaeological Materials I
ACHA 3502
Archaeological Materials II
ACHA 4000
Cultural Resources management and Public Archeology
ACHA 4010
Field Archeology
ADEV 2500
Introduction to Cloud Network Management
ADEV 397_
Special Topics
ADEV 3070
Information Systems Project Management
ADEV 3500
Decision Support System
ADEV 3850
Customer Relationship Software (CRM) Administration
ADEV 4504
Capstone Project
AEST 3001
The Air Force Today
AEST 3002
The Air Force Today
AEST 3011
The Air Force Way
AEST 3012
The Air Force Way
AEST 4001
Air Force Leadership and Management
AEST 4002
Air Force Leadership and Management
AEST 4011
Preparation for Active Duty
AEST 4012
Preparation for Active Duty
AGRO 1100
AGRO 1120
AGRO 2200
Agricultural Health and Safety
AGRO 2211
Crop Production I
AGRO 2212
Crop Production II
AGRO 2220
New Agricultural Trends
AGRO 2230
Animal Production I
AGRO 2231
Animal Production II
AGRO 2240
Agricultural Waste
AGRO 2250
Agricultural Enterprise
AGRO 2910
Practice in Agricultural Technology
AGRO 3010
Agricultural Machinery and Mechanization
AGRO 3015
Agrobusiness Management
AGRO 3020
Agricultural Biotechnology
AGRO 3025
Challenges Due to Climate Change
AGRO 3030
Animal Welfare
AGRO 3032
Food and Animal Nutrition
AGRO 3035
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
AGRO 4010
Soil and Water Conservation
AGRO 4015
Pasture and Forage Management
AGRO 4020
Project Design and Evaluation
AGRO 4025
Agricultural Marketing
AGRO 4030
Research in Agricultural Science
AGRO 4040
Analysis of Soil, Plant Tissue and Water
AGRO 4910
Practice in Agricultural Science
ANTH 1040
Introduction to Anthropology
ANTH 2030
Social Anthropology
ANTH 2040
Culture and Environment
ANTH 2060
Language and Culture
ANTH 3000
World Prehistory
ANTH 3010
Ethnography and Ethnology
ANTH 3020
Anthropology and Religion
ANTH 3050
Studies of Popular Culture
ANTH 3500
ANTH 3600
Physical Anthropology and Human Evolution
ANTH 4020
Health Anthropology
ANTH 4400
Cultural Change
ANTH 4700
Cultures of The Caribbean
ARAB 1001
Basic Arabic I
ARAB 1002
Basic Arabic II
ARAB 2021
Intermediate Arabic I
ARAB 2022
Intermediate Arabic II
ARED 1080
Field Experiences in the Teaching of Arts I
ARED 2000
Theory and Fundamentals of the Teaching of the Arts
ARED 2060
Integration of Technology in the Teaching of the Arts
ARED 2080
Field Experiences in the Teaching of Arts II
ARED 3016
Assessment Strategies in the Teaching of Fine Arts
ARED 3080
Clinical Experiences in the Teaching of Fine Arts I
ARED 3860
Methods in the Teaching of Fine Arts in the Elementary and Secondary School
ARED 4902
Research in the Teaching of Fine Arts
ARED 4913
Clinical Experiences in the Teaching of Fine Arts II
AREN 1100
Architecture and Building Technology
AREN 2220
Architectural Engineering Graphics
AREN 3020
Architectural Engineering Materials
AREN 3025
Architectural Engineering Materials Laboratory
AREN 3110
Structural Analysis
AREN 497_
Special Topics
AREN 4021
Construction Engineering I
AREN 4022
Construction Engineering II
AREN 4110
Computational Structural Analysis
AREN 4120
Structural Dynamics
AREN 4200
Design of Concrete Structures
AREN 4210
Design of Steel Structures
AREN 4220
Soil Mechanics and Foundations
AREN 4230
Fire Protection Systems
AREN 4240
Elevators and Electrical Escalators
AREN 4250
Illumination Systems
AREN 4810
Design Project in Architectural Engineering
AREN 4910
Practice in Architectural Engineering
AREN 4921
Undergraduate Research in Architectural Engineering I
AREN 4922
Undergraduate Research in Architectural Engineering Ii
AREN 4930
EIT Exam Seminar
ARTS 1100
Color Theory
ARTS 1102
Technical Foundations and Drawing Practice
ARTS 1104
ARTS 1106
Three-Dimensional Design
ARTS 1150
Philosophy of Art
ARTS 1200
Introduction to Graphic Design
ARTS 1220
Electronic Image
ARTS 1300
Introduction to Pottery
ARTS 1400
Basic Photography
ARTS 1420
Typography Design
ARTS 1430
Design for Printed Publication And Electronic Distribution
ARTS 1541
Digital Photography
ARTS 1600
Evolution of The Graphic Design
ARTS 2060
Drawing in Fluid Media
ARTS 2062
Color Drawing
ARTS 2040
ARTS 2061
Drawing on Abrasive Media
ARTS 2100
Designs in Native Materials
ARTS 2104
Historical Concepts of Puerto Rican Design
ARTS 2105
Designs in Manufactured Materials
ARTS 2111
Graphic Design Applied to Internet
ARTS 2140
Drawing I
ARTS 2250
Painting I
ARTS 2252
Painting: Color Investigations
ARTS 2260
Relief Sculpture
ARTS 2300
Functional Pottery
ARTS 2306
History of Photography
ARTS 2331
Design of Interactive Projects, Multimedia and Mobile Apps
ARTS 2355
Introduction to The Graphic Arts
ARTS 2403
History of Art
ARTS 2406
Art Masterpieces
ARTS 2521
Three-Dimensional Design
ARTS 2540
Video and Digital Sound
ARTS 2541
Special Effects for Digital Video
ARTS 2600
Black and White Photography
ARTS 2700
Multiple Techniques
ARTS 2911
Supervised Experience in Graphic Arts
ARTS 3000
Ethics in Graphic Design
ARTS 3004
Arts of The Book
ARTS 3105
Metal Jewelry
ARTS 3150
Drawing II - Figure
ARTS 3210
Painting II
ARTS 3212
Figure Painting
ARTS 3250
Wood Carving Sculpture
ARTS 3303
Sculptural Ceramics
ARTS 3305
Figurative Ceramics
ARTS 3351
Serigraphy I
ARTS 3352
Serigraphy II
ARTS 3355
Linoleum and Wood Engraving Techniques
ARTS 3360
Art and Technology
ARTS 3400
Photography III
ARTS 3403
History of Modern and Contemporary Art
ARTS 3407
Gender, Representation and the Visual Arts
ARTS 3410
ARTS 3415
History of Latin American And Caribbean Art
ARTS 3420
Typography Design Ii
ARTS 3450
Color Photography
ARTS 3600
Poster Design
ARTS 3660
Documentary or Social Photography
ARTS 3662
Figure Photography
ARTS 3405
History of Puerto Rican Art
ARTS 4000
Corporate Identity Design
ARTS 4010
Engraving and The Image
ARTS 4100
ARTS 4150
Advanced Drawing
ARTS 4202
ARTS 4210
Mural Painting
ARTS 4251
ARTS 4252
Experimental Painting
ARTS 4253
Sculpture III
ARTS 4254
Metal Sculpture
ARTS 4255
Painting III
ARTS 4256
Sculpture - The Human Figure
ARTS 4260
Advanced Painting
ARTS 4303
Clays and Glazes
ARTS 4350
Intaglio Techniques
ARTS 4352
Layout Design
ARTS 4353
ARTS 4355
Photo Serigraphy
ARTS 4360
Digital Art
ARTS 4365
Computerized Graphic Design
ARTS 4453
Specialized Photography
ARTS 4600
Large Format Photography
ARTS 4602
Alternate Processes in Photography
ARTS 4860
Packaging Design
ARTS 4911
Supervised Practice
ARTS 4920
Graphic Design for Display and Environmental Works
AUDI 2195
Governmental Regulations in Business
AUDI 3090
Fundamentals of Internal Auditing
AUDI 3091
Fundamentals of Internal Auditing
AUDI 3092
Internal Auditing Administration
AUDI 3190
Auditing of Information Systems
AUDI 3193
Information Systems Intervention
AUDI 4194
Report Writing in Auditing
AUDI 4195
Investigation of Fraud
AWSC 2000
Introduction to Aeronautics and Space
AWSC 2020
Aviation Fundamentals
AWSC 2115
Private Pilot Theory
AWSC 2116
Private Pilot Flight Laboratory
AWSC 2117
Private Pilot
AWSC 2130
English Proficiency for Aviation Professionals
AWSC 2300
Airline Passenger Services
AWSC 3155
Instrument Rating
AWSC 3160
Commercial Pilot
AWSC 3300
Aviation Law
AWSC 3411
Principles of Air Traffic Control
AWSC 3600
Aviation Safety and Security
AWSC 4000
Airport Development and Operations
AWSC 4055
Management of Air Cargo
AWSC 4100
Career Development for Aerospace Professionals
AWSC 4204
Airline Operations
AWSC 4305
Aviation Meteorology
AWSC 4310
Human Factors in Aviation
AWSC 4320
Advanced Aircraft Systems
AWSC 4340
Applied Aerodynamics
AWSC 4364
Flight Instructor-Instruments
AWSC 4360
Flight Instructor
AWSC 4373
Multi-Engine Instructor
AWSC 4375
Commercial Helicopter Pilot ADD-ON
AWSC 4394
Training Techniques for Flight Crew (CRM TRAINING)
AWSC 4510
Airway Dispatcher I
AWSC 4515
Air Traffic Control I: Tower Operation
AWSC 4516
Air Traffic Control II: Radar Operation
AWSC 4517
Air Traffic Control III: In-Route and In Terminals
AWSC 4520
Airway Dispatcher II
AWSC 4600
Airline Management
AWSC 4650
Fundamentals of Airline Finance
AWSC 4660
Fixed Based Operators Management
AWSC 4670
International Commerce and Aviation
AWSC 4680
Aviation Strategic Management
AWSC 4913
Practicum in Air Agencies Operations
BADM 1110
Intergovernmental Financial Administration
BADM 1550
Business Management and Organization (For Associate Degree Candidates)
BADM 1900
Fundamentals of Business Management
BADM 2030
Business Mathematics (For Associate Degree Candidates)
BADM 2050
Business Finance (For Associate Degree Candidates)
BADM 2130
Marketing (For Associate Degree Candidates)
BADM 2262
Total Quality Management Foundations
BADM 3250
Transportation Management
BADM 3300
Communication in Management
BADM 3313
The Law and The Businesses
BADM 3320
Public Policies Toward Business
BADM 3330
Human Resources Management
BADM 3570
Administrative Auditing
BADM 3900
Information Systems in Organizations
BADM 4190
Accountability in The Public Sector
BADM 4300
Managerial Economics
BADM 4320
Quantitative Models in Management
BADM 4340
Protective Labor Legislation
BELI 1000
BELI 1010
BELI 1101
BELI 1102
BELI 1103
BELI 2100
BELI 2110
BELI 2200
BELI 2201
BELI 2202
BELI 2300
BELI 2301
BELI 2910
BELI 2970
BIIN 2150
Introduction to Bioinformatics
BIIN 3000
Programming for Bioinformatics
BIIN 3220
BIIN 4000
BIIN 4010
Computational Biology
BIIN 4020
Medical Information
BIOL 1001
Principles of Plant Biology
BIOL 1003
Basic Biological Concepts
BIOL 1006
Fundamentals of Biology
BIOL 1010
Principles of Human Biology
BIOL 1100
Botany And Plant Physiology
BIOL 1101
General Biology I
BIOL 1102
General Biology II
BIOL 1103
Biology Skills Laboratory I
BIOL 1104
Biology Skills Laboratory II
BIOL 1105
Basic Concepts of Microbiology
BIOL 1116
Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology
BIOL 2010
Fundamentals of Vegetable and Animal Biology
BIOL 2013
Biol 2013 Skills Laboratory II
BIOL 2100
Introduction to Neurobiology
BIOL 2103
BIOL 2104
BIOL 2151
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 2152
Human Anatomy and Physiology Ii
BIOL 2153
BIOL 2154
Fundamentals of Microbiology
BIOL 2800
BIOL 3010
BIOL 3100
Foundations of Animal Science
BIOL 3105
General Microbiology
BIOL 3106
Human Anatomy and Physiology
BIOL 3200
Foundations of Animal Nutrition
BIOL 3205
Economic Zoology
BIOL 3213
BIOL 3214
BIOL 3216
Animal Behavior
BIOL 3219
Biology of Invertebrates
BIOL 3220
BIOL 3255
Economic Botany
BIOL 3257
Systematic Botany
BIOL 3309
Food Microbiology
BIOL 3405
BIOL 3454
Plant Anatomy
BIOL 3503
BIOL 3504
Environmental Health
BIOL 3505
Environmental Laws, Policies and Regulations
BIOL 3601
Comparative Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 3602
Comparative Anatomy and Physiology Ii
BIOL 3904
BIOL 4104
Plant Physiology
BIOL 4105
Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
BIOL 4109
General Physiology
BIOL 4200
BIOL 4303
BIOL 4304
Medical Mycology
BIOL 4305
Medical Microbiology
BIOL 4306
BIOL 4307
BIOL 4403
BIOL 4405
BIOL 4407
Human Anatomy
BIOL 4408
Comparative Functional Anatomy
BIOL 4433
Industrial Microbiology
BIOL 4494
BIOL 4503
Conservation and Management Of Natural Resources
BIOL 4600
BIOL 4604
Cellular and Molecular Biology
BIOL 4605
Cellular and Molecular Biology Skills Laboratory
BIOL 4700
Agricultural and Environmental Biotechnology
BIOL 4905
Introduction to Pathology
BIOL 4907
Health Education
BIOL 4909
Public Health
BIOL 4912
Practicum in Biology
BIOL 4953
Research Methods
BIOL 4955
Integration Seminar
BIOL 4960
BIOT 2015
Genome Biology of Marine Organisms
BIOT 2160
Molecular Genetics
BIOT 2250
BIOT 3010
Marine Biochemistry
BIOT 3020
Marine Microbiology
BIOT 3025
Biological Oceanography
BIOT 3042
Comparative Genoma
BIOT 3250
Molecular Biotechnology
BIOT 3360
Transgenic Plants and Food Security
BIOT 3370
Biotechnology of Plants
BIOT 3750
Recombinant DNA Technology
BIOT 397_
Special Topics
BIOT 4620
Tissue Culture and Technical Applications
BIOT 4710
Agricultural and Environmental Biotechnology
BIOT 4900
Genomic Transformation for The Improvement of Crops
BIOT 4928
Protein Analysis and Purification
BIOT 4954
Research Methods in Biotechnology
BIPS 1200
General Biopsychology
BIPS 3900
Neuroscience of Human Behavior
BIPS 4900
Integrative Seminar on Biopsychology
BMSC 2210
Human Genetics
BMSC 3011
Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BMSC 3012
Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology Ii
BMSC 4015
Biochemistry of Human Physiology
BMSC 4020
Biomedical Ethics
CARD 1130
Cardio-Respiratory Care I
CARD 1210
Introduction to Theory and Practice in Cardio- Respiratory Care
CARD 1220
Pharmacology Applied to Cardio-Respiratory Care
CARD 1231
Cardio-Respiratory Care II
CARD 2110
Cardio-Respiratory Pathophysiology
CARD 2120
Diagnostic Tests and Pulmonary Function
CARD 2140
Cardio-Respiratory Care Clinics and Rehabilitation
CARD 2190
Integration of Fundamental Knowledge
CARD 2233
Mechanical Ventilation
CARD 2234
Practice in Mechanical Ventilation
CARD 2910
Integrated Practice I
CHAP 1101
History of Chaplaincy
CHAP 1102
Theory of Institutional Chaplaincy
CHAP 2101
Spirituality, Religion and Mental Health
CHAP 2102
Clinic-Theological Reflection Methods of Pastoral Care
CHAP 2103
Theories of Pastoral Clinical Education
CHAP 2104
Didactic Theories and their Clinical Application to Chaplaincy
CHAP 2105
Intervention and Management of Crisis
