General Catalog 2024-2025

Office Systems Administration (AA)

The Associate of Arts Degree in Office Systems Administration is designed to provide students the opportunity of developing the fundamental skills and fundamental knowledge of this level, that train them to work effectively as professional administrative support personnel in office systems administration.

The requirements for admission, academic progress, and graduation are those established by this Catalog.

The student must pass the required courses of the major with a minimum grade of C.

The Aguadilla, Arecibo, Barranquitas, Fajardo, Guayama, Metropolitano, Ponce, and San Germán campuses are authorized to offer this Program. The Barranquitas, Metropolitan and Ponce campuses are authorized to offer this Program through online education.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

The Associate of Arts Program in Office Systems Administration is designed to develop the competencies that will enable students to:


Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

  1. the tasks and responsibilities of an office administrator.
  2. the diverse application programs to perform their profession.
  3. the current legislation and regulations on the confidentiality of documents of the customers that the company serves.
  4. the innovations and the changes in the profession and the technological advances that affect them.
  5. the ethical and legal norms relevant to the social responsibility of a company and the individuals that integrate it.


  1. Produce documents with the speed and accuracy that will permit them to perform effectively in different offices.
  2. Develop strategies for the best operation of the office systems.
  3. Be able to communicate in the oral and written form, in Spanish as well as in English, making use of diverse means that facilitate the achievement of the company’s objectives.
  4. Use diverse technological resources that will facilitate the processes of office systems management.


  1. Recognize the importance of commitment and loyalty to the company by preserving ethical and legal principles.
  2. Demonstrate courtesy, cooperation, assertiveness, discretion, confidentiality, responsibility, enthusiasm and respect for diversity, with the aim of offering a service of excellence.
  3. Demonstrate a disposition to maintain effective interpersonal relations in and outside the company.

Requirements for the Associate of Arts Degree in Office Systems Administration

General Education Requirements 24 credits
Major Requirements 35 credits
Total 59 credits

General Education Requirements - 24 credits

GESP Spanish - Select 6 credits from the GESP category


GEEN English - Select 6 credits from the GEEN category


GEP-GEMA 1000Quantitative Reasoning


GEP-GECF 1010Introduction to the Christian Faith


GEP-GEIC 1010Information and Computing Technologies



GEP-GEHS 2010Historical Process of Contemporary Puerto Rico



GEP-GEEC 2000Entrepreneurial Culture


Major Requirements - 35 credits

OMSY 1101Information Processing I


OMSY 1102Information Processing II


OMSY 2000Production of Business Documents


OMSY 2040Electronic Spreadsheets


OMSY 2060Administration of Documents and Databases


OMSY 2233Information Processing in Offices of Legal Affairs


OMSY 2240Information Processing in Offices of Health Services


OMSY 2250Human Resources in the Organizational Environment



OMSY 3030Business Communication in Spanish



OMSY 3040Business Communication in English



OMSY 3080Office Administration