Graduate Catalog 2023-2024

Specialization in Tourism

Competencies Profile of Graduates for the Specialization in Tourism

The Master in Business Administration with a specialization in Tourism is designed to develop the competencies that will enable students:


To demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

  1. the concepts and practices related to the area of administration of tourist companies.
  2. the managerial processes that allow them to perform as administrator of a tourist company.
  3. the main quantitative and qualitative models used in the processes of decision making and solution of problems in the tourist enterprise context.
  4. the tools for strategic planning in the enterprise organization.
  5. the social, economic, political and global environment in which the tourist organizations operate.


  1. Integrate managerial concepts and processes in their professional performance in the enterprise administration in the tourist scenario.
  2. Apply the quantitative and qualitative methods in the critical analysis of the processes of decision making and solution of problems related to the operation of the tourist company.
  3. Use the research methodology on which to base the decision making in the organization.
  4. Master the communication skills in the tourist enterprise context.
  5. Demonstrate leadership in the tourist company.
  6. Foment team work in the tourist enterprise organization.
  7. Master technology as a tool in handling information in the tourist enterprise.


  1. Demonstrate sensitivity to achieve the organizational goals and objectives in the matters related to cultural diversity.
  2. Demonstrate the qualities of an enterprising professional who integrates collaboration, responsibility, ethics and dedication.

Requirement for the Specialization in Tourism - 16 credits

Required Courses - 12 credits

TURI 6010Analysis and General Policies of the Tourist Industry


TURI 6110Culture as a Viable Tourist Development


TURI 6210Administration and Marketing of Tourist Companies


TURI 6410Planning and Administration of the Tourist Destinies


Select a course from the following:

TURI 697GIntegration Seminar in Research in Tourism


TURI 6990Thesis