General Catalog 2024-2025

Education (BA and Certificate)

The Teacher Education Program (PEM) of the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico (UIPR) prepares future teachers to face the challenges of Puerto Rican society through training based on the Professional Standards of Teachers and the Certification Regulations. Teachers of the Puerto Rico Department of Education. The PEM focuses on the culture, values and needs of Puerto Rican society, and offers a variety of theoretical and practical courses that allow students to develop pedagogical, technological and social skills. Additionally, the program includes supervised teaching practices in a real-world environment.

The campuses in which the PEM has accreditation from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) are the following:

  1. Campus Aguadilla accreditation period 4/2023 to 6/2029
  2. Campus Arecibo accreditation period 4/2020 to 6/2027
  3. Fajardo accreditation period 4/2020 to 6/2026
  4. Metropolitano accreditation period 10/2021 to 6/2026                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Theoretical and Methodological Frame of the TEP

The Teacher Education Program is based on a behaviorist, constructivist and humanist philosophy. This approach can be considered as an eclectic conceptual model, which allows the Program to integrate, in an organized way, principles of the three theoretical frames in its curricular designs and in its pedagogical practice leading to the formation of the future teacher. This frame of theoretical and methodological reference will serve as a guide of the TEP for decision making and actions related to its development and its curricular revision and assessment processes, in harmony with the highest standards of quality and educational excellence.

Under the constructivist perspective the aspiring teacher is considered as an active and totally reflective person in his professional formation process. On the other hand, the humanist approach orients the educational process of the future teacher towards his integral development as a being human, in such a way, that he contributes his competencies of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to improve the quality of life of his students and society.

In order to give direction to its vision, mission and declaration of goals statements, the TEP uses the professional standards of teachers established by the Puerto Rico Department of Education and by the CAEP. These standards have as their main purpose to delineate the professional characteristics that the teacher must have to achieve that the students develop, in an integral way, their capacities and potentialities to the maximum in all dimensions as human beings, within a context of a culture of peace and acceptance of diversity. In addition, these standards establish the indicators of the qualities that the teachers must have to facilitate their students’ learning of knowledge, skills and attitudes. It is important to indicate that the standards also serve the teacher as parameters for him to reflect on his continuous professional development and how this must be in harmony with the learning needs of his students.

Vision of the TEP

The Program aspires to develop a professional of excellence for the teaching profession who contributes, through the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to promote changes that respond to the diversity and needs of society.

Mission of the TEP

The Program is directed to the formation of teachers within a curriculum that provides an accumulation of articulated experiences which, at the same time, provides space for the construction of the pedagogical knowledge and content that will develop the future teacher, within the framework of ethical, legal and social responsibility.

Goals of the TEP

In harmony with the vision and the mission for the TEP, the following goals, in coherence with the profile of competencies of graduates of the Program, are established.

  1. Develop educational professionals focused on the mastery of the knowledge of the discipline within the context of a scientific, pedagogical and humanist culture.
  2. Promote research, the management of information and the use of technology as means to generate the production and construction of knowledge that will result in the improvement of pedagogical practice within the education system.
  3. Develop education leaders who are sensitive to the needs and interests of the diverse social groups that exist in the population, within a context of human transformation.

General Objectives of the TEP

The Program aims to achieve the following general objectives:

  1. Apply, in an integrated manner, theoretical and methodological knowledge to the pedagogical practice in the educational scenario, demonstrating commitment to continuous improvement of professional skills.
  2. Use research, the sources of information and technological advances on which to base the development of educational innovations that respond to the ethical, legal and social dimensions.
  3. Show an attitude of acceptance and sensitivity to the educational needs and interests presented by the diverse student populations.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

This Program is designed to develop the general competencies, tied to the core courses that will enable students to:


To know and understand:

  1. The philosophical, psychological and sociological foundations that serve as a basis for education and give direction to pedagogical practice.
  2. The laws, regulations and procedures of the education system, as well as the ethical, legal and social implications of their professional performance.
  3. The implications and importance of the integration of parents and other sectors of society in the educational work of the school community.
  4. The laws, regulations and procedures of the educational system, as well as the ethical, legal and social implications of their professional performance.
  5. The implications and importance of the integration of parents and other sectors of society in the educational task of the school community.


  1. Integrate into pedagogical practice the theoretical principles that underpin education and the complementary processes of evaluation, assessment and measurement.
  2. Plan teaching integrating strategies that address the needs of the diverse student population.
  3. Apply research and technological advances as resources to expand knowledge and innovate and improve pedagogical practice.
  4. Use technological and educational resources to improve the teaching-learning process in students.
  5. Use oral and written communication skills to improve the teaching-learning process in students and mediation as part of a school community.


