Graduate Catalog 2022-2023

Music (MM)

The program of Master of Music (MM) focuses on the development of basic skills in the general field of music, both in its academic and practical manifestation. The Program offers the tools to carry out studies in musical arts focused on advanced knowledge of research, music theory and the anthropological and historical processes of Puerto Rican, Caribbean and global music.

The Metropolitan Campus is authorized to offer this Program.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

The Master of Music Program is designed to develop the competencies that allow the student to:


  1. Demonstrate knowledge about the foundations of history, theory and music theory both in the context of music education and in the creation of original works, arrangement of vernacular creations and international repertoire and their execution.
  2. Know the philosophies of the musical teaching and the aesthetic musical proposals for the conceptualization and execution of both based on pedagogical practices and the creation of aesthetically based musical works.
  3. Know the basic quantitative research methods and designs as they are used particularly in the musical sciences.


  1. Explain the fundamentals of history, theory and music theory both in the context of music teaching and in the creation of original works, arrangement of vernacular creations and international repertoire and their execution.
  2. Choose between the philosophies of music teaching and the aesthetic musical proposals for the conceptualization and execution of both based on pedagogical practices and the creation of aesthetically based musical works.
  3. Identify basic quantitative research methods and designs as they are used particularly in the musical sciences.
  4. Practice this profession at a high artistic and academic level capable of investigating, producing and transmitting knowledge.
  5. Evaluate the current demands of this profession and respond with proposals from research, composition, teaching and musical interpretation.
  6. Create dynamic and adaptive ways of projecting the cultural values of your country, both in the national and global context.


  1. Demonstrate commitment to incorporate information from the musical sciences available in the formulation of practices, assessment, diagnosis, teacher-musician in teaching-learning interventions, updated repertoire demands and in cultural management consulting.
  2. Evidence disposition to consider the cultural and professional ethics aspects pertinent to the activities of pedagogical evaluation, musical performance, cultural management consultancy, and musicological research.
  3. Demonstrate an internalized sense of national, professional and personal identity, including an appreciation for the ability of the practice of music to create and stimulate constructive interpersonal relationships.

Admission Requirements

  1. Hold a Bachelor of Music or Bachelor of Arts in Music or Bachelor of Music Education.
  2. Demonstrate mastery of theory and musical harmony through audition.
  3. Students interested in the area of Composition must submit a portfolio of their creative works to be evaluated and recommended by the faculty.

Requirements of the Master of Music

Core Course Requirements 33 credits
Specific Requirements 3 credits
Prescribed Distributive Requirements 6 credits
Total 42 credits

Core Course Requirements - 33 credits

MUED 5100Research Techniques in Music Education


MUED 5101Philosophy of Musical Education


MUED 5105Measurement, Assessment, and Evaluation of Music Learning


MUED 5108Fundamentals of Music Pedagogy


MUED 5200Musical Analysis Techniques


MUED 5201History of Puerto Rican Music


MUED 5202Music of the World


MUSI 5020Comparative History of Music


MUSI 5030Theoretical and Sol-Fa Compendium


MUSI 5040Advanced Theory and Harmony


MUSI 5120Orchestration


Specific Requirements - 3 credits

MUED 6690Seminar on Music Education Practice Problems


MUED 6692Thesis in Music Education


Note: Course required to meet the institutional graduation requirement for master's programs.

Prescribed Distributive Requirements - 6 credits

MUED 5103Seminar of Music Education at the Elementary Level


MUED 5104Seminar of Music Education at the Secondary Level


MUED 5106Technology and Instructional Design


MUSI 6301Composition I


MUSI 6302Composition II


MUSI 6303Composition III


MUSI 6304Composition IV