Graduate Catalog 2023-2024

Anesthesia (MS)

The program for the Master of Science Degree in Anesthesia has as its goal the preparation of a professional in nursing in anesthesia who will be able to perform activities related to the administration of anesthesia under the supervision of a physician for all types of surgical procedures.

The program aims to develop a professional in anesthesia that will be able to:

  1. Acquire knowledge and skills inherent in the specialization that allow the performance of quality anesthesia care.
  2. Acquire attitudes, communication and interpersonal relationship skills that facilitate the intervention with the patient, the family and the health team.
  3. Utilize the nursing process in problem solving and decision making in the practice of nurse anesthesia.
  4. Utilize the results of scientific research to strengthen the quality of anesthesia service.

The Program is accredited by the “Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs” (

The Arecibo Campus is authorized to offer this Program.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

The Master of Science in Anesthesia is designed to develop the competencies that allow the student:


Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

  1. Physical and biochemical concepts related to the administration of anesthesia.
  2. Advanced physiological and pharmacological concepts related to the practice of anesthesia.


  1. Apply a variety of current techniques for the administration of general and regional anesthetics, giving priority to patient safety and monitoring.
  2. Formulate and apply a culturally competent perianesthetic care plan throughout the anesthesia experience.
  3. Apply critical thinking skills to provide anesthesia services to patients of all ages and physical conditions in a variety of surgical procedures related to medicine.


  1. Professionally interact with colleagues and patients in accordance with the legal requirements for the practice of nursing specialized in anesthesia.
  2. Demonstrate commitment to the practice of nursing in anesthesia through learning for life.

Admission Requirements

Candidates for admission must:

  1. Meet the requirements for admission to master's programs established in the section "Requirements for Admission to Master's Programs" of this Catalog.

  2. Possess a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing from an accredited university.

  3. Have a minimum academic index of 3.00 points in the last sixty (60) credits of academic work.

  4. Possess a current professional nursing license and membership.

  5. Have a minimum of one (1) year of critical care experience.

  6. Submit two (2) letters of recommendation from the supervisory staff of the agency(ies) where you have had the work experience(s).

  7. Interview by the Program Admission Committee.

  8. Submit the following documents:

    1. Health certificate.

    2. Evidence of vaccination against Hepatitis B.

    3. Criminal record certificate issued by the Puerto Rico Police Department.

    4. Copy of professional license and current association

    5. Updated professional resume

  9. Submit a written commitment to take the National Certification Examination (NCE) within one hundred and twenty (120) days after completing the graduation requirements established in the Graduate Catalog.

  10. Approve with a minimum of 75% a test in the subject of anatomy and physiology.

  11. If you do not obtain the minimum required score in the test, you must pass the following course:

    1. BIOL 3106 Anatomy and Physiology

  12. Have passed a chemistry course with a laboratory of three or more credits.

Note: Students who are admitted to the Master of Science in Anesthesia will have to purchase a Review computerized program, recommended by the faculty of the program, before starting the first courses of the program.

Time Limit to Complete the Degree

Full-time Students: 28 months

Part-time students: 40 months

Graduation Requirements

  1. Complete the graduation requirements for a master’s degree established in the Graduate Catalog of the Inter American University of Puerto Rico.
  2. Present official evidence of having administered anesthesia in six hundred and fifty (650) surgeries in different specialties and a minimum of 2,000 hours of clinical experience.
  3. The student must approve the SEE with a minimum score of 450.
  4. In cases in which the student does not achieve SEE required score after a third attempt, the student can request in writing to the Program Director to present a verbal exam before the Curriculum Committee. This exam must be approved with a minimum score of 90%.

Requirements for the Master of Science in Anesthesia

Specialization Requirements 52 credits

Specialization Requirements - 52 credits

ANES 5105Biochemistry and Physics


ANES 5110Introduction to Anesthesiology


ANES 5111Pathophysiology I: Cellular


ANES 5112Pathophysiology II: Blood, Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Renal


ANES 5113Advanced Pathophysiology


ANES 5121Principles of Anesthesia I


ANES 5122Advanced Physical Health Assessment in Anesthesia I


ANES 5131Pharmacology Anesthetics I: Anesthetics


ANES 5132Advanced Anesthetic Pharmacology


ANES 5221Principles of Anesthesia II: General Surgery


ANES 5222Clinical Practice on Principles of Anesthesia II


ANES 5307Regional Anesthesia


ANES 5331Principles of Anesthesia III: Obstetrics and Pediatrics


ANES 5332Clinical Practice on Principles of Anesthesia III


ANES 5431Principles of Anesthesia IV: Cardiothoracic and Neurological


ANES 5432Clinical Practice on Principles of Anesthesia IV


ANES 5497Trends and Controversies in Anesthesiology


ANES 6390Clinical Analysis


ANES 6395Research Process


ANES 6397Administration and Supervision


ANES 6911Integrated Supervised Practice I


ANES 6912Integrated Supervised Practice II


ANES 6970Integrated Seminar