CHAP 2106
Intervention in Pastoral Care
CHAP 2107
Pastoral Care and Social Crisis
CHAP 2108
Professional Practice
CHAP 2109
Integration Seminar
CHEM 1000
Fundamentals of Applied Chemistry
CHEM 1111
General Chemistry I
CHEM 2110
General Chemistry for Health Sciences
CHEM 2115
General Chemistry for Engineers
CHEM 2120
Chemistry Applied to Agricultural Science
CHEM 2212
General Chemistry II
CHEM 2221
Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 2222
Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 2223
Development and Application of Didactic Materials in Chemistry
CHEM 2250
Chemistry and Soil Structure
CHEM 397_
Special Topics
CHEM 3000
Environmental Chemistry
CHEM 3010
Environmental Chemical Analysis
CHEM 3180
Chemical Literature and Information Retrieval
CHEM 3230
Structure Determination by Spectroscopic Analysis
CHEM 3320
Analytical Chemistry
CHEM 3350
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
CHEM 3351
Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
CHEM 3360
Food Chemistry
CHEM 3370
Green Chemistry
CHEM 3380
Introduction to Nanotechnology
CHEM 3390
Biotechnology for Chemists
CHEM 3400
Computation Laboratory and Its Applications to Chemistry
CHEM 3420
Environmental Analytical Chemistry
CHEM 3900
Research in Chemistry
CHEM 3910
Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics
CHEM 3920
Physical Chemistry: Quantum and Kinetic
CHEM 3955
Chemical Synthesis
CHEM 4000
Instrumental Analysis
CHEM 4003
Industrial Chemistry
CHEM 4070
General Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 4170
Separation Methods
CHEM 4180
Advanced Organic Chemistry
CHEM 4200
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 4220
CHEM 4221
Biochemistry II
CHEM 4230
Forensic Chemistry
CHEM 4240
Instrumental Analytical Chemistry
CHEM 4300
Research Methods in Biochemistry
CHEM 4320
Industrial Chemical Analysis
CHEM 4350
Chemistry of Materials
CHEM 4650
Chemical Kinetics
CHEM 4700
Agricultural Chemistry
CHEM 4750
Blue Chemistry
CHEM 4870
Process Validation
CHEM 4900
Chemical Assistance for Improving Crops
CHEM 4910
Industrial Practice
CHEM 4915
Practice in Industrial Chemistry
CHEM 4965
Senior Seminar
CHEM 4970
Industrial Chemistry Seminar
CJUS 1000
Introduction to Criminology
CJUS 1010
Police and Community
CJUS 2010
Criminal Procedures in Justice Systems
CJUS 2050
Victims of Crime
CJUS 2070
Human and Civil Rights
CJUS 2075
Social Deviation
CJUS 2080
Criminal Law, Science, And Environment
CJUS 2090
Juvenile Justice System
CJUS 2095
Ethics in Processes of Prevention and Police Intervention
CJUS 2205
Oral and Written Communication for Forensic Investigation
CJUS 2260
Foundations of Criminal Investigation
CJUS 3015
Women Faced with Crime
CJUS 3025
Criminal Law
CJUS 3027
White Collar Crime
CJUS 3030
Interviews and Interrogations
CJUS 3035
Special Criminal Laws
CJUS 3040
CJUS 3045
Rights of The Correctional Population
CJUS 3055
Federal Jurisdiction
CJUS 3060
Correctional Administration
CJUS 3080
Community Based Rehabilitation
CJUS 3085
Criminal Law and Immigration
CJUS 3241
Forensic Investigation I
CJUS 3242
Forensic Investigation II
CJUS 3250
Criminal Investigation
CJUS 3260
Money Laundering
CJUS 3300
Alternate Methods in The Resolution of Conflicts
CJUS 397_
Special Topics
CJUS 4014
Analysis of Data for Forensic Investigation
CJUS 4020
Alcoholism and Drug Addiction
CJUS 4035
Modern Technology in Criminal Investigation
CJUS 4040
Evidence Management
CJUS 4060
Fraud Detection and Management
CJUS 4500
Social-Scientific Research Methodology
CJUS 4914
Practice in Criminal Investigation
CJUS 4915
Practice in Forensic Investigation
CJUS 4972
Seminar in Criminal Justice
COED 2000
Seminar Cooperative Education
COED 3001
Cooperative Education I
COED 3002
Cooperative Education II
COED 4001
Cooperative Education III
COED 4002
Cooperative Education IV
COEN 2210
Introduction to Programming
COEN 2220
Advanced Programming
COEN 2310
Discrete Mathematics for Computer Engineering
COEN 397_
Special Topics
COEN 3410
Software Design and Construction
COEN 3510
Operating Systems
COEN 4420
Computerized Information Systems Design
COEN 4422
Design of User Interface and Prototypes
COEN 4423
Design of Expert Systems
COEN 4450
Data Science
COEN 4452
Cyber Security
COEN 4510
Computer Architecture
COEN 4535
Integrated Computer Systems
COEN 4550
Parallel Computation Design
COEN 4560
Design and Construction of Compilers
COEN 4915
Practicum in Computer Engineering
COEN 4921
Undergraduate Research in Computer Engineering I
COEN 4922
Undergraduate Research in Computer Engineering Ii
COMF 1110
Introduction to Computer Forensics
COMF 1220
Operating Systems Security
COMF 2110
Digital Data
COMF 2120
Cyber Crime and Tools for Computer Forensics
COMF 2220
Systems Design and Architecture
COMF 2230
Mobile Device Forensics
COMF 2231
Criminal Investigation
COMP 1010
Internet and its Technologies
COMP 2015
Web Page Design
COMP 2025
Development of Webpages
COMP 2110
Introduction to Computer Science
COMP 2120
Programming Logic
COMP 2300
Visual Programming
COMP 2315
Structured Programming
COMP 2320
Introduction to Java Programming
COMP 2325
Ada Programming
COMP 2350
Aviation Programming in C Language
COMP 2400
Object Oriented Programming
COMP 2501
Discrete Computational Structures I
COMP 2502
Discrete Computational Structures II
COMP 2600
Business Programming
COMP 2800
COMP 2850
Movable Computation
COMP 2900
Data Structures
COMP 2970
Seminar and Practice
COMP 397_
Special Topics
COMP 3015
Web Programming with Databases
COMP 3200
Computer Organization and Assembler Language
COMP 3300
Organization and Computer Architecture
COMP 3320
The Computer in Teaching
COMP 3400
Software Engineering
COMP 3500
Operating Systems
COMP 3600
Computer Graphics
COMP 3800
Programming Languages
COMP 3900
Visual Computation
COMP 4160
Parallel Processing
COMP 4200
Teleprocessing and Networks
COMP 4210
Computing in The Cloud
COMP 4220
Advanced Teleprocessing and Networks
COMP 4230
Installation and Configuration of Physical Components for Networks
COMP 4235
Operating Systems for Networks
COMP 4240
Network Management
COMP 4270
Automata Theory
COMP 4400
Design and Implementation of Systems
COMP 4410
Computational Security
COMP 4415
Forensic Computation
COMP 4420
Systems Design and Analysis
COMP 4480
Artificial Intelligence
COMP 4580
Introduction to Robotics
COMP 4910
Practice and Professional Ethics
COMU 1000
Introduction to Communications
COMU 1005
Introduction to Educational Technology
COMU 1010
Fundamentals of Graphic Communication
COMU 1020
Introduction to Communication Media
COMU 1025
Introduction to Graphic Production
COMU 1031
Photographic Techniques
COMU 1032
Photography Business
COMU 1035
Creative Writing for Media
COMU 1045
Editorial Graphic Production
COMU 1051
Sound Production Techniques
COMU 1060
Administration of Educational Technology Centers
COMU 1070
Voice and Diction
COMU 1075
Fundamentals of Music
COMU 1080
Introduction to Multichannel Recordings
COMU 2000
Fundamentals of Journalism
COMU 2001
Corporate Communication
COMU 2002
Administration of Corporate Communication
COMU 2003
Trends in Communication Technology
COMU 2010
Writing for Mass Media
COMU 2020
Communication and Society
COMU 2030
Foundations of Public Relations
COMU 2031
Foundations of Advertising
COMU 2040
Introduction to The Analysis of Journalistic Texts
COMU 2123
Journalistic Writing for The Media
COMU 2130
Planning for Media
COMU 2197
Creative Project
COMU 2221
Sound Production Techniques I
COMU 2222
Sound Production Techniques II
COMU 2226
Techniques for Recording of Sound
COMU 2228
Mixture and Postproduction of Sound
COMU 2230
Live Sound in And Outside the Studio
COMU 2240
Basic Principles of Video Production
COMU 2245
Planning and Production of Educational Content
COMU 2250
Foundations in Social Media Administration
COMU 2340
Video Production Techniques
COMU 2345
Advanced Sound Production
COMU 2350
Programming and Musical Arrangements for Videos Seminar
COMU 2380
Legal and Ethical Aspects in the Music Industry
COMU 2513
Graphic Production for Identity of Brands
COMU 2520
Advanced Voice and Diction
COMU 2610
Illumination in Photography
COMU 2613
Radio Production
COMU 2621
Digital Photographic Manipulation
COMU 2622
Advanced Photography
COMU 2840
Project Design and Production in Educational Technology
COMU 2910
Supervised Practice
COMU 2915
Supervised Practice
COMU 2920
Photographic Portfolio
COMU 2970
Seminar on New Trends in Photography
COMU 2973
Seminar in Educational Technology
COMU 2980
Portfolio / Final Project
COMU 3000
Research Processes in Communications
COMU 3001
Strategic Planning
COMU 3002
Psychology of Communication
COMU 3010
Writing for Journalistic Communication
COMU 3013
Public Relations Plan
COMU 3015
Advertising Projects
COMU 3020
Interpersonal Communication: Techniques and Style
COMU 3021
Production for Multimedia
COMU 3025
Integral Communication of Brand Names
COMU 3030
Production of Research Reports
COMU 3040
Video Field Production
COMU 3043
Advanced Production for Radio
COMU 3050
Seminar on Online Radio Production
COMU 3135
Writing of Dramatic Librettos
COMU 3140
Graphic Design for Video
COMU 3325
COMU 3345
Administration and Production of Content for Social Media
COMU 3410
Production of Multimedia Contents for Internet
COMU 3435
Illumination for Video
COMU 3521
Advanced Production of Studio Videos I
COMU 3522
Advanced Production of Studio Videos II
COMU 3970
Current Topics in Communications
COMU 4020
Design and Production of a Project for Social Media
COMU 4320
Legal and Ethical Aspects
COMU 4410
Management and Entrepreneurship for Mass Media
COMU 4444
Fundamentals of Media Research
COMU 4491
Professional Practice
COMU 4492
Academic Internship
COMU 4493
Professional Practice
COMU 4494
Academic Internship
COMU 4910
Supervised Practice (Bachelor’s Degree)
COMU 4920
COMU 4970
Seminar in Journalism
COMU 4973
Seminar in Public Relations and Publicity
COTN 1120
Computer Program Design
COTN 1131
Electronics I
COTN 1210
Computer Mathematics
COTN 1220
Data Communication
COTN 1230
Microcomputer Operating Systems
COTN 2121
Network Administration I
COTN 2122
Network Administration II
COTN 2132
Electronics II
COTN 2150
Implementation of Network Applications
COTN 2160
Network Installation and Configuration of Routers and Switches
COTN 2210
Diagnostics and Maintenance of Computerized Systems
COTN 2220
Design and Implementation of Web Applications
COTN 2230
Network Diagnosis, Service and Maintenance
COTN 2910
COTN 3300
Architecture of Computerized Systems
COTN 3310
Database Analysis and Design
COTN 3315
Analysis and Design of Computerized Systems
COTN 3400
Introduction to Cyber Security
COTN 3415
Network Policies and Disaster Recovery
COTN 3515
Risk Management
COTN 3971
Emerging Topics in Network Technology
COTN 4150
Network Security
COTN 4160
Introduction to Vulnerability Testing
COTN 4200
COTN 4240
Network Defense
COTN 4250
Network Intrusion Detection
COTN 4300
Information Systems Management
COTN 4500
Computer Assembly
COTN 4910
CRIM 2010
Sociology of Law
CRIM 2020
CRIM 2100
Penology and Society
CRIM 2200
Language, Society and Criminality
CRIM 397_
Special Topics in Criminology
CRIM 3000
Informatics and Criminality
CRIM 3014
The Media and Crime
CRIM 3020
Statistical Methods Applied to Criminology
CRIM 3021
Diversity and Criminality
CRIM 3040
Mental Disorders and Criminology
CRIM 3500
Philosophy of Criminological Knowledge
CRIM 3838
Deviant Behavior, Antisocial and Criminal Sociology
CRIM 4015
Criminological Social Research
CRIM 4020
Terrorism and Society
CRIM 4030
Contemporary Social Problems
CRIM 4970
Contemporary Theoretical Debates in Criminology
CTMR 3000
Introduction to Computerized Tomography and Magnetic Resonance
CTMR 3010
Sectional Anatomy and Pathophysiology
CTMR 3020
Physics of Computerized Tomography
CTMR 3025
Physics of Magnetic Resonance
CTMR 3050
Procedures and Pathology in The Images of Computerized Tomography
CTMR 3060
Procedures and Pathology in The Images of Magnetic Resonance
CTMR 4010
Computerized Tomography MSK
CTMR 4011
Magnetic Resonance MSK
CTMR 4030
Integration Seminar
CTMR 4910
Clinical Practice in Computerized Tomography
CTMR 4920
Clinical Practice in Magnetic Resonance
CYBE 3033
Cyber Crimes I
CYBE 4150
Cyber Crimes II
CYBE 4522
Cyber Crimes III
CYSC 1000
Introduction to Cyber Security
CYSC 3000
Internet of Things (loT)
CYSC 3500
CYSC 397_
Special Topics in Cyber Security
CYSC 4100
Ethical Hacking
CYSC 4200
Economy in Cybersecurity
CYSC 4500
Capstone Project
DANC 2000
Corporal Awareness and Anatomy
DANC 2010
Principles and Techniques of Contemporary Dance
DANC 2230
History of Contemporary Dance
DANC 2240
Dynamics of The Body in the Caribbean Dance
DANC 3020
Contemporary Dance Teaching Strategies
DANC 3250
Choreographic Principles
DANC 3360
Production of the Arts
DGDM 1101
History of Graphic Design
DGDM 1103
Foundations of Graphic Design
DGDM 1104
Analysis of Graphic media
DGDM 1201
Digital Photography Applied to Graphic Design I
DGDM 1202
Digital Photography Applied to Graphic Design II
DGDM 2201
Digital Graphic Design I
DGDM 2202
Digital Graphic Design II
DGDM 2203
Design and Graphic and Digital Typesetting
DGDM 2204
Introduction to Multimedia Design
DGDM 2205
Semiotics and Graphic Communication
DGDM 2206
