Graduate Catalog 2023-2024

Speech-Language Pathology (MS)

The Metropolitan Campus is authorized to offer this Program.


The mission of the Speech and Language Pathology program is to prepare speech and language pathologists competent and committed to scientific work, professional ethics, service and social commitment to provide excellent prevention, diagnosis and treatment services to children and adults with speech, language and swallow disorders in order to improve their quality of life.


The Speech and Language Pathology program aspires to be recognized as a program of excellence for its contribution in the preparation of speech and language pathologists through the provision of an academic and clinical program based on the latest trends in the profession.

Competencies Profile of Graduates


Demonstrate knowledge of:

  1. the basic processes of human communication and swallowing that include the biological, neurological, acoustic, psychological and developmental bases, as well as linguistic and cultural ones.
  2. the nature of the communication and swallowing processes in the areas of articulation, fluency, voice and resonance, receptive and expressive language, hearing, swallowing, cognitive and social aspects of communication and the augmentative and alternative communication.
  3. the principles and methods of identification of communication and swallowing disorders.
  4. the principles and methods of prevention of communication and swallowing disorders.
  5. standards of ethical conduct.
  6. the processes used in the investigation, integrating the principles of clinical practice based on evidence.
  7. contemporary professional and multicultural affairs.
  8. the processes of clinical education and supervision.


  1. Evaluate speech, language and swallowing disorders and differences throughout the life cycle associated with articulation, fluency, voice and resonance, receptive and expressive language, hearing, swallowing, cognitive and social aspects of communication, as well as augmentative and alternative communication needs.
  2. Intervene with people who have communication and swallowing disorders and differences throughout the life cycle associated with articulation, fluency, voice and resonance, receptive and expressive language, hearing, swallowing, cognitive and social aspects of communication, as well as augmentative and alternative communication.
  3. Communicate clinical information in written, spoken and nonverbal form to the people who are provided services, as well as their family, caregivers and any other person involved, in order to ensure the best quality of care.
  4. Apply knowledge of the interdependence of speech, language and hearing in clinical processes.
  5. Carry out interventions with the expected professionalism for a specialist in the field of speech and language pathology.
  6. Apply interpersonal qualities in counseling to people with communication and swallowing disorders, and their families, as well as in collaboration with other professionals.
  7. Integrate clinical and supervisory knowledge in clinical practice.
  8. Self-assess the effectiveness of clinical intervention.


  1. Demonstrate ethical behavior when exercising the functions inherent to the professional practice.
  2. Assess the need for continuous learning through life and professional development.
  3. Show sensitivity and appreciation for cultural, social and development differences of the various populations that are offered services.

Admission Requirements

To be admitted to the Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology, the candidate must meet the general admission requirements for a master’s degree, established by Inter American University of Puerto Rico in the Graduate Catalog and must meet the following specific program requirements:

  1. Hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited University with an academic index of 3.0 or above.
  2. Submit evidence of having approved the following courses or equivalents with a minimum grade of B:
    1. Biological Sciences
    2. Physical Sciences
    3. Social Sciences
    4. Statistics
  3. Submit two letters of recommendation, one of them from a faculty member.
  4. Have obtained a minimum score of 400 points in EXADEP test or its equivalent.
  5. Write an essay related to their interest in the field of Speech-Language Pathology.
  6. Submit a Professional Curriculum Vitae.
  7. Have an admission interview with a faculty committee and be recommended for admission.

Graduation Requirements

The student of the Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology must:

  1. Complete and pass the 59 credits of the Program with a minimum grade of B.

Requirements for the Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology

Core Course Requirements 19 credits
Specialization Course Requirements 40 credits
Total 59 credits

Core Course Requirements - 19 credits

SPLP 5100Anatomy, Physiology, and Neurology of the Mechanisms of Speech, Language, and Hearing


SPLP 5105Foundations of Audiology


SPLP 5110Normal Development of Speech and Language


SPLP 5120Seminar: Contemporary Topics along with Multicultural and Methodologic Considerations


SPLP 5215Professional Ethics in Speech-Language Pathology


SPLP 6000Introduction to Auditory Habilitation/Rehabilitation


SPLP 6535Supervision and Administration in Services of Speech and Language Pathology


Specialization Course Requirements - 40 credits

SPLP 6100Articulation and Phonology Disorders


SPLP 6101Language Disorders in Children I


SPLP 6102Language Disorders in Children II


SPLP 6210Fluency Disorders


SPLP 6215Voice Disorders


SPLP 6320Diagnostic Methods in Speech-Language Pathology


SPLP 6325Acquired Language Disorders


SPLP 6405Augmentative and Alternative Aid for Communication


SPLP 6430Dysphagia in Children and Adults


SPLP 6435Motor Disorders in Speech


SPLP 6440Written Language Disorders


SPLP 6910Clinical Practice I


SPLP 6911Clinical Practice II


SPLP 6970Integration Seminar