  1. Demonstrate respect and tolerance for the individual and cultural differences of students in the educational setting.
  2. Assume leadership roles and professional responsibility in different educational settings and community contexts to promote the learning and comprehensive development of students.

The University offers teacher education programs in the concentrations of Early Education: Preschool Level, Early Education: Elementary Level K-5, Special Education K-12, Special Education: Autism, Special Education: Deaf and Partially Deaf, Special Education: Interdisciplinary PK-12, Secondary Education: Biology, Spanish, Social Studies, History and Mathematics, Physical Education K-12, Adapted Physical Education K-12, School Health K-12, Teaching English as a Second Language K-12, Fine Education Arts: General Instrumental Music, General Vocal Music and Visual Arts. These programs meet the requirements for teacher certification granted by the Puerto Rico Department of Education.

The teaching practice may be validated for students who have had a satisfactory teaching experience and who request it. Said validation will be subject to:

  1. The student works in full-time teaching roles in a school accredited by the Department of Education of Puerto Rico for one (1) school year in accordance with the terms contemplated in the public policy of Teacher Certification of the Department of Education of Puerto Rico. Rich. Have teaching experience in accredited private schools, Head Start Centers, or in the United States accredited system. A written certification will be required, certifying this experience, issued by the Office of Teacher Certifications of the Department of Education.
  2. The student pays 50% of the registration cost of the courses Experiences in Educational Environment I and II for the final validation of the credits.
  3. The experience to be credited by the University corresponds to the requirements for the degree that the student hopes to obtain from the Institution.

Public as well as private schools serve as daytime laboratories for the students to acquire experience in the area of teaching and learning.


  1. Students who present official evidence that they have worked under contract as a teacher or teacher's assistant for one year or more will be exempt from taking the EDUC 2000 - Experiences in the Educational Field course.
  2. Students who carry out their teaching practices outside of Puerto Rico, and aspire to practice the teaching profession in Puerto Rico, whether in public or private educational institutions; They must comply with the regulations established by the Puerto Rico Department of Education.
  3. Students enrolled in PEM distance programs and who are candidates to take the Clinical Experiences courses in Educational Scenario I and II, will take them in those schools designated by the University as Practice Centers. If there is no practice center available in the place of residence of those students enrolled in distance programs outside of Puerto Rico, the pertinent steps will be taken to identify a certified center.
Admission Requirements for the Teacher Education Program

All students admitted to the University that wish admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP) will receive a Provisional Admission to the major of their interest until they satisfy the admission requirements of the TEP.

To be admitted or readmitted to the Teacher Education Program (TEP), students must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Have a minimum academic point average of 2.50 at the university level. 

Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements for the TEP

To remain in the PEM, the student must comply with the University's Satisfactory Academic Progress Standard.

  1. The student must comply with the institutional standard of attempted and approved credits.
  2. The student who does not comply with the University's Satisfactory Academic Progress Standard will be subject to the provisions established in said standard. 

Admission Requirements for the Course Clinical Experiences in the Educational Scenario II (EDUC 4013) or Practice Teaching in the TEP.

  1. Have passed the Core Course Requirements of the Program, except EDUC 4551 and 4552.
  2. Have passed the Major Requirements.
  3. Have a minimum general academic point average of 2.50.
  4. Have a minimum general academic point average of 3.00 in the Major.
  5. Submit the Application for Admission to Practice Teaching in the TEP and have the approval of the Coordinator or the Practice Teaching Supervisor.

Students in online programs that are candidates for practice teaching must adhere to the requirements established in this Catalog and the regulations of the Department of Education of Puerto Rico. In the case of nonresidents of Puerto Rico, these must inquire on the procedures established in their place of residence and complete the proper proceedings. The location of the clinical experience courses will be subject to the approval of the Institution as well as of the pertinent school authorities.

Graduation Requirements of the Teacher Education Program

Every student that is a candidate for graduation from any of the majors of the Teacher Education Programs, who have been admitted or readmitted since August of 2009, must:

  1. Have obtained a minimum general academic grade point average of 3.00.
  2. Have obtained a minimum academic grade point average of 3.00 in the major.
  3. Have obtained a minimum grade of B in the course of Clinical Experiences II (Practice Teaching course).

Teacher Certification

Students interested in obtaining the teacher certification to teach in Puerto Rico, must fulfill the current requirements of the Department of Education of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. This applies to students who aspire to be certified by the traditional route, the alternating route or by recertification.

Likewise, students who wish to obtain a teaching certification of another territory, state of the United States of North America or another place of origin, must meet the requirements established in the corresponding jurisdiction.


Students interested in completing a Minor in Education must have a minimum grade point index of 2.50 at the time they declare admission to a minor and begin to take the required courses.