General Catalog 2024-2025

Aviation Sciences (BS)

The Bachelor of Science in Aviation Sciences offers a balance in the areas of aviation science, technology, and aeronautics. Students may choose one of the two majors described below; in addition, they may choose one of the four minors, a minor in Air Traffic Control, a minor in Aviation Management, a minor in Commercial Pilot, or a minor in Airway Dispatcher.

The Program is accredited by the Aviation Accreditation Board International (AABI) (

The Bayamón Campus is authorized to offer this Program.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

This Program is designed to develop the competencies that will enable students to:


  1. Make professional and ethical decisions.
  2. Assess contemporary issues.
  3. Assess the national and international environment of aviation.


  1. Apply mathematics, science, and applied sciences to aviation-related disciplines.
  2. Analyze and interpret data.
  3. Work effectively on multi-disciplinary and diverse teams.
  4. Communicate effectively, using both written and oral communication skills.
  5. Use the techniques, skills, and modern technology necessary for professional practice.
  6. Apply pertinent knowledge in identifying and solving problems.
  7. Apply knowledge of business sustainability to aviation issues.


  1. Engage in and recognize the need for life-long learning.

Descriptions of the Majors

1. Aircraft Systems Management (Professional Pilot)

This major is designed to prepare professional pilots with solid background skills in flight theory, meteorology and