Graduate Catalog 2025-2026

Administrative Action Symbols

The following symbols are used to indicate administrative action taken in regard to student status in courses for which they registered:

W- Course Withdrawal: Assigned when the student withdraws from a course after the end of the period for class changes and no later than the date established on the academic calendar for withdrawals with W.
DC- Course Withdrawal: Assigned when the student withdraws from a course before the end of the period for class changes. This symbol does not appear on the student transcript.
AD- Administrative Drop: Assigned when the University drops the student for reasons such as death, suspension or other situations warranting a drop.
AW- Assigned in the electronic register when the professor informs, no later than the date established in the academic administrative calendar, that the student never attended the course or any related academic activity. The courses to which the annotation is assigned do not form part of the academic record of the student.
MW- Symbol used to indicate total withdrawal for military reasons.


When the student has not completed any course requirement and the professor determines that there are valid reasons for this, the notation of “I” (Incomplete) may be assigned.
The student must have attended and completed academic activities, in person or virtually, in more than 60% of the period that includes the academic term, to be considered for granting the notation of Incomplete (I).
The student must submit an Incomplete (I) request for the course to the professor through the corresponding form.
The professor will evaluate the student's request considering the criteria or requirements of the course that the student must complete, and the grades obtained in the completed evaluation criteria, including the score of zero (0) in those that have not been completed. The result and weighting of this analysis must lead to the approval of the course in order to complete the pending requirements in the established period. After evaluating the previous criteria, the teacher will be able to determine if it is appropriate to assign the notation of Incomplete (I).
The notation of Incomplete (I) will be accompanied by a provisional grade (B to F), after assigning a score of zero (0) to the work not completed.
Any student who receives a notation of “I” must remove this notation before the date established for this purpose, in the academic\administrative calendar of the next corresponding academic term. The professor will have five working days after the date of removal of the incomplete, as established in the academic-administrative calendar of the corresponding term to report the student's grade to the department director. The responsibility for removing an “Incomplete” falls on the student. If the student does not remove it within the regulatory time, they will receive the reported provisional grade. This rule will apply whether or not the student enrolls at the University in the following semester.
In the case of a student who has not attended or completed academic activity in the course, during the referred period, he or she may not be eligible for the granting of Incomplete (I).
The Faculty of Law and the School of Optometry will adjust this policy to their respective needs.

UW- Assigned in the electronic registry on the date to inform the grades, as established in the academic administrative calendar, when the student:

a. Has stopped attending classes for at least three consecutive weeks in a semester or its equivalent in other academic terms, without presenting a justification to the professor or dean of students.
b. Has not participated in any academic activity related to the course (including the final examination) after the time period established in number one above.
c. Does not qualify for the grade of incomplete or (F).

When the annotation UW is given, the professor will inform the last date of attendance or participation in an academic activity related to the course.

This annotation will form part of the academic record of the student.
AU- Symbol used to indicate on student transcripts that the course was audited. No honor points or University credit are awarded.
R- Symbol used to indicate the course was repeated.
T- Symbol used to indicate the course was transferred from another institution.