Writing for the Digital Format and Video Production
DGDM 3014
Corporate Identity Design and Visual Identity
DGDM 3015
Packaging Design and Displays
DGDM 3016
Principles of Animation
DGDM 3021
Design and Multimedia Production I
DGDM 3022
Design and Multimedia Production II
DGDM 4003
Ethical and Legal Principles of Graphic Communication
DGDM 4004
Administration and Marketing of Graphic Media
DGDM 4005
Professional Seminar
DGDM 4006
Design and Production of the Digital Professional Portfolio
DGDM 4007
Advertising Campaign Seminar
DGDM 4013
Publishing Design
DGDM 4014
Animation and Three-dimensional Graph (3D)
DGDM 4910
DSGN 1001
Creative Drawing: General and Figure
DSGN 1002
Creative Drawing II: Illustration
DSGN 1003
Technical Drawing
DSGN 1011
Design Thinking: Research Methods and Process
DSGN 1012
Universal Design: Anthropometry and Ergonomics
DSGN 1013
Placing, Culture and Design
DSGN 1100
Foundation Design Studio And Lab I
DSGN 1200
Foundation Design Studio and Lab II
DSGN 1300
Foundation Design Studio and Lab III
DSGN 2003
Design History, Theory and Criticism I
DSGN 2004
Design History, Theory and Criticism II
DSGN 2100
Design Studio I
DSGN 2110
Design Workshop I
DSGN 2200
Design Studio II
DSGN 2210
Design Workshop I
DSGN 2300
Design Studio III
DSGN 2310
Design Workshop III
DSGN 3011
Design, Society, Market and Branding
DSGN 3021
Design, Photography and Video in Art and Publicity
DSGN 3031
Creative Illustration for Publications and Media
DSGN 3041
UX Design: Interactivity for Web, Apps and Videogames
DSGN 3111
Environmental Design: Spaces and Furniture Design
DSGN 3121
Sustainable Design: Contemporary Urban Landscape
DSGN 3131
Wearable Design: Contemporary Experimental Fashion
DSGN 3211
Contemporary Ceramic Design
DSGN 3212
Experimental Ceramic Design
DSGN 4901
Design Research and Practice I
DSGN 4902
Design Research And Practice II
DSGN 4915
Design Portfolio
ECMP 1010
Foundations of Educational Technology
ECMP 2070
Information and Telecommunications Technologies
ECMP 2090
Introduction to Computerized Graphic Design
ECMP 3050
Design and Implementation of Online Learning
ECMP 4010
Administration of Computer Laboratories
ECMP 4020
Computer Assisted Curricular Design
ECOM 1210
Introduction to Electronic Commerce
ECOM 2301
Electronic Commerce Technical Infrastructure I
ECOM 2302
Electronic Commerce Technical Infrastructure II
EDUC 1080
Field Experiences in The Educational Scenario I
EDUC 2000
Experience in the Educational Field
EDUC 2020
Health, Nutrition and First-Aid
EDUC 2021
History and Philosophy of Education
EDUC 2022
Society and Education
EDUC 2023
Principles of care of students with special educational needs
EDUC 2024
Crisis intervention in the classroom for children and adolescents
EDUC 2031
Developmental Psychology
EDUC 2032
Learning Psychology
EDUC 2053
Nature and Needs of Students with Autism
EDUC 2055
Psycho-Social Aspects of Students with Autism
EDUC 2057
Communication Aspects of Students with Autism
EDUC 2060
Integration of Technology in Education
EDUC 2840
Child Development
EDUC 2870
The Exceptional Student Population
EDUC 2875
Language Stimulation
EDUC 2880
Clinical experience I as teacher assistant at elementary level
EDUC 2885
Clinical experience II as teacher assistant at secondary level
EDUC 2890
Field Experiences in The Educational Scenarios Ii
EDUC 2905
Nature and Needs of Students with Intellectual Disability and Emotional Disorders
EDUC 2906
Nature and Needs of Students with Specific Learning Problems, ADD And ADHD
EDUC 2907
Nature and Needs of The Deaf and Partially Deaf Student
EDUC 2909
Sign Language in The Context of the Deaf and Partially Deaf Culture
EDUC 2911
Methodology and Adaptations of Materials for Teaching the Deaf and Partially Deaf Student
EDUC 3003
Nature and Needs of Infants and Preschool Age Children with Developmental Deficiencies
EDUC 3010
Social, Emotional and Cognitive Development of The Child
EDUC 3013
Teaching Strategies
EDUC 3015
Clinical Experiences in The Educational Scenario I
EDUC 3016
Distance and Virtual Teaching
EDUC 3026
Special Education for Intervention in the Regular Stream
EDUC 3050
The Child and The Social Environment
EDUC 3053
Diagnosis, Evaluation and Assessment Techniques for Students with Autism
EDUC 3054
Methodology of Teaching for the Student with Autism
EDUC 3075
Mathematics Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment in The Primary Grades (K-3)
EDUC 3076
Mathematics Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment in The Primary Grades (4-6)
EDUC 3077
Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment of Mathematics in the Elementary Level (K-5)
EDUC 3083
Social Studies Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment in The Primary Grades (K-3)
EDUC 3084
Social Studies Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment in The Primary Grades (4-6)
EDUC 3086
Curriculum, Teaching and "Assessment" of Social Studies in the Elementary Level (K-5)
EDUC 3090
Children’s Literature
EDUC 3110
Diagnosis and Correction of Deficiencies in Oral and Written Communication of Secondary Level Students
EDUC 3126
Psycho-Philosophical Influences in Curriculum Models for Early Childhood Education
EDUC 3130
Fine Arts in The Educational Process
EDUC 3140
Language and Reading
EDUC 3150
The Kindergarten in The School Program
EDUC 3170
Parents as Educators
EDUC 3184
Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment of English at the Elementary Level (K-5)
EDUC 3185
English Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment at The Elementary Level (K-3)
EDUC 3186
English Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment at The Elementary Level (4-6)
EDUC 3187
English Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment at The Elementary Level (K-6)
EDUC 3188
English Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment at The Secondary Level
EDUC 3190
Language Arts in Early Childhood
EDUC 3200
Integration ofthe Computer in The Methodology and Assessment of Learning
EDUC 3232
Language Arts Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment at the Elementary Level (4-6)
EDUC 3235
Reading and Writing in the Primary Grades
EDUC 3237
Language Arts Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment in Spanish at the Elementary Level (K-5)
EDUC 3260
Organization and Administration of Childhood Services
EDUC 3265
Natural Sciences Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment in the Primary Grades (K-3)
EDUC 3266
Natural Sciences Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment in the Primary Grades (4-6)
EDUC 3268
Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment of Natural Sciences at the Elementary Level (K-5)
EDUC 3270
Educational Diagnosis, Evaluation and Assessment for Exceptional Students
EDUC 3290
Management of Student Behavior in the Classroom
EDUC 3300
Adaptive Living Skills for The Handicapped
EDUC 3345
English Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment (K-12)
EDUC 3400
The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Child
EDUC 3420
Curricular Content, Diagnosis and Treatment of Learning Problems in Mathematics
EDUC 3440
Curricular Content, Diagnosis and Treatment of Literacy Problems
EDUC 3460
Design and Development of Curriculum and Materials for Disabled Students
EDUC 3464
Development of Programs and Services for Children with Disabilities and their Families
EDUC 3465
Seminar: Students with Disabilities and their Families
EDUC 3467
Techniques and Assessment Instruments for Students with Disabilities
EDUC 3470
Technological Assistance, Curriculum and Materials for Teaching Exceptional Students
EDUC 3515
Basic Fundamentals of Sign Language
EDUC 3563
Methods and Techniques in Office Systems Administration
EDUC 3564
Methods and Techniques in Teaching Social Studies
EDUC 3565
Methods and Techniques for Teaching History
EDUC 3566
Methods and Techniques for Teaching Chemistry
EDUC 3570
Strategies, Methods and Techniques for Teaching Students with Functional Diversity
EDUC 3581
Methods of Teaching Reading and The Preparation of Materials for the deaf and Partially Deaf Student
EDUC 3585
Language Development in the Deaf and Partially Deaf: Theory and Practice
EDUC 3600
Use of The Computer in Teaching
EDUC 3610
Group Processes in the Classroom
EDUC 3620
Humanistic Focus in Teaching
EDUC 3630
School and Community
EDUC 3640
Adult Education
EDUC 3650
Educational Research
EDUC 3660
Bilingual Education
EDUC 3670
Non-Traditional Programs
EDUC 3680
Children with Physical and Health Disabilities
EDUC 3690
Education of Children with Visual Disabilities
EDUC 3700
Secondary Education for Youths with Disabilities
EDUC 3710
Integration of Children with Disabilities in Regular Classrooms
EDUC 3720
Educational Innovations
EDUC 3750
Educational Technology Laboratory
EDUC 3860
Instructional Theory, Methodology and Technological Resources in the Teaching for the Teaching at the Elementary Level
EDUC 3863
Instructional Theory, Methodology and Technological Resources in the Teaching of Biology
EDUC 3864
Instructional Theory, Methodology and Technological Resources in the Teaching of Science in the Junior High School
EDUC 3865
Instructional Theory, Methodology and Technological Resources in the Teaching of Spanish at the Secondary Level
EDUC 3869
Instructional Theory, Methodology and Technological Resources in the Teaching of Mathematics at the Secondary Level
EDUC 3872
Instructional Theory, Methodology and Technological Resources in Preschool Special Education
EDUC 3873
Instructional Theory, Methodology and Technological Resources in the Teaching of the Visual Arts
EDUC 3875
Educational Theory, Methodology and Technological Resources in the Teaching of Physical Education at the Secondary Level 7-12
EDUC 3876
Instructional Theory, Methodology and Technological Resources in the Teaching of Music
EDUC 3877
Instructional Theory, Methodology and Technological Resources in Special Education
EDUC 3878
Educational Theory, Methodology and Technological Resources in the Teaching of Physical Education at the Elementary Level
EDUC 3885
Educational Theories and Technological Resources for the Teaching of Adapted Physical Education
EDUC 3886
Educational Theory, Methodology, and Technological Resources in Teaching School Health (K-12)
EDUC 4000
Managing the Conduct of Students with Autism
EDUC 4009
Technological Assistance for Teaching Children and Young People with Mild Disabilities
EDUC 4011
Evaluation and Assessment
EDUC 4012
Classroom Research
EDUC 4013
Clinical Experiences in the Educational Scenario II
EDUC 4020
Philosophy of Education
EDUC 4025
Evaluation Methods, Diagnosis and Assessment of the Deaf and Partially Deaf Student
EDUC 4030
Environmental Health and Ecology
EDUC 4035
Methodology of Teaching the Maternal Language and Literature
EDUC 4040
Counseling in Health Aspects
EDUC 4050
Curriculum Design
EDUC 4090
Teaching the Culturally Deprived
EDUC 4100
Sociology of Education
EDUC 4110
Children’s Play as a Learning Process
EDUC 4250
Planning Student Activities in the Secondary School
EDUC 4510
Principles of Adult Student Education
EDUC 4520
Socio Cultural -Foundations of Adult Education
EDUC 4522
Integration of Professional Skills
EDUC 4530
Psychology of The Adult Learner
EDUC 4540
Adult Student Teaching Methods
EDUC 4550
Evaluation of Learning of the Adult Student
EDUC 4551
Integration of Basic Knowledge and Communication Skills
EDUC 4552
Integration of Professional Skills
ELEC 1120
Industrial Safety
ELEC 1170
Electronic Drawing Laboratory
ELEC 2121
Digital Circuits Laboratory I
ELEC 2131
Digital Circuits I
ELEC 2140
Electrical Laws and Codes
ELEC 2170
Electronic Drawing
ELEC 2331
Electrical Circuits Laboratory I
ELEC 2332
Electrical Circuits Laboratory II
ELEC 2341
Electric Circuits I
ELEC 2342
Electrical Circuits II
ELEC 2410
ELEC 2430
Reading Electrical Loads and Plans
ELEC 2471
Electronic Circuits Laboratory I
ELEC 2472
Electronic Circuits Laboratory II
ELEC 2481
Electronic Circuits I
ELEC 2482
Electronic Circuits II
ELEC 2520
Electrical Machines and Transformers
ELEC 2530
Electrical Controls
ELEC 2540
Logic Controllers for Power
ELEC 2670
Solar Energy
ELEC 2910
Practice in Industry
ELEC 2915
Professional Practice
ELEC 397_
Special Topics
ELEC 3131
Logic Circuits Laboratory II
ELEC 3132
Digital Circuits II
ELEC 3370
Programmable Logic Controllers
ELEC 3431
Electrical Systems
ELEC 3470
Industrial Electronics Laboratory
ELEC 3480
Industrial Electronics
ELEC 3660
Solar Energy Laboratory
ELEC 3670
Solar Energy
ELEC 4020
Systems with Microcontrollers
ELEC 4210
Communications Laboratory
ELEC 4220
ELEC 4370
Instrumentation and Control Systems Laboratory
ELEC 4380
Instrumentation and Control Systems
ELEC 4470
Robotics and Automation
ELEC 4910
Professional Practice
ELEC 4971
Integration Project
ELEN 3301
Electric Circuits I
ELEN 3302
Electric Circuits II
ELEN 3311
Electronics I
ELEN 3312
Electronics II
ELEN 3320
Logic Circuits
ELEN 3360
Applied Electromagnetics
ELEN 3430
Signals and Systems
ELEN 4020
ELEN 4110
Power Systems Analysis
ELEN 4120
Electrical Engineering Laboratory
ELEN 4327
Measurements and Instrumentation
ELEN 4351
Power Systems Analysis I
ELEN 4352
Power Systems Analysis II
ELEN 4353
Electric Machines and Drives
ELEN 4375
Electrical Systems Design for Buildings
ELEN 4376
Industrial Power Systems Design
ELEN 4378
Distributed Generation
ELEN 4410
Digital Systems Design
ELEN 4413
Analog Filter Design
ELEN 4414
Electronic Design
ELEN 4415
Power Electronics
ELEN 4509
Control Systems
ELEN 4513
Digital Control Systems
ELEN 4514
ELEN 4516
Computer Aided Control System Design
ELEN 4535
Process Control
ELEN 4537
Neuronal Networks Applied to Control Systems
ELEN 4538
ELEN 4610
Analog and Digital Communications
ELEN 4611
Microwave and Radio Frequency Engineering I
ELEN 4612
Microwave and Radio Frequency Engineering II
ELEN 4614
Advanced Digital Communication
ELEN 4618
Wireless and Cellular Communication
ELEN 4623
Optical Communications
ELEN 4625
Digital Signal Processing
ELEN 4626
Design of Antennas
ELEN 4627
Data Communications Networks
ELEN 4810
Electrical and Computers Engineering Project Design
ELEN 4915
Electrical Engineering Practical Experience
ELEN 4921
Undergraduate Research in Electrical Engineering I
ELEN 4922
Undergraduate Research in Electrical Engineering II
ELEN 4930
EIT Exam Seminar
ENDE 1100
Introduction to Entrepreneurial Development
ENDE 3315
Fundamental Procedures for Establishing A Business
ENDE 3316
Business Management
ENDE 3320
Electronic Commerce in Enterprise Development
ENGL 2054
Speech Workshop
ENGL 2060
Conversation and Grammar Review
ENGL 2075
Technical Literature
ENGL 2076
Reading and Writing of Technical Texts
ENGL 2086
Business English
ENGL 3007
Advanced Writing
ENGL 3008
Critical Writing
ENGL 3025
Writing of Professional Documents
ENGL 3030
Technical-Scientific Writing in Sciences
ENGL 3035
Proposal Writing
ENGL 3073
Introduction to Linguistics
ENGL 3309
Communication Practices
ENGL 3310
Public Speaking
ENGL 3320
Fundamental Structures of Grammar
ENGL 3325
Fundamentals of Phonetics
ENGL 3330
Comparative Analysis of English and Spanish
ENGL 3350
The Literary Genres
ENGL 3400
Literature for Young Adults
ENGL 3410
North American Voices
ENGL 3420
Analysis of Selected Works of British Authors
ENGL 3430
Worldwide English Voices
ENGL 3435
Puerto Rican Voices
ENGL 3440
Children’s Literature
ENGL 3450
Analysis of Graphical Novels
ENGL 3500
Writing of Texts of Various Genres
ENGL 3510
Texts of the Popular Culture
ENGL 3520
Cross Cultural Studies
ENGL 3700
Writing for Emerging Media
ENGL 3850
The Short Story
ENGL 3863
The Poetry
ENGL 4000
ENGL 4014
Modern Drama
ENGL 4015
Translation Workshop
ENGL 4030
Creative Writing
ENGL 4073
Acquisition of English as a Second Language
ENGL 4083
Worldwide English
ENGL 4100
Linguistics Issues
ENGL 4400
The Novel
ENGL 4440
Caribbean Voices
ENGL 4500
Language and Power
ENGL 4700
Literature Since 1945
ENGL 4799
Intensive Writing
ENGL 4800
Research in English
ENGR 1100
Introduction to Engineering
ENGR 1200
Introduction to Sustainable Engineering
ENGR 2130
Introduction to Engineering Computing
ENGR 2220
Computerized Engineering Graphics
ENGR 3200
Probability and Statistics
ENGR 3300
Engineering Economics
ENGR 3340
Foundations of Statics and Dynamics
ENGR 3343
Thermal and Fluid Sciences
ENGR 3350
Materials Science
ENGR 3365
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
ENGR 3500
Professional Ethics for Engineers
ENTR 2100
Organizations: Dynamics and Evolution
ENTR 2200
Foundations of Entrepreneurship
ENTR 2212
Social Entrepreneurism
ENTR 2300
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
ENTR 3900
Entrepreneurial and Managerial Strategies
ENTR 3910
Family Businesses
ENTR 4100
Digital Entrepreneurship
ENTR 4400
Design and Development of a Business Plan
ENTR 4910
Entrepreneurial and Managerial Supervised Practicum
ENTR 4930
Entrepreneurial or Managerial Integrated Project
EVSC 1110
Introduction to Environmental Sciences
EVSC 2210
Environmental Policies, Laws and Regulations
EVSC 2500
Quality of Air
EVSC 3001
Management and Conservation of Natural Resources
EVSC 3600
Waste Management
EVSC 3603
Health and Occupational Safety in Environmental Protection
EVSC 3713
Geographic Information Systems in Environmental Sciences
EVSC 4401
Research in Environmental Sciences
EVSC 4504
Use, Conservation and Quality of Water
EVSC 4910
Internship in Environmental Sciences
EVSC 4955
Integration Seminar in Environmental Sciences
EVTH 397_
Special Topics
EVTH 3010
Environmental Public Policy
EVTH 4020
Environmental Evaluation
EVTH 4910
EVTH 4960
Integration Seminar
FINA 1000
Ethics in Finance
FINA 2101
Corporate Finance I
FINA 2102
Corporate Finance II
FINA 2150
Electronic Spreadsheet in Finance
FINA 3130
Credit Risk Management
FINA 3150
Personal Finance
FINA 3235
Money and Banking
FINA 3300
Financial Markets
FINA 3400
Introduction to Risk and Insurance
FINA 3500
Introduction to Real Estate
FINA 3700
Fundamentals of Investment
FINA 4100
International Finance
FINA 4910
Practicum in Finance
FINA 4970
Seminar in Finance
FORS 2000
Introduction to Forensic Science
FORS 3010
Forensic Biology Skills Lab
FORS 3010
Skills Laboratory in Forensic Biology
FORS 3300
Security in Informatic Networks
FORS 3350
Computational Security
FORS 3450
Digital Evidence
FORS 397_
Special Topics
FORS 3970
Special Topics
FORS 4100
Multimedia Analysis
FORS 4400
Forensic Toxicology
FORS 4421
Forensic Investigation I
FORS 4422
Forensic Investigation II
FORS 4511
Forensic Biological Analysis I
FORS 4512
Forensic Biological Analysis II
FORS 4910
Forensic Practice
FORS 4960
Integration Seminar
FREN 1001
Elementary French
FREN 1002
Elementary French
FREN 1011
French I
FREN 1012
French II
FREN 2021
French III
FREN 2022
French IV
FREN 3010
Diction and Phonetics
FREN 3020
Advanced Writing
FREN 3021
French Literature I
FREN 3022
French Literature II
FREN 4010
French Culture and History
FSMT 1210
Sanitation and Security in Food Services
FSMT 1220
Service Theories and Practices
FSMT 2101
Purchasing Systems, Inventory and Storage Control
FSMT 2104
Buffet and Catering Service
HMGT 3310
Cocktail Services
GAME 1100
Design of Videogames
GAME 1200
Interactive Narrative for Videogames
GAME 2101
Graphics for Videogames I
GAME 2102
Graphics for Videogames II
GAME 2103
Graphics for Videogames III
GAME 3101
Videogame Programming I
GAME 3102
Videogame Programming II
GAME 3103
Videogame Programming III
GAME 3400
Artificial Intelligence for Videogames
GAME 4100
Project: Design, Development and Publication of a Videogame
GAME 4300
Emerging Issues in the Field of Videogames
GAME 4400
Videogame Development for Consoles and Portable Equipment
GAME 4500
GAME 4910
Internship: Experience in the Videogames Industry
GASC 1000
Culinary Fundamentals
GASC 1200
Selecting Raw Materials
GASC 2010
Culinary Skills I
GASC 2015
Nutrition and Culinary Horticulture
GASC 2020
Culinary Skills II
GASC 2026
Operations Management in The Food and Beverage Industry
GASC 2500
Puerto Rican Gastronomy
GASC 2800
Complementary Bakery
GASC 2900
Global Cuisine
GASC 2910
Professional Practicum
GASC 3026
Operations Management in the Food and Beverage Industry
GASC 3300
Innovation and Experimental Cooking
GASC 3400
Wines and Gastronomy
GASC 4000
Advanced Cooking
GASC 4040
Culinary Design and Food Aesthetics
GASC 4970
Culinary Arts Integrative Seminar
GEOG 1014
Elements of Oceanography
GEOG 1114
Introduction to the Ocean Sciences
GEOG 1144
Introduction to Cultural Geography
GEOG 2000
Earth Sciences
GEOG 2034
Introduction to Physical Geography
GEOG 3014
Cartography and Aerial and Satellite Photography
GEOG 3024
GEOG 3274
Economic Geography
GEOG 3284
Geography of Manufacturing
GEOG 3414
Geography of Anglo-America
GEOG 3424
Geography of South America
GEOG 3434
Geography of Middle America And the Caribbean
GEOG 4224
Political Geography
GEOG 4494
Geography of Puerto Rico
GEOG 4514
Geography of Europe
GEOG 4524
Geography of The Commonwealth of Independent States
GEOG 4904
History of Geographic Thought
GEOG 4934
Geography of Energy and Mass
GEOG 4964
The Arctic and Circumpolar Lands
Introduction to the Christian Faith
Entrepreneurial Culture
English - Select 6 credits from the GEEN category
English - Select 3 credits from the GEEN or ENGL categories
English as a Second Language I: Oral Communication
English as a Second Language II: Reading
English as a Second Language III: Writing
English Communication I
English Communication II
English Communication III
Reading and Writing
Literature and Writing
Research and Writing
Integral Health and Quality of Life
Social Studies - Select 6 credits from the GEHS category
Historical Process of Contemporary Puerto Rico
Global Society
Human Formation, Society, and Culture
Ancient and Medieval Western Civilization
Modern and Contemporary Western Civilization
Information and Computing Technologies
Quantitative Reasoning
Mathematics for Teachers I
Mathematics for Teachers II
Fundamentals of Algebra
Humanities - Select 6 credits from the GEPE category
Art Appreciation
Music Appreciation
Theatre Appreciation
Ethics and Social Responsibility
Spanish - Select 3 credits from the GESP or SPAN categories
Spanish - Select 6 credits from the GESP category
Basic Spanish as a Foreign Language
Intermediate Spanish as a Foreign Language
Literature and Communication: Narrative and Poetry
Literature and Communication: Essay and Theatre
Advanced Spanish as a Foreign Language
Literature and World View
The Natural Environment and The Human Being
Technology and Environment
GERM 1000
German Language and Culture
GERM 1001
Elementary German
GERM 1002
Elementary German
GERM 1011
German I
GERM 1012
German II
GERM 2021
German III
GERM 2022
German IV
GERM 3010
Diction and Phonetics
GERM 3020
Advanced Writing
GERM 3201
German Literature I
GERM 3022
German Literature II
GERM 4010
German Culture and History
GERO 2000
Introduction to Gerontology
GERO 2010
Neuropsychology of the Elderly Adult
GERO 3310
Ethical and Legal Aspects in Gerontology
GERO 3311
Loss and Death
GERO 3312
Trends and Controversies in Elderly Adult Care
GERO 4313
Alterations of the Health Cycle - Disease in the Elderly Adult
GERO 4915
Clinical Practicum in Gerontology
GERO 4916
Practice in Social Gerontology
GERO 4970
Seminar in Social Gerontology
HCAD 1100
Fundamentals in Health Care Service
HCAD 2100
Introduction to Public Health Policy
HCAD 2200
Ethical and Legal Aspects in the Health Care Service
HCAD 3000
Information Technology and Communication in Administration of Healthcare
HCAD 4000
Financial Aspects in the Healthcare Service
HCAD 4200
Integrated Seminar
HESC 1101
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
HESC 1102
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
HESC 3005
Human Development
HESC 3010
Essential Concepts in Health Sciences
HESC 3020
Health and Illness Throughout the Life Cycle
HESC 4010
Research Methods in Health Sciences
HESC 4015
Quality Guarantee and Improvement
HESC 4030
Collective Health Promotion
HESC 4050
Planning and Marketing Health Services
HESC 4055
Methods and Techniques in Teaching Health Science
HESC 4060
Design and Development of an Educational Health Plan
HESC 4065
Auditing Principles Applied to Health Services
HESC 4913
HESC 4917
Professional Seminar
HIST 1020
The AncientWorld
HIST 1030
The Medieval World
HIST 1040
The Modern World
HIST 1050
The Contemporary World
HIST 2010
Latin American Indigenous Cultures
HIST 2020
Spain and Portugal I
HIST 2025
Spain and Portugal II
HIST 2030
Colonial Latin America
HIST 2035
Latin America Since its Independence
HIST 2040
The Caribbean Since the 17th Century
HIST 2045
The Hispanic Caribbean from the 15th to the 18th Centuries
HIST 2050
Puerto Rico I
HIST 2055
Puerto Rico II
HIST 2060
Introduction to Oral History
HIST 2210
The Computer in Historical Research
HIST 2220
Puerto Rico and the Insular Caribbean in the 20th Century
HIST 3010
Historical Process of the United States of America
HIST 3020
Europe I
HIST 3025
Europe Ii
HIST 3030
The Muslim World
HIST 3040
HIST 3050
United States I
HIST 3055
United States II
HIST 3060
HIST 3070
Russia until 19th Century
HIST 3075
Russia During the 19th and 20th Centuries
HIST 3110
Research in History and Puerto Rican Literature
HIST 3210
The Second British Empire
HIST 3220
Mexico Since its Independence
HIST 3225
The Viceroyalty of the New Spain
HIST 3230
The Era of Revolutions 1774 -1824
HIST 397_
Special Topics
HIST 4020
HIST 4110
Historical Problems
HIST 4210
Historical Research
HIST 4220
HIST 4230
Spanish American Institutions Before Independence
HIST 4240
Countries of the Southern Cone
HIST 4250
HIST 4260
Relations of Church and State in Colonial America
HIST 4299
Study-Travel Seminar
HIST 4300
HPER 1000
History and Foundations of Recreation
HPER 1870
Themes in Health, Physical Education and Recreation
HPER 1880
Themes in Health, Physical Education and Recreation
HPER 1890
Recreation for Older Adults
HPER 2010
Planning, Organization and Implementation of Recreational Activities for Older Adults
HPER 2020
Physical Activity and Sports Training for Older Adults
HPER 2030
Philosophy and Basic Principles of Health
HPER 2140
Experiences in Movement I
HPER 2150
Health and Physical Education Program in The Elementary School
HPER 2210
Fundamentals of Physical Education and Sport Technology
HPER 2220
Experiences in Movement II
HPER 2230
School Health Education
HPER 2270
Kinesiology and Functional Anatomy
HPER 2320
First Aid and Personal Safety for Children, Youth and Adults
HPER 2330
First Aid and Personal Safety for Children, Youth and Adults
HPER 2540
Social Recreation
HPER 2541
HPER 3010
Sports Psychology
HPER 3040
Legal Foundations in Sports
HPER 3050
Introduction to the Prevention and Management of Injuries
HPER 3051
Therapeutic Massages
HPER 3111
Elementary Gymnastics
HPER 3112
Advanced Gymnastics
HPER 3160
Educational and Recreational Games in the Curriculum for the Elementary Level
HPER 3220
Theory and Design of Physical Education Programs for the Elementary Level K-6
HPER 3230
Theory and Design of Physical Education Programs Level 7-12
HPER 3310
Experiences in Movement III
HPER 3330
Fundamental Skills and Training in Team Sports IV
HPER 3340
Skills in Team Sports II
HPER 3350
Motor Learning and Analysis of Movement
HPER 3360
Fundamental Skills and Training in Individual Sports V
HPER 3370
Skills in Individual Sports II
HPER 3380
Evaluation of Injuries and Design of a Program of Physical Rehabilitation in Individual and Team Sports
HPER 3430
Personal and Community Health and Safety
HPER 3450
Recreational Experiences
HPER 3470
Motor Therapy for Children with Disabilities
HPER 3475
Theory and Design of Programs for Special Populations
HPER 3480
Nutrition in Sports, Exercise and Physical Activity
HPER 3495
Principles of Therapeutic Recreation
HPER 3800
Trends and Issues in Athletic Training
HPER 3900
Human Sexuality
Games and Sports for Disabled Students
HPER 4020
Administration of Physical Education, Wellness, Health and Sport Programs
HPER 4110
Evaluation, Assessment and Research in the Teaching and Learning of Physical Education K-6
HPER 4120
Evaluation, Assessment and Research in the Teaching and Learning of Physical Education 7-12
HPER 4130
Evaluation, Assessment and Research in the Teaching and Learning of Adapted Physical Education
HPER 4140
Assessment, Evaluation and Research of Teaching and Learning in School Health Education
HPER 4170
Physiology of Human Movement
HPER 4180
Measurement, Evaluation and Investigation of The Development of Physical Fitness and Its Components
HPER 4200
Techniques and Skills for the Personal Trainer
HPER 4305
Sport Training Methodology
HPER 4306
Integrated Periodization of Physical Sports Training
HPER 4308
Design of Exercise Programs
HPER 4310
Functional Training Methodology
HPER 4313
Methodology for Muscle Fitness Training
HPER 4315
Fundamentals of Coaching
HPER 4320
Coaching and Officiating Soccer
HPER 4330
Coaching and Officiating Basketball
HPER 4340
Coaching and Officiating Baseball
HPER 4350
Coaching and Officiating Track and Field
HPER 4360
Coaching and Officiating Volleyball
HPER 4370
The Teaching of Physical Education for Special Populations
HPER 4407
Movement Experiences
HPER 4441
Practicum in Athletic Training I
HPER 4442
Practicum in Athletic Training II
HPER 4444
Clinical Experiences in Training
HUMA 4010
European Cinema
HUSE 3010
Intra-Family Violence
HUSE 3220
Family Conflicts Intervention
HUSE 4010
Ethical, Professional and Legal Aspects in Psychosocial Services
HRMA 2100
Human Resource Administration
HRMA 3000
Organization Behavior
HRMA 3100
Leadership and Supervision
HRMA 3200
Labor Security and Hygiene
HRMA 3400
Training and Development
HRMA 3500
Labor Legislation
HRMA 3600
Wage and Salary Management
HRMA 4100
Syndication and Collective Bargaining
HRMA 4915
Supervised Practice
HRMA 4970
Integration Seminar
HRMT 1200
Introduction to the Tourism and Hospitality Industry
HRMT 1300
Introduction to Food and Beverages Management
HRMT 1301
Production Lab and Basic Food Services
HRMT 2100
Professional Communication Skills in English for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry
HRMT 2101
Conversational Italian For Tourism and Hospitality
HRMT 2102
Conversational French For Tourism and Hospitality
HRMT 2103
Conversational German For Tourism and Hospitality
HRMT 2200
Introduction to Marketing in The Hospitality Industry
HRMT 2302
Production Lab and Advanced Food Services
HRMT 2500
Human Resources Management in the Hospitality Industry
HRMT 2600
Drinks Management and Service
HRMT 2650
Purchasing Systems and Inventory Control
HRMT 2800
Restaurant Development and Management
HRMT 2850
Restaurant Management
HRMT 2915
Practicum in Restaurant Management
HRMT 3010
Reception Department
HRMT 3300
Physical Facilities Management
HRMT 3330
Financial Management for Hospitality Organizations
HRMT 3400
Management of Casinos
HRMT 3500
Technology and Information Systems in the Hospitality Industry
HRMT 4400
Meetings and Convention Management
HRMT 4915
Internship in Hotel Management
HSBC 2270
Classification of Health Services and Diseases
HSBC 2280
Audit and legal concepts
HSBC 2290
Electronic billing
HSBC 2910
INEN 3411
Operations Research I
INEN 3412
Operations Research II
INEN 3430
Advanced Statistics
INEN 3550
Cost Control and Analysis
INEN 3600
Sustainable Engineering and Industrial Ecology
INEN 3710
Work Measurement
INEN 4300
Statistical Quality Control
INEN 4400
Ergonomics and Design of Workstations
INEN 4420
Systems Simulation
INEN 4490
Operations Planning and Control
INEN 4510
Decision Making under Uncertainty
INEN 4511
Lean Six Sigma
INEN 4512
Advanced Lean Six Sigma
INEN 4520
Systems Reliability
INEN 4530
Validation of Pharmaceutical Processes
INEN 4545
Supply Chain Management
INEN 4550
Facility Design
INEN 4560
Industrial Safety
INEN 4570
Stochastic Processes
INEN 4580
Resources Programming and Assignment
INEN 4595
Project Management and Systems Engineering
INEN 4600
Automated Manufacturing
INEN 4610
Services Optimization
INEN 4700
Design of Experiments
INEN 4810
Comprehensive Design Experience
INEN 4915
Practicum in Industrial Engineering
INEN 4921
Undergraduate Research in Industrial Engineering I
INEN 4922
Undergraduate Research in Industrial Engineering II
INEN 4930
EIT Exam Seminar
INSR 1400
Introduction to Risk and Insurance
INSR 1500
Introduction to Disability Life Insurance
INSR 1600
Life Insurance
INSR 1700
Employee Benefits Planning
INSR 1800
Personal Uses for Multilinear Insurance
INSR 1900
Commercial Uses and Functional and Operational Aspects of Multilinear Insurance
INTB 2100
Introduction to International Business
INTB 2200
Cultural Awareness in International Business
INTB 2301
Principles of Imports and Exports
INTB 2302
Licenses and Regulations for Imports and Exports
INTB 3330
Management of Human Resources at the International Level
INTB 3600
International Business Environment in the Americas, Europe and the Pacific
INTB 3710
International Sales Contracts and Terms of International Business
INTB 3750
Financial Institutions and International Investments
INTB 3800
Administration of International Transportation: Ocean, Air and Land
INTB 3900
Management Information Systems in International Business
INTB 4200
International Distribution Systems
INTB 4220
International Business Strategy
INTB 4911
Practice in International Business
ITAL 1001
Elementary Italian
ITAL 1002
Elementary Italian
ITAL 1011
Italian I
ITAL 1012
Italian II
ITAL 2021
Italian III
ITAL 2022
Italian IV
ITAL 3010
Diction and Phonetics
ITAL 3020
Advanced Writing
ITAL 3021
Italian Literature I
ITAL 3022
Italian Literature II
ITAL 4010
Italian Culture and History
ITEC 1100
Introduction to Information Technology
ITEC 1200
Programming Algorithms
ITEC 2301
Cobol I
ITEC 2310
Visual Programming in Information Systems
ITEC 2450
Development of Web Page
ITEC 2560
Mobile Applications Programming
ITEC 3130
Database Design and Management
ITEC 3330
Programming Language
ITEC 3350
Telecommunications and Business Networks
ITEC 3400
Electronic Businesses
ITEC 3420
Information System Analysis and Design
ITEC 3570
Programming of Internet
ITEC 4500
Auditing and Security of Information Systems
ITEC 4870
Management of Information Systems Projects
ITEC 4915
ITEC 4916
ITEC 4970
Seminar in Information Systems
LADE 2130
Control of Insects and Disease
LADE 2150
Soil Fertilizing Technology
LADE 2260
Foliaged Plants for Landscaping
LATI 1001
Elementary Latin
LATI 1002
Elementary Latin
LATI 2021
Intermediate Latin
LATI 2022
Intermediate Latin
LING 4006
Tutorial English
MAEC 1213
History of Economic Thought
MAEC 2140
Fundamentals of Quantitative Methods
MAEC 2211
Principles of Microeconomics
MAEC 2212
Principles of Macroeconomics
MAEC 2221
Basic Statistics
MAEC 2222
Managerial Statistics
MAEC 2235
Introduction to Agricultural Economics
MAEC 2320
Political Economy
MAEC 3234
Labor Economics
MAEC 3236
Public Finance and Fiscal Policy
MAEC 3240
Mathematics for Decision-Making
MAEC 3243
International Economics
MAEC 3250
Intermediate Statistics
MAEC 3330
Economic Development of Puerto Rico
MAEC 4210
Economics of Multinational Firms
MAEC 4213
Macroeconomics Applied to Business
MAEC 4214
Intermediate Economic Analysis (Micro)
MAEC 4220
Introduction to Econometrics
MAEC 4334
Energy Resources and Environmental Administration
MAEC 4520
Economic Development of Emerging Areas
MAMS 2630
Public Relations
MAND 1001
Basic Mandarin I
MAND 1002
Basic Mandarin II
MAND 2021
Intermediate Mandarin I
MAND 2022
Intermediate Mandarin II
MASC 1600
Fundamentals of Oceanography
MASC 2610
Introduction to Geology
MASC 2630
Diving in Marine Sciences
MASC 2640
Nautical Sciences
MASC 2660
Geological Oceanography
MASC 397_
Special Topics
MASC 3060
Chemical Oceanography
MASC 3600
Marine Biology
MASC 3603
Marine Biology Laboratory
MASC 3610
Marine Botany
MASC 3620
MASC 3650
Advanced Oceanography
MASC 3660
Biological Oceanography
MASC 3930
Marine Research Methods
MASC 4030
Coral Reef Ecology
MASC 4040
Biology of Marine Mammals, Birds and Turtles
MASC 4050
Marine Resource Conservation and Management
MASC 4610
Coastal Geomorphology
MASC 4660
Physical Oceanography
MASC 4910
Practicum in Marine Sciences
MASC 4931
Marine Research I
MASC 4932
MATH 1015
Basic Mathematics for Landscape Design
MATH 1020
Business Mathematics
MATH 1030
Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers
MATH 1500
MATH 1511
Precalculus I
MATH 1512
Precalculus II
MATH 2000
Discrete Methods
MATH 2100
Introduction to Probability and Statistics
MATH 2200
Combinatory Analyses and Probability
MATH 2250
Calculus for Biology and Environmental Sciences
MATH 2251
Calculus I
MATH 2252
Calculus II
MATH 2300
Statistical Inference
MATH 2380
Topics in Geometry
MATH 2400
The Language of Mathematics
MATH 3000
Sampling Techniques
MATH 3060
Nonparametric Statistics
MATH 3091
Mathematical Statistics I
MATH 3092
Mathematical Statistics II
MATH 3130
Theory of Numbers
MATH 3250
Calculus III
MATH 3350
Linear Algebra
MATH 3370
Introduction to Mathematical Logic
MATH 3400
Differential Equations
MATH 3710
Introduction to Mathematical Models
MATH 3810
History of Mathematics
MATH 4100
Applied Algebra
MATH 4151
Numerical Analysis I
MATH 4152
Numerical Analysis II
MATH 4260
Operational Research
MATH 4391
Abstract Algebra I
MATH 4392
Abstract Algebra II
MATH 4430
Seminar for Secondary School Teachers
MATH 4470
Complex Analysis
MATH 4550
Advanced Calculus
MATH 4580
Introduction to Topology
MATH 4910
Practice and Professional Ethics
MATH 4970
Integration Seminar
MDME 1101
Fundamentals of Marketing for Digital Media
MDME 2201
Development of Web Tools
MDME 2203
Search Engine Positioning Strategies
MDME 3020
Marketing Strategies for Social Media
MDME 3045
Marketing for Email
MDME 3115
Content Design Strategy
MDME 4012
Web Analytics
MDME 4041
Inbound Marketing
MDME 4910
Marketing for Digital Media Practice
MDME 4973
Seminar in Marketing for Digital Media
MECN 3005
Vectorial Mechanics for Engineers: Statics
MECN 3010
Vectorial Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
MECN 3115
Fluid Mechanics and its Applications
MECN 3140
Power Systems of Fluids
MECN 3160
Dynamics of Motor Vehicles
MECN 3165
Solid Mechanics
MECN 3200
MECN 3250
Manufacturing Process Laboratory
MECN 3350
Efficiency Airplane Design
MECN 3400
Analysis and Design of Space Missions
MECN 3500
Numerical Methods for Engineering
MECN 3600
Gas Turbines and Propulsion Systems
MECN 397_
Specials Themes
MECN 4105
Mechanical Vibrations
MECN 4110
Mechanisms Design
MECN 4121
Design of Machine Elements I
MECN 4122
Design of Machine Elements II
MECN 4201
Thermodynamics I
MECN 4202
Thermodynamics II
MECN 4210
Heat Transfer
MECN 4220
Design of Thermal Systems
MECN 4230
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
MECN 4235
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Systems Design
MECN 4240
Applied Solar Energy
MECN 4305
Engineering Materials
MECN 4350
Aerospace Structures and Materials
MECN 4405
Analysis in Computer Assisted Engineering
MECN 4610
Automatic Control Systems
MECN 4620
Dynamics and Control of Aerospace Vehicles
MECN 4710
Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Science Laboratory
MECN 4720
Engineering Materials Material and Solid Mechanics Laboratory
MECN 4730
Instrumentation, Control and Vibrations Laboratory
MECN 4815
Project Design in Mechanical Engineering
MECN 4820
Aerospace Experience
MECN 4911
Practice in Mechanical Engineering
MECN 4912
Practice in Mechanical Engineering II
MECN 4921
Undergraduate Research in Mechanical Engineering I
MECN 4922
Undergraduate Research in Mechanical Engineering II
MECN 4930
EIT Exam Seminar
MEDT 4501
Laboratory Operations I: Basic Principles, Statistics and Molecular Techniques in the Clinical Laboratory
MEDT 4510
Clinical Chemistry, Pathology and Molecular Diagnosis
MEDT 4520
Body Fluids
MEDT 4531
Clinical Immunology
MEDT 4532
Blood Banking
MEDT 4540
Hematology, Coagulation and Molecular Diagnosis in Hematopathology
MEDT 4560
Mycology and Virology
MEDT 4570
Clinical Bacteriology and Molecular Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases
MEDT 4585
Clinical Parasitology
MEDT 4593
Laboratory Operations II: Laboratory Administration, Ethics and Education
MEDT 4595
Advanced Seminar and Clinical Research
MEDT 4915
Clinical Practice in Blood Banking
MEDT 4916
Clinical Practice in Immunology and Serology
MEDT 4921
Practice in Clinical Chemistry
MEDT 4922
Clinical Practice in Hematology and Coagulation
MEDT 4923
Clinical Practice in Microbiology
MEDT 4924
Clinical Practice in Urinalysis And Parasitology
MEEM 1111
Skills in Sign Language
MEEM 1120
Basic Concepts of Medical Emergencies
MEEM 1121
MEEM 1221
Patient Evaluation
MEEM 1222
Applied Pharmacology
MEEM 2140
Management of Gyno-Obstetric, Neonatal and Pediatric Emergencies
MEEM 2141
Cardiorespiratory Function
MEEM 2142
Trauma Handling
MEEM 2233
Trauma Handling II
MEEM 2234
Transportation and Communication System
MEEM 2351
Rescue Operations
MEEM 3110
Integrated Practice
MEEM 3120
Dimensions of Practice and Professional Ethics
MEEM 3130
Research Seminar
MEEM 3140
Emergencies I
MEEM 4120
Emergencies II
MEEM 4180
Special Populations
MEEM 4190
Management of Complex Scenarios
MEEM 4980
Professional Practice
MGOI 2100
Organizational Design
MGOI 3240
Ethics and Social Responsibility
MGOI 3300
Leadership and Organizational Change
MGOI 3400
Organizational Communication
MGOI 4245
Innovation and Creativity
MGOI 4900
Management Simulation
MICR 3211
Microbial Physiology
MICR 4010
Microbial Ecology
MICR 4505
Microbiological Applications Techniques
MICR 4910
MICR 4955
Integration Seminar in Microbiology
MISC 1010
Introduction to the Army and Critical Thinking
MISC 1020
Foundations of Agile and Adaptive Leadership
MISC 2010
Leadership and Decision Making
MISC 2020
Army Doctrine and Team Development
MISC 3010
Training Management and The Warfighting Functions
MISC 3020
Applied Leadership in Small Unit Operations
MISC 3141
English For Today's Army I (Basic Level)
MISC 3142
English For Today's Army Ii (Basic Level)
MISC 3143
English For Today's Army Ii (Intermediate Level)
MISC 3144
English For Today's Army Ii (Intermediate Level)
MISC 3151
Military Briefing I
MISC 3152
Military Briefing II
MISC 4010
The Army Officer
MISC 4020
Company Grade Leadership
MISC 4141
Military Writing I
MKTG 1210
Introduction to Marketing
MKTG 1220
Introduction to Agricultural Marketing
MKTG 2220
Marketing Management
MKTG 2223
Consumer Behavior
MKTG 2910
MKTG 2970
Seminar in Sales
MKTG 3230
Integrated Marketing Communication
MKTG 3233
Public Relations in Organizations
MKTG 3234
Personal Sales
MKTG 3235
Sales Management
MKTG 3236
Retail Selling
MKTG 3237
Service Marketing
MKTG 3238
Principles of Publicity
MKTG 3239
Social Marketing
MKTG 3240
Ethics in Marketing
MKTG 3241
Graphic Art in Marketing
MKTG 3242
Social Media Marketing
MKTG 3243
Distribution Logistics
MKTG 4240
Strategic Marketing
MKTG 4243
Marketing Research
MKTG 4244
Global Marketing
MKTG 4245
Digital Marketing
MKTG 4246
Product Management
MKTG 4248
Small Business Marketing
MKTG 4820
Analytical Marketing
MKTG 4910
Supervised Practice in Marketing
MKTG 4973
Integrated Seminar in Marketing
MMAT 2103
Introduction to Materials Management
MMAT 3211
Inventory Management
MMAT 3212
Planning and Production Control
MMAT 3220
Purchasing Management
MMAT 4350
Planning of Business Resources
MMAT 4360
Managerial Productivity Techniques
MOPR 1000
Introduction to the technology, development and design of Mobile devices
MOPR 1201
Development of mobile applications Android 1
MOPR 1202
Development of mobile applications Android 2
MOPR 2001
Development of mobile applications Apple 1 iOS
MOPR 2002
Development of mobile applications Apple 2 iOS
MOPR 2101
Development of mobile applications of Windows Phone 1
MOPR 2102
Development of mobile applications Windows Phone 2
MOPR 2970
Seminar in Programming of Mobile devices
MUBA 1000
Introduction to Business in the Music Industry
MUBA 1100
Music Marketing
MUBA 1200
Principles of Management of Artists
MUBA 1300
Musical Fundamentals for Enterprises
MUBA 1400
Legal Aspects in The Music Business
MUBA 2000
Dissemination, Promotion and Distribution of Music in Internet
MUBA 397_
Special Topics
MUBA 3000
Introduction to Musical Production
MUBA 4000
Project Management in the Musical Industry
MUBA 4971
Integrated Seminar
MUED 1091
Field Experiences in Music Education I
MUED 2080
Field Experiences in Music Education II
MUED 3080
Clinical Experiences in Music Education
MUED 3301
Strategies and Techniques I: General Vocal
MUED 3302
Strategies and Techniques II: General Vocal
MUED 3303
Vocal Strategies and Techniques III: Diction
MUED 3330
Strategies and Techniques of Musical Instruments I: String
MUED 3331
Strategies and Techniques of Musical Instruments II: Percussion
MUED 3332
Instrumental Strategies and Techniques III: Metals
MUED 3333
Instrumental Strategies and Techniques IV: Wind-Wood
MUED 4401
Elementary Methods: The Teaching of Music
MUED 4411
Secondary Methods: The Teaching of Music
MUED 4436
Technology in Music Education
MUED 4915
Student Teaching in Music: General-Vocal
MUED 4916
Student Teaching in Music: Instrumental
MUSI 101_
Fundamentals of Applied Music I
MUSI 102_
Fundamentals of Applied Music II
MUSI 121
Applied Music for Non-Majors
MUSI 122
Applied Music for Non-Majors
MUSI 1110
Rudiments of Music
MUSI 1111
Rudiments and Auditory Training I
MUSI 1112
Rudiments and Auditory Training II
MUSI 1131
Guitar: Group Class I
MUSI 1132
Guitar: Group Class Ii
MUSI 1160
Vocal Coaching I
MUSI 1161
Vocal Coaching II
MUSI 1162
Vocal Coaching III
MUSI 1163
Vocal Coaching IV
MUSI 1164
Vocal Coaching V
MUSI 1165
Vocal Coaching VI
MUSI 1166
Vocal Coaching VII
MUSI 1167
Vocal Coaching VIII
MUSI 1168
Vocal Coaching IX
MUSI 1169
Vocal Coaching X
MUSI 1200
Chamber Ensemble: Instrumental - Jazz Band
MUSI 1210
Chamber Ensemble: Instrumental - Jazz Band
MUSI 1220
Chamber Ensemble: Instrumental - Clarinet
MUSI 1221
Vocal Chamber Ensemble and Opera Workshop
MUSI 1222
Vocal Chamber Ensemble and Opera Workshop
MUSI 1230
Chamber Ensemble: Instrumental - Strings
MUSI 1231
Concert Band I
MUSI 1232
Concert Band II
MUSI 1240
Chamber Ensemble: Instrumental - Flute
MUSI 1241
University Choir I
MUSI 1242
University Choir II
MUSI 1250
Chamber Ensemble: Instrumental - Guitar
MUSI 1251
University Orchestra I
MUSI 1252
University Orchestra II
MUSI 1260
Chamber Ensemble: Instrumental - Brass
MUSI 1270
Chamber Ensemble: Instrumental - Percussion
MUSI 1280
Chamber Ensemble: Instrumental - Saxophone
MUSI 1311
Drums I
MUSI 1312
Drums II
MUSI 1401
Theory and Sight-Reading
MUSI 1461
Piano: Group Class I
MUSI 1462
Piano: Group Class II
MUSI 1701
MUSI 1701-4892
Instrument I to VIII
MUSI 1701-1892
Instrument I, II
MUSI 1702
MUSI 1711
MUSI 1712
MUSI 1721
MUSI 1722
MUSI 1731
MUSI 1732
MUSI 1741
MUSI 1742
MUSI 1751
MUSI 1752
MUSI 1761
MUSI 1762
MUSI 1771
MUSI 1772
MUSI 1781
MUSI 1782
MUSI 1791
MUSI 1792
MUSI 1801
MUSI 1802
MUSI 1811
MUSI 1812
MUSI 1821
MUSI 1822
MUSI 1841
MUSI 1842
MUSI 1851
MUSI 1852
MUSI 1861
MUSI 1862
MUSI 1871
MUSI 1872
MUSI 1881
MUSI 1882
MUSI 1891
Classical Guitar
MUSI 1892
Classical Guitar
MUSI 1901
Ethnic Percussion I
MUSI 1902
Ethnic Percussion II
MUSI 1991
Electric Bass I
MUSI 1994
Electric Bass IV
MUSI 221
Applied Music for Non-Majors
MUSI 222
Applied Music for Non-Majors
MUSI 2011
Chamber Ensemble and Vocal Instruction I
MUSI 2012
Chamber Ensemble and Vocal Instruction II
MUSI 2013
Chamber Ensemble and Vocal Instruction III
MUSI 2014
Chamber Ensemble and Vocal Instruction IV
MUSI 2091
Chamber Ensemble I
MUSI 2092
Chamber Ensemble II
MUSI 2093
Chamber Ensemble III
MUSI 2094
Chamber Ensemble IV
MUSI 2095
Chamber Ensemble V
MUSI 2096
Chamber Ensemble VI
MUSI 2097
Chamber Ensemble VII
MUSI 2098
Chamber Ensemble VIII
MUSI 2221
Vocal Chamber Ensemble and Opera Workshop
MUSI 2222
Vocal Chamber Ensemble and Opera Workshop
MUSI 2231
Concert Band III
MUSI 2232
Concert Band IV
MUSI 2241
University Choir III
MUSI 2242
University Choir IV
MUSI 2251
University Orchestra III
MUSI 2252
University Orchestra IV
MUSI 2311
Drums III
MUSI 2411
Harmony and Counterpoint I
MUSI 2412
Harmony and Counterpoint II
MUSI 2470
Keyboard Harmony
MUSI 2701
MUSI 2701-2892
Instrument III, IV
MUSI 2702
MUSI 2711
MUSI 2712
MUSI 2721
MUSI 2722
MUSI 2731
MUSI 2732
MUSI 2741
MUSI 2742
MUSI 2751
MUSI 2752
MUSI 2761
MUSI 2762
MUSI 2771
MUSI 2772
MUSI 2781
MUSI 2782
MUSI 2791
MUSI 2792
MUSI 2801
MUSI 2802
MUSI 2811
MUSI 2812
MUSI 2821
MUSI 2822
MUSI 2841
MUSI 2842
MUSI 2851
MUSI 2852
MUSI 2861
MUSI 2862
MUSI 2871
MUSI 2872
MUSI 2881
MUSI 2882
MUSI 2891
Classical Guitar
MUSI 2892
Classical Guitar
MUSI 2901
Ethnic Percussion III
MUSI 321
Applied Music for Non-Majors
MUSI 322
Applied Music for Non-Majors
MUSI 3030
Music and Research: Fieldwork
MUSI 3031
Popular Music Workshop II
MUSI 3032
Popular Music Workshop III
MUSI 3070
Jazz in Guitar
MUSI 3130
Popular Music Workshop I
MUSI 3131
Popular Music Workshop II
MUSI 3132
Popular Music Workshop III
MUSI 3133
Popular Music Workshop IV
MUSI 3221
Vocal Chamber Ensemble and Opera Workshop
MUSI 3222
Vocal Chamber Ensemble and Opera Workshop
MUSI 3231
Concert Band V
MUSI 3232
Concert Band VI
MUSI 3241
University Choir V
MUSI 3242
University Choir VI
MUSI 3251
University Orchestra V
MUSI 3252
University Orchestra VI
MUSI 3311
Western Music: History and Literature I
MUSI 3312
Western Music: History and Literature II
MUSI 3320
History of Puerto Rican And Latin American Music
MUSI 3440
Form and Analysis
MUSI 3471
MUSI 3472
MUSI 3701
MUSI 3701-3892
Instrument V, VI
MUSI 3702
MUSI 3711
MUSI 3712
MUSI 3721
MUSI 3722
MUSI 3731
MUSI 3732
MUSI 3751
MUSI 3752
MUSI 3761
MUSI 3762
MUSI 3771
MUSI 3772
MUSI 3781
MUSI 3782
MUSI 3791
MUSI 3792
MUSI 3801
MUSI 3802
MUSI 3811
MUSI 3812
MUSI 3821
MUSI 3822
MUSI 3841
MUSI 3842
MUSI 3851
MUSI 3852
MUSI 3861
MUSI 3862
MUSI 3871
MUSI 3872
MUSI 3881
MUSI 3882
MUSI 3891
Classical Guitar
MUSI 3892
Classical Guitar
MUSI 3975
Special Topics
MUSI 421
Applied Music for Non-Majors
MUSI 422
Applied Music for Non-Majors
MUSI 4221
Vocal Chamber Ensemble and Opera Workshop
MUSI 4222
Vocal Chamber Ensemble and Opera Workshop
MUSI 4231
Concert Band VII
MUSI 4232
Concert Band VIII
MUSI 4241
University Choir VII
MUSI 4242
University Choir VIII
MUSI 4251
University Orchestra VII
MUSI 4252
University Orchestra VIII
MUSI 4431
Orchestration and Arranging I
MUSI 4432
Orchestration and Arranging II
MUSI 4451
Composition I
MUSI 4452
Composition II
MUSI 4500
Conducting I
MUSI 4510
Conducting II: Choral
MUSI 4520
Conducting II: Instrumental
MUSI 4600
Foundations of Audio-Recording
MUSI 4701
MUSI 4701-4892
Instrument VII, VIII
MUSI 4702
MUSI 4711
MUSI 4712
MUSI 4721
MUSI 4722
MUSI 4731
MUSI 4732
MUSI 4741
MUSI 4742
MUSI 4751
MUSI 4752
MUSI 4761
MUSI 4762
MUSI 4771
MUSI 4772
MUSI 4781
MUSI 4782
MUSI 4791
MUSI 4792
MUSI 4801
MUSI 4802
MUSI 4811
MUSI 4812
MUSI 4821
MUSI 4822
MUSI 4841
MUSI 4842
MUSI 4851
MUSI 4852
MUSI 4861
MUSI 4862
MUSI 4871
MUSI 4872
MUSI 4881
MUSI 4882
MUSI 4891
Classical Guitar
MUSI 4892
Classical Guitar
MUSI 4900
MUSI 4901
Recital II
MUSI 703
Fundamentals: Vocal I, II
MUSI 704
Fundamentals: Vocal I, II
MUSI 713
Fundamentals: Instruments I, II
MUSI 714
Fundamentals: Instruments I, II
MUSI 723
Fundamentals: Strings I, II
MUSI 724
Fundamentals: Strings I, II
MUSIC 1122
Historic Panorama of Music I
MUSIC 1123
Historic Panorama of Music II
MUSIC 1126
Christian Music History
MUSIC 1323
Instrumental Ensemble I
MUSIC 1324
Instrumental Ensemble II
MUSIC 1333
Choral Ensemble I
MUSIC 1334
Choral Ensemble II
MUSIC 1501
Flute I
MUSIC 1502
Flute II
MUSIC 1511
Piano I
MUSIC 1512
Piano II
MUSIC 1521
Puerto Rican Cuatro I
MUSIC 1522
Puerto Rican Cuatro II
MUSIC 1531
Theory and Sight Singing I
MUSIC 1532
Theory and Sight Singing II
MUSIC 1541
Saxophone I
MUSIC 1542
Saxophone II
MUSIC 1551
Trumpet I
MUSIC 1552
Trumpet II
MUSIC 1563
Group Piano I
MUSIC 1564
Group Piano II
MUSIC 1571
Trombone I
MUSIC 1572
Trombone II
MUSIC 1581
Bass I
MUSIC 1582
Bass II
MUSIC 1591
Guitar I
MUSIC 1592
Guitar II
MUSIC 1601
Drums I
MUSIC 1602
Drums II
MUSIC 1611
Percussion I
MUSIC 1612
Percussion II
MUSIC 1631
Violin I
MUSIC 1632
Violin II
MUSIC 1641
Voice I
MUSIC 1642
Voice II
MUSIC 1651
Viola I
MUSIC 1652
Viola II
MUSIC 1661
Group Guitar I
MUSIC 1662
Group Guitar II
MUSIC 1671
Cello I
MUSIC 1672
Cello II
MUSIC 2000
Digital Musical Notation
MUSIC 2020
Liturgical Function of Music
MUSIC 2030
Choral Directing and Management
MUSIC 2040
Instrumental Directing and Management
MUSIC 2050
Sacred Music Ensemble
MUSIC 2060
Anthropology and History of Music
MUSIC 2070
Musical Research Theories and Methods
MUSIC 2080
Paradigms in Anthropology and Music History
MUSIC 2326
Instrumental Ensemble III
MUSIC 2327
Instrumental Ensemble IV
MUSIC 2335
Choral Ensemble III
MUSIC 2336
Choral Ensemble IV
MUSIC 2503
Flute III
MUSIC 2504
Flute IV
MUSIC 2513
Piano III
MUSIC 2514
Piano IV
MUSIC 2523
Puerto Rican Cuatro III
MUSIC 2524
Puerto Rican Cuatro IV
MUSIC 2531
Improvisation I
MUSIC 2532
Improvisation II
MUSIC 2533
Improvisation III
MUSIC 2543
Saxophone III
MUSIC 2544
Saxophone IV
MUSIC 2553
Trumpet III
MUSIC 2554
Trumpet IV
MUSIC 2573
Trombone III
MUSIC 2574
Trombone IV
MUSIC 2583
Bass III
MUSIC 2584
Bass IV
MUSIC 2593
Guitar III
MUSIC 2594
Guitar IV
MUSIC 2603
Drums III
MUSIC 2604
Drums IV
MUSIC 2613
Percussion III
MUSIC 2614
Percussion IV
MUSIC 2623
Harmony I
MUSIC 2624
Harmony II
MUSIC 2625
Harmony III
MUSIC 2633
Violin III
MUSIC 2634
Violin IV
MUSIC 2643
Voice III
MUSIC 2644
Voice IV
MUSIC 2653
Viola III
MUSIC 2654
Viola IV
MUSIC 2673
Cello III
MUSIC 2674
Cello IV
MUSIC 2703
Graduation Concert
MUSIC 3020
Music and Research: Archives
MUSIC 3030
Music and Research: Fieldwork
MUSIC 3040
Music and Research: Design and Writing
MUSIC 3505
Flute V
MUSIC 3506
Flute VI
MUSIC 3515
Piano V
MUSIC 3516
Piano VI
MUSIC 3525
Puerto Rican Cuatro V
MUSIC 3526
Puerto Rican Cuatro VI
MUSIC 3545
Saxophone V
MUSIC 3546
Saxophone VI
MUSIC 3555
Trumpet V
MUSIC 3556
Trumpet VI
MUSIC 3575
Trombone V
MUSIC 3576
Trombone VI
MUSIC 3585
Bass V
MUSIC 3586
Bass VI
MUSIC 3595
Guitar V
MUSIC 3596
Guitar VI
MUSIC 3605
Drums V
MUSIC 3606
Drums VI
MUSIC 3615
Percussion V
MUSIC 3616
Percussion VI
MUSIC 3635
Violin V
MUSIC 3636
Violin VI
MUSIC 3645
Voice V
MUSIC 3646
Voice VI
MUSIC 3655
Viola V
MUSIC 3656
Viola VI
MUSIC 3675
Cello V
MUSIC 3676
Cello VI
MUSIC 3901
Composition I
MUSIC 4700
MUSIC 4724
Arrangements I
MUSIC 4734
Recording I (M.I.D.I. Room)
MUSIC 4803
Graduation Concert
Preparatory Flute I
Preparatory Flute II
Preparatory Piano I
Preparatory Piano II
Preparatory Puerto Rican Cuatro I
Preparatory Puerto Rican Cuatro II
Theory and Sight Singing I
Theory and Sight Singing II
Preparatory Saxophone I
Preparatory Saxophone II
Preparatory Trumpet I
Preparatory Trumpet II
Preparatory Trombone I
Preparatory Trombone II
Preparatory Bass I
Preparatory Bass II
Preparatory Guitar I
Preparatory Guitar II
Preparatory Drums I
Preparatory Drums II
Preparatory Percussion I
Preparatory Percussion II
Preparatory Violin I
Preparatory Violin II
Preparatory Voice I
Preparatory Voice II
Preparatory Viola I
Preparatory Viola II
Preparatory Cello I
Preparatory Cello II
NANO 3000
Chemistry of Nanomaterials
NANO 3100
NANO 3110
NANO 3120
Research Methods in Nanotechnology
Another language (French, Italian, Latin or Portuguese)
MATH 4___
(2) Math Courses at the 4000-level
Six additional credits from the course of POLS at the 3000 or 4000 level
Three courses in Literature and/or Linguistics at the 4000 level
NTEL 1200
Introduction to Networks and Telecommunications
NTEL 2101
Network Protocols
NTEL 2150
Design of Telecommunications Distribution
NTEL 2300
Linux Networks
NTEL 3110
Installation and Administration of Network Systems
NTEL 3230
Introduction to Java Programming
NTEL 3310
E-Mail Server
NTEL 3401
Minicomputers Operations
NTEL 3520
Internet Programming and Administration
NTEL 3600
SQL Database Server
NTEL 3770
Wireless Networks
NTEL 3971
Special Topics in Telecommunications
NTEL 4150
Security in Networks
NTEL 4500
Audit and Controls in Network Systems
NTEL 4520
Voice and Video Networks
NTEL 4610
Storage Networks
NTEL 4750
Network Management
NTEL 4910
Practicum in Telecommunications
NURS 1111
Fundamentals of Nursing
NURS 1112
Fundamentals of Nursing Practice
NURS 1130
Pharmacological Aspects
NURS 1231
Fundamentals of Adult Care I
NURS 1232
Practice of Adult Care I
NURS 2141
Fundamentals of Maternal-Neonatal Care
NURS 2142
Practice in Maternal-Neonatal Care
NURS 2233
Fundamentals of Adult Care II
NURS 2234
Practice of Adult Care II
NURS 2351
Fundamentals of Pediatric Care
NURS 2352
Practice in Pediatric Care
NURS 2361
Fundamentals of Psychosocial Care
NURS 2362
Psychosocial Practice
NURS 2970
Transition Seminar
NURS 3000
Principles of Robotic Nursing
NURS 3100
Dimensions of Professional Practice
NURS 3115
Introduction to the Nursing Research Process
NURS 3116
Nursing Leadership and Management
NURS 3120
Health Assessment
NURS 3121
Health Estimation Practice
NURS 3135
Nutrition and Dietetics Principles in Nursing
NURS 3140
Intervention in Psychosocial Transitions
NURS 3145
Professional Interventions in Cardiovascular Diseases
NURS 3180
Nursing Process with the High Risk Newborn
NURS 3190
Professional Life Cycle Interventions
NURS 3191
Practice in Professional Interventions in the Life Cycle
NURS 3250
Electronic Documentation
NURS 4180
Family and Community Nursing Care
NURS 4190
Physiopathology in Altered Functional Patterns
NURS 4230
Diverse Topics
NURS 4240
Administration and Supervision of Nursing Services
NURS 4911
Practice in Professional Interventions During the Life Cycle
NURS 4914
Practice in Nursing Care to the Family and Community
NURS 4980
Integrated Workshop
NURS 4981
Integrative Workshop Practice
OCTH 1000
Introduction to Occupational Therapy
OCTH 1031
Therapeutic Modalities I
OCTH 1050
Human Development in The Occupations Throughout the Life Cycle
OCTH 1060
Anatomy and Human Physiology
OCTH 1111
Physical Dysfunction I
OCTH 1120
Processes in Occupational Therapy
OCTH 1121
Occupational Therapy Applied to Pediatrics I
OCTH 1132
Therapeutic Modalities II
OCTH 1141
Occupational Therapy Applied to Psycho-Social Dysfunction I
OCTH 2022
Occupational Therapy Applied to Pediatrics II
OCTH 2042
Occupational Therapy Applied to Psycho-Social Dysfunction II
OCTH 2102
Physical Dysfunction II
OCTH 2135
Occupational Therapy in Daily Activities
OCTH 2923
Clinical Practice I
OCTH 2924
Clinical Practice II
OCTH 2975
Integration Seminar
OMSY 1000
Keyboarding Skills
OMSY 1010
Speed Writing in Spanish
OMSY 1015
Speed Writing in English
OMSY 1101
Information Processing I
OMSY 1102
Information Processing II
OMSY 2000
Production of Business Documents
OMSY 2040
Electronic Spreadsheets
OMSY 2060
Administration of Documents and Databases
OMSY 2233
Information Processing in Offices of Legal Affairs
OMSY 2240
Information Processing in Offices of Health Services
OMSY 2250
Human Resources in the Organizational Environment
OMSY 2400
Medical Terminology
OMSY 2500
Legal and Ethical Aspects in Medical Information
OMSY 3000
Health Services Billing
OMSY 3030
Business Communication in Spanish
OMSY 3040
Business Communication in English
OMSY 3050
Graphic Art Design for Offices
OMSY 3080
Office Administration
OMSY 3430
Electronic Codification of Diagnoses and Procedures
OMSY 3440
Administration of The Electronic Medical Record
OMSY 3500
Interactive Business Communication in English
OMSY 4010
Integration of Application Programs in Office Administration
OMSY 4500
Telecommunications in The Office
OMSY 4910
Professional Practicum
OMSY 4920
Design and Administration of Training
OMSY 4970
Integration Seminar
OPMS 3000
Operations Management of Manufacturing and Service
OPMS 3340
Management Policies and Strategies
OPMS 3500
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
OPMS 3820
Management Sciences
OPMS 4300
Service Operations Management
OPMS 4500
Project Management
OPST 1003
Fundamentals of Optics
OPST 1010
Principles of Biology
OPST 1011
Ophthalmic Materials I
OPST 1012
Ophthalmic Materials II
OPST 1020
Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye
OPST 1111
Fundamentals of Physics I
OPST 1112
Fundamentals of Physics II
OPST 2000
Legal and Ethical Considerations
OPST 2004
Contact Lenses I
OPST 2005
Contact Lenses II
OPST 2010
Prescription Dispatch
OPST 2020
Subnormal Vision
OPST 2021
Entrepreneurial Development
OPST 2103
Ophthalmic Materials III
OPST 2913
Supervised Practice
ORBE 2100
Group Dynamics
ORBE 3100
Research methods and their applications in organizational behavior
ORBE 4000
Ethics and Organizational Management
ORBE 4100
Organizational Development
ORBE 4200
Integrating Seminar in Organizational Behavior
PHAR 1150
Theoretical Pharmacy
PHAR 1155
Pharmaceutical Legislation
PHAR 1220
Human Anatomy and Physiology
PHAR 1221
Pharmacy Practice I
PHAR 1271
Applied Pharmacology I
PHAR 1280
PHAR 1290
Pharmaceutical Mathematics
PHAR 2190
Integration of Pharmacy Concepts
PHAR 2200
General Chemistry for Pharmacy Technicians
PHAR 2210
Commercial Pharmacy
PHAR 2222
Pharmacy Practice II
PHAR 2260
PHAR 2272
Applied Pharmacology II
PHAR 2913
Supervised Practice I
PHAR 2914
Supervised Practice II
PHAR 2915
Supervised Practice III
PHIL 2013
Types and Problems in Philosophy
PHIL 2020
Introduction to Humanistic Studies
PHIL 2354
Modern Logic
PHIL 3013
History of Western Philosophy: Ancient and Medieval
PHIL 3021
History of Western Philosophy
PHIL 3022
Nineteenth Century Philosophy
PHIL 3040
Philosophical Studies of Culture
PHIL 3044
Contemporary Philosophy
PHIL 3365
PHIL 3375
Social Philosophies
PHIL 4353
Philosophy of Religion
PHIL 4374
Philosophy of Science
PHIL 4385
Philosophy of History
PHTH 1000
Introduction to Physical Therapy
PHTH 1010
Principles of Patient Care
PHTH 1211
Anatomy and Physiology I
PHTH 1212
Anatomy and Physiology II
PHTH 1222
Therapeutic Modalities
PHTH 1223
PHTH 1224
Introduction to Physical Therapy II
PHTH 2050
Dimension of Incapacity
PHTH 2051
Communication Skills in Physical Therapy
PHTH 2053
Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy
PHTH 2054
Kinesiology and Functional Anatomy
PHTH 2055
Growth and Human Development
PHTH 2151
Orthopedic Rehabilitation
PHTH 2350
Neurological Rehabilitation
PHTH 2921
Internship in Physical Therapy I
PHTH 2922
Internship in Physical Therapy II
PHTH 2923
Internship in Physical Therapy III
PHTH 2924
Final Practice
PHTH 2990
Integration Seminar in Physical Therapy
PHYS 1013
General Physics and its Applications
PHYS 3001
General Physics I
PHYS 3002
General Physics II
PHYS 3300
Physics for Videogames
PHYS 3311
Physics for Engineers I
PHYS 3312
Physics for Engineers II
PHYS 3500
Physics for Aviators
POLS 1011
Introduction to Political Science
POLS 2040
Government of the United States
POLS 2088
Government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
POLS 2100
Political Analysis and Research Techniques
POLS 3000
POLS 3050
Ethics, Religion and Politics
POLS 3060
POLS 3080
Political Economy
POLS 3100
Comparative Government and Politics
POLS 3150
Introduction to International Relations
POLS 3170
International Conflicts
POLS 3190
United States Foreign Policy
POLS 3200
Political Sociology
POLS 3300
Human Rights
POLS 3401
Classic Political Thought
POLS 3402
Modern Political Thought
POLS 3450
POLS 3501
Political Systems of Latin America
POLS 3502
Contemporary Political Problems in Latin America
POLS 3503
Caribbean Political Systems
POLS 3504
Middle East Politics
POLS 3610
Relations Between the United States and Puerto Rico
POLS 3700
Women and Their Political Development
POLS 3800
Government, Ecology and Public Environmental Public Policy
POLS 3820
Public Administration
POLS 3910
Electoral Processes
POLS 4033
Inter-American Relations
POLS 4055
Public Opinion and Propaganda
POLS 4100
Contemporary World Politics
POLS 4110
Constitutional Law
POLS 4300
Public Policy
POLS 4530
Political Psychology
POLS 4540
Latin American Political Thought
POLS 4620
Government and Politics in Developing Areas (A, B, C, D, F, I)
POLS 4700
POLS 4900
Seminar on Political Research
POLS 4955
Interdepartmental Studies
PORT 1001
Elementary Portuguese
PORT 1002
Elementary Portuguese
PORT 1011
Portuguese I
PORT 1012
Portuguese II
PORT 2021
Portuguese III
PORT 2022
Portuguese IV
PORT 3010
Diction and Phonetics
PORT 3020
Advanced Writing
PORT 3021
Portuguese Literature
PORT 3022
Portuguese Literature
PORT 4010
Portuguese Culture and History
PRAG 1100
Introduction to precision agriculture technology
PRAG 1110
Operation and management of greenhouses
PRAG 1120
Pest Management in controlled environments
PRAG 1130
Blue agriculture
PRAG 2210
Digital Agriculture
PRAG 2220
Hydroponics and agricultural production
PRAG 2230
Water and nutrient management
PRAG 2235
Crop production
PRAG 2240
Sustainable energy technologies in agriculture
PRAG 2250
Principles of entrepreneurship and agricultural management
PRAG 2910
Practice in precision farming crops
PSYC 1051
General Psychology I
PSYC 1052
General Psychology II
PSYC 2001
Writing in Psychology
PSYC 2010
Developmental Psychology
PSYC 3001
Statistical Methods I
PSYC 3002
Statistical Methods II
PSYC 3100
PSYC 3113
Physiological Psychology
PSYC 3144
Motivation and Emotion
PSYC 3200
Comparative Psychology
PSYC 3221
Life Cycle I
PSYC 3222
Life Cycle II
PSYC 3268
Introduction to Counseling and Psychotherapy
PSYC 3300
Social Psychology
PSYC 3313
Introduction to Industrial-Organizational Psychology
PSYC 3315
Introduction to School Psychology
PSYC 397_
Special Topics
PSYC 4000
Fundamentals of The Psychological Interview
PSYC 4100
Behavior Modification
PSYC 4103
Community Psychology
PSYC 4113
Contemporary Theories
PSYC 4200
Principles of Psychological Testing
PSYC 4210
Cognitive Psychology
PSYC 4213
PSYC 4234
Psychology of Personality
PSYC 4300
Group Processes
PSYC 4313
Organizational Psychology
PSYC 4520
Crisis Intervention
PSYC 4600
Experimental Psychology
PSYC 4910
Experience in Psychology Scenarios
PSYC 4971
Integration Seminar
PUAD 3300
Government Accounting
PUAD 3510
Public Budget Planning
RATE 1110
Patient Care
RATE 1125
Introduction to Radiological Technology and Ethical Concepts
RATE 1130
Radiation Protection
RATE 1141
Biology and Radiographic Anatomy I
RATE 1142
Biology and Radiographic Anatomy II
RATE 1221
Radiographic Procedures and Evaluation I
RATE 1230
Principles of Radiographic Exposure And Processing
RATE 2090
Pharmacology and Venipuncture
RATE 2210
Critique and Radiographic Quality Control
RATE 2222
Radiographic Evaluation and Procedures II
RATE 2223
Radiographic Evaluation and Procedures III
RATE 2231
Radiological Physics I
RATE 2232
Radiological Physics II
RATE 2240
Radiographic Pathology and Medical Terminology
RATE 2260
RATE 2270
Diagnostic Image Modalities and Equipment
RATE 2910
Clinical Practice I
RATE 2912
Clinical Practice II
RATE 2913
Clinical Practice III
RATE 2919
Clinical Practice IV
RATE 3050
Mammographic Quality Control
RATE 3071
Breast Anatomy and Vascular Pathology
RATE 3080
Radiographic Procedures and Evaluation of the Breast
RATE 3090
Procedures of Angiography and Interventional Radiology
RATE 4910
Clinical Practice in Mammography
RATE 4911
Clinical Practice in Angiography
REAL 2500
Real Estate Economics
REAL 2600
Legal Principles of Real Estate
REAL 2700
Obligations and Contracts in Real Estate
REAL 3800
Real Estate Funding
REAL 3900
Administration Principles in Real Estate
REAL 4000
Introduction to The Appraisal of Real Estate
REAL 4100
Ethics in the Real Estate Business
REAL 4400
Financial Markets and the Banking Sector in Real Estate
REAL 4910
REEN 1010
Introduction to Renewable Energy Systems
REEN 2010
Audit and Energy Efficiency
REEN 2110
Wind Systems
REEN 2120
Microcontroller Programming Laboratory
REEN 2910
Integrated Practice and Professional Ethics
RELI 2013
Compared Religions
RELI 2020
Introduction to the Bible
RELI 2023
Biblical Archaeology and Geography
RELI 2030
Phenomenology of Religion
RELI 2100
Applied Bibliographic Research
RELI 2103
Biblical Study Methodology
RELI 2200
Introduction to Practical Theology
RELI 2230
RELI 2240
Ecclesiastical Administration
RELI 2250
Introduction to Pastoral Care
RELI 2260
Pastoral and Society
RELI 2311
History and Theology
RELI 2312
History and Theology II
RELI 397_
Special Topics
RELI 3011
Old Testament I
RELI 3012
Old Testament II
RELI 3021
New Testament I
RELI 3022
New Testament II
RELI 3026
History of Israel
RELI 3034
RELI 3065
Christian Ethics
RELI 3220
Religious Organizations
RELI 3313
History and Theology III
RELI 3326
History of Christianity
RELI 3337
Religion in Latin America
RELI 4100
Christian Education
RELI 4200
Analysis of Religious Discourse and Liturgy
RELI 4300
Christian Education Curriculum
RELI 4350
Beginnings of Christian Thought
RELI 4353
Philosophy of Religion
RELI 4355
Introduction to the Hermeneutics
RELI 4360
Biblical Historiography
REPS 1100
Introduction to Renewable Energies
REPS 2100
Technical Drawing
REPS 2300
Solar Energy System Components
REPS 2400
Design and Dimensionig of Solar Energy Systems
REPS 2910
RUSS 1001
Elementary Russian
RUSS 1002
Elementary Russian
SBAD 2110
Introduction to Small Business Administration
SBAD 2210
Relations with The Small Business Consumer
SBAD 3220
Promotion and Selling Through Internet
SBAD 3330
Human Resources Administration in Small Businesses
SBAD 3335
Federal and Puerto Rican Laws for Small Business Administration
SECU 1100
Security Fundamentals
SECU 2100
SECU 3300
Web Security and Wireless Networks
SECU 3400
Security Systems Technology
SECU 3500
Policy and Administration of Security Technology
SECU 4100
Audit and Security
SECU 4200
Disaster Recovery and Continuity
SECU 4300
Legal Aspects of Security
SECU 4400
Social Engineering and Ethical Hacker
SECU 4500
Integrative Seminar
SOCI 1030
Introduction to Sociology
SOCI 2020
Structures, Continuity and Change
SOCI 2040
Family and Society
SOCI 2050
Urban Society and its Transformation
SOCI 2060
Violence and Criminal Conduct
SOCI 2070
Civil Society and Self-Management
SOCI 2080
Criminal Justice System
SOCI 2970
Cultural Management and Ecotourism Workshop and Seminar
SOCI 3010
Diversity and Marginality
SOCI 3070
Community and Socioeconomic Development
SOCI 3513
Rural Society in Transition
SOCI 3560
Rehabilitation Systems for The Delinquent
SOCI 3570
Nonprofit Organizations
SOCI 3634
Growth Areas
SOCI 3645
Studies of Population
SOCI 3753
Social Problems of Puerto Rico
SOCI 3900
History of Social Thought
SOCI 497_
SOCI 4050
Sociological Theories
SOCI 4060
Criminology and Delinquency
SOCI 4220
Gender, Society and Culture
SOCI 4600
Human Rights and Society
SOCI 4800
Sociological Research
SOCI 4817
History of Social Welfare
SOCI 4870
Management of Communitarian Projects
SOCI 4910
SONO 3000
Basic Principles of Ultrasound
SONO 3005
Anatomy and Pathophysiology MSK
SONO 3010
Ultrasound Physics I
SONO 3011
Sonography MSK in the Upper Extremities
SONO 3012
Sonography MSK in the Lower Extremities
SONO 3015
Ultrasound Physics II
SONO 3021
Abdomen Sonography
SONO 3022
Pediatric and Adult Pelvic Sonography
SONO 3024
Obstetric Sonography
SONO 4000
Special Sonographic Studies
SONO 4010
Skeletal Muscle Sonography
SONO 4045
Cardiovascular Sonography
SONO 4050
Introduction to Echocardiography
SONO 4055
Cardiovascular Pathophysiology
SONO 4065
General Vascular Sonography
SONO 4075
Advanced Vascular Sonography
SONO 4911
Ultrasound Internship I
SONO 4912
Ultrasound Internship II
SONO 4913
Ultrasound Internship III
SOWO 1503
Introduction to Social Work
SOWO 2461
Individuals and their Social Environment I
SOWO 2462
Individuals and their Social Environment II
SOWO 3413
Social Services and the Aged Person
SOWO 3503
Theories and Debates in the Social Context of the Profession
SOWO 3505
Introduction to Social Agencies Administration and Supervision
SOWO 3514
Social Policy and Services
SOWO 3566
Women in Society
SOWO 3801
Communication and Interview Process
SOWO 3802
Files and Report Writing
SOWO 3849
Child and Family Welfare Services
SOWO 4100
Coping with Loss and Death
SOWO 4873
Social Research Methodology
SOWO 4911
Practice Experiences in Generalist Social Work I
SOWO 4912
Practice Experiences in Generalist Social Work II
SOWO 4931
Generalist Social Work with Individuals and Families
SOWO 4932
Generalist Social Work with Groups
SOWO 4933
Generalist Social Work with The Community
SOWO 4951
Seminar in Education Practice I
SOWO 4952
Seminar in Education Practice II
SOWO 497_
SOWO 4971
Seminar in Social Gerontology
SPAN 1105
Literature and Communication
SPAN 2510
Introduction to Text Analysis
SPAN 2520
Cinema and Literature
SPAN 2541
Advanced Grammar I
SPAN 2542
Advanced Grammar II
SPAN 397_
Special Topics
SPAN 3000
SPAN 3011
Spanish Linguistics I
SPAN 3012
Spanish Linguistics II
SPAN 3015
Oral Communication
SPAN 3020
Writing Workshop
SPAN 3021
Spanish Literature I
SPAN 3022
Spanish Literature II
SPAN 3025
Writing of Professional Documents
SPAN 3071
Spanish-American Literature I
SPAN 3072
Spanish-American Literature II
SPAN 3211
Puerto Rican Literature I
SPAN 3212
Puerto Rican Literature II
SPAN 4010
Reading Workshop
SPAN 4015
Translation Workshop
SPAN 4110
Literature of The Golden Age: Renaissance
SPAN 4125
Representative Works of Spanish Dramatic Art
SPAN 4170
Spanish-American Literature of the Nineteenth Century
SPAN 4175
Contemporary Spanish-American Literature: Narrative and Theater
SPAN 4185
Spanish-American Dialectology
SPAN 4196
The Language of Puerto Rico
SPAN 4200
Spanish Literature of the Nineteenth Century
SPAN 4275
Contemporary Spanish-American Literature: Poetry and Essay
SPAN 4285
Contemporary Narrative of the Hispanic Caribbean
SPAN 4300
Span 4300 Puerto-Rican Literature of the Nineteenth Century
SPAN 4350
Contemporary Puerto Rican Literature: Narrative and Theater
SPAN 4375
Contemporary Puerto Rican Literature: Poetry and Essay
SPTH 1010
Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Language
SPTH 1011
Normal Development of Language
SPTH 1122
Introduction to Audiology
SPTH 1123
Ethical and Legal Matters and Clinical Procedures
SPTH 1124
Fluency Disorders in Children
SPTH 2010
Speech sound disorders
SPTH 2015
Voice Disorders in Children
SPTH 2024
Use of Technology in The Practice of Speech and Language Therapy
SPTH 2110
Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies
SPTH 2120
Intervention with Children with Hearing Impairments
SPTH 2130
Cognitive and Psycho-Social Conditions Associated with Speech and Language Problems
SPTH 3020
Identification and Treatment of Children with Oral Language Disorders
SPTH 3021
Identification and Treatment of Children with Written Language Disorders
SPTH 3022
Clinical Documentation in the Profession of Speech and Language Therapy
SPTH 3140
Early Intervention
SPTH 3141
Therapeutic Interventions for Children with Speech and Language Problems
SPTH 3142
Sign Language
SPTH 3143
Dysphagia in Children
SPTH 3210
Augmentative and Alternative Aids for Communication in Children
SPTH 4141
Integrated Seminar I
SPTH 4142
Integratated Seminar II
SPTH 4914
Practicum I
SPTH 4915
Practicum II
SRIM 1020
Foundations of Sports and Recreation
SRIM 2300
Introduction to Sports Marketing
SRIM 3030
Development of Programming of Sport And Recreational Centers
STAT 1201
Statistics I
STAT 1202
Statistics II
THEA 2001
Theater Workshop
THEA 1001
Theater Workshop
THEA 1002
Theater Workshop
THEA 1500
THEA 1700
Appreciation of The Theater
THEA 2002
Theater Workshop
THEA 3001
Theater Workshop
THEA 3002
Theater Workshop
THEA 3505
Puerto Rican Theater
THEA 4001
Theater Workshop
THEA 4002
Theater Workshop
THEA 4013
Stage Direction and Theatrical Staging
THEA 4500
THEA 2500
Puppet Theater
TOXI 1101
Biological Foundations of Toxicology I
TOXI 1102
Methods in Toxicology I
TOXI 1120
Anatomics Foundations of Toxicology
TOXI 2210
Introduction to Toxicology
TOXI 2220
Methods in Toxicology I
TOXI 2230
Introduction to Pharmacology
TOXI 3000
Genetic Toxicology
TOXI 3010
Clinical Toxicology
TOXI 3603
Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment
TOXI 3605
Public Health for Toxicologists
TOXI 4750
Molecular Toxicology
TOXI 4751
Methods in Toxicology II
TOXI 4910
TURI 1020
Fundamentals of Tourism
TURI 1039
Communication Skills and Interpretation Techniques
TURI 1050
Tourism Guide
TURI 1200
Tourist Quality and Services
TURI 1201
Natural Resources Interpretive Guide
TURI 1900
Hotel and Accommodation Management
TURI 2000
Tourism Legislation
TURI 2010
Reception Department
TURI 2021
Tourism Geography of the Caribbean
TURI 2040
Designing and Planning of Tourism Excursions
TURI 2060
Tourist Marketing
TURI 2200
Culture and Tourist Destinations of Puerto Rico
TURI 2201
Tourism Adventure Guide
TURI 2400
Housekeeping Management
TURI 2600
Physical Facilities Management
TURI 2913
Practice in Tour Guide
TURI 3000
Tourism Planning
TURI 3010
Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism
TURI 3100
Information Systems
TURI 3200
Human Resources Management in The Hotel Industry
TURI 3210
Planning and Tourist Development
TURI 3220
Trip Reservation System
TURI 3230
Accommodations Department Administration
TURI 3300
Food and Services Management
TURI 3400
Meetings and Convention Management
TURI 3500
Information Systems in The Hotel Industry
TURI 4010
Cultural Heritage Tourism Management
TURI 4303
Food and Beverage Management III
TURI 4400
Administration and Organization of Groups and Conventions
TURI 4910
Practicum in Tourism Administration
TURI 4915
VETC 1100
Introduction to Veterinary Sciences
VETC 1120
Animal Anatomy and Physiology
VETC 2200
Farm Animals
VETC 2201
Parasitology and Microbiology
VETC 2202
Clinical Laboratory
VETC 2210
Pharmacology and Toxicology
VETC 2213
Laboratory Animals
VETC 2220
Veterinary Nursing
VETC 2240
VETC 2250
Anesthesia and Surgery
VETC 2255
Common Diseases in Domestic Animals
VETC 2910
Veterinary Technician Practice
VETC 2970
VETC 3300
Food Safety and Hygiene
VETC 3302
Emergency and Critical Care
VETC 3311
Animal Feed and Nutrition
VETC 4410
Handling and Care of Equine
VETC 4420
Administration of Veterinary Clinics
VETC 4910
Practice of Veterinary Technology
VETC 4970
Integration Seminar
VGMA 1110
Mobile Device Technologies
VGMA 1120
Programming Languages
VGMA 1130
Digital Visual Arts
VGMA 1210
User Interface Design
VGMA 1220
Mathematics and Physics for Videogames
VGMA 1230
Application Programming I
VGMA 2110
Application Programming II
VGMA 2120
Digital Development and Narrative
VGMA 2130
Videogame Programming
VGMA 2210
Cloud Computation
VGMA 2220
Artificial Intelligence
VGMA 2230
Creative Work
USDX 1000
Introduction to the Principles and Protocols of Diagnostic Ultrasound
USDX 1010
Anatomy and Physiology in Ultrasound
USDX 1110
Patient Care in Diagnostic Ultrasound
USDX 2010
Basic Physics in Diagnostic Ultrasound
USDX 2011
Intermediate Physics in Diagnostic Ultrasound
USDX 2015
Abdomen and Pelvis Ultrasound Procedure and Evaluation
USDX 2016
Abdomino-Pelvic Pathology
USDX 2017
Practice in Ultrasound I
USDX 2020
Pathology in Obstetrics and Gynecology
USDX 2021
Practice in Ultrasound II
USDX 2022
Ultrasound Procedure and Evaluation in Obstetrics and Gynecology
USDX 2030
Procedure and Evaluation of Ultrasound in Superficial Anatomy
USDX 2031
Practice in Ultrasound III
USDX 2032
Pathology in Superficial Anatomy
USDX 2040
Integrating Workshop
Oferta Académica
Ayudas Económicas
Vida Estudiantil
Capellanía Virtual
Desarrollo y Exalumnos
Inter Web
Correo Electrónico
Solicita Admisión