General Catalog 2025-2026

Written Tests for Validation of Learning Experiences

These consist of a written examination based on the entire content of a course. Tests in Spanish may be prepared by the Spanish faculty of the University. The tests in English and mathematics may be prepared and administered by CLEP, by the Advanced Placement tests of the College Board or by the English and mathematics faculty of the University. Passing scores on the CLEP will be those recommended by the American Council on Education for examinations given in English.

 First-year students who score 560 or higher in the mathematics portion and 580 or higher in the English portion of the PAA test may take validation exams in the core courses of the disciplines in which they were earned. these scores up to two weeks after the start of classes. Each campus will be responsible for making the pertinent arrangements so that the student who so wishes can take these exams during the first semester of study, before enrolling in the course that has the validated course as a requirement.