Graduate Catalog 2021-2022

Specialization in Interdisciplinary Special Education

The specialization in Interdisciplinary Special Education aspires to develop a professional in special education properly endowed with the knowledge, necessary skills and attitudes so that he can: (a) provide interdisciplinary services to the student population with and without disabilities from childhood to high school; (b) become involved effectively with the families of the student population with and without disabilities; (c) offer educational services in inclusive classrooms, in other natural environments and in special classrooms.

The Guayama Campus is authorized to offer this Program.

Admission Requirements

To be admitted to the Master of Education with a specialization in Interdisciplinary Special Education, the student must meet the admission requirements established by the University and the following:

  1. Hold a Bachelor in Education or another discipline.
  2. Have a general average of 2.50 or more.
  3. Hold a valid Teaching Certification from Puerto Rico.

Note: All students interested in being certified to practice as teaching staff in Special Education must comply with the current requirements of the Department of Education of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

Requirements for the Master of Education in Interdisciplinary Special Education

Specialization Requirements 24-27 credits
Prescribed Distributive Requirements 6 credits
Total 30-33 credits

Specialization Requirements - 24-27 credits

EDUC 5047Psychosocial Foundations of Education


EDUC 5111Educational Research I


EDUC 5740Education of the Exceptional Population


EDUC 6053Intervention with Families in Inclusive Environments


EDUC 6054Assessment in Interdisciplinary Special Education


EDUC 6059Design and Development of Interdisciplinary Special Curricula


EDUC 6066Technological Aid in Teaching Exceptional Students


EDUC 6340Development of Language and Reading


EDUC 691AInternship in Interdisciplinary Special Education


EDUC 5740 and EDUC 691A: *Students with a Bachelor in Special Education who have at least one year of experience working with the exceptional population are exempted from the EDUC 5740 Exceptional Population Education and EDUC 691A Internship in Interdisciplinary Special Education courses and must take 9 credits between distributive for a total of 30 credits.

Prescribed Distributive Requirements - 6 credits

Select six to nine* credits from the following courses:

EDUC 6043Population with Intellectual Impediments


EDUC 6044Population with Specific Learning Problems


EDUC 6047Nature and Needs of Handicapped Infants and Preschool Children


EDUC 6048Assessment and Programming for Handicapped Infants and Preschool Children


EDUC 6050Current Issues in Interdisciplinary Special Education


EDUC 6055Seminar in Interdisciplinary Special Education


EDUC 6060Curriculum, Assessment and Intervention Methods for Special Students


EDUC 6240Techniques in Behavior Analysis


EDUC 6300Strategies, Methods and Techniques for Teaching Reading and Writing to the Exceptional Population


EDUC 6320Strategies, Methods and Techniques for Teaching Mathematics to the Exceptional Population