Marketing and Graphic Design (Post-Bachelor Professional Certificate)
The Professional Certificate in Marketing and Graphic Design aspires to develop professionals from a multidisciplinary perspective. Students will gain the essential knowledge and skills to plan, carry out, and manage graphic design projects. This certificate will provide theoretical and practical training for the development of students' creativity and prepare them to work in sectors such as the audiovisual industry, the creation of graphic applications, marketing, advertising, and communications.
The student must pass the courses with a minimum grade of B and must maintain a general average of 3.00.
The Aguadilla Campus is authorized to offer this program.
Program Goals
The goals of the Professional Certificate in Marketing and Graphic Design contribute to the development of professionals of excellence with multidisciplinary training and skills in the use and management of technology. goals are:
- Integrate the knowledge of Business Administration in Marketing with the visual communication skills of Graphic Design.
- Develop professionals who respond to the needs of the labor market in the areas of Marketing and Graphic Design.
- Apply creativity and innovation in the design of business identities that respond to organizational needs.
- Contribute to the economic and cultural development of the country by applying new skills in the field of the Internet and social networks.
Program Objectives
- Apply theoretical, scientific and humanistic knowledge in the field of marketing and graphic design in an integrated manner.
- Demonstrate responsibility and commitment to their own development and that of the profession.
- Analyze existing communication problems and create a marketing and graphic design plan to solve them.
- Demonstrate responsibility and commitment in solving communication problems facing society.
Competencies Profiles of Graduate
The program is designed to develop the skills that allow the student to:
- Recognize the concepts, theories, and practices that serve as the basis for performance in fields related to marketing and graphic design.
- Identify trends in the national and international environment for decision making.
- Identify the elements that govern digital, web, print and multimedia design.
- Integrate the diversity of thoughts and communication styles in graphic design.
- Employ critical thinking and creative analysis by efficiently applying the elements and principles of graphic design.
- Evaluate the social, cultural and economic context in which graphic design is applied.
- Demonstrate legal and ethical behavior in the performance of their duties.
- Value the sense of aesthetics in marketing and graphic design.
Requirements for the Professional Certificate in Marketing and Graphic Design
Requirements for the Professional Certificate in Marketing and Graphic Design - 18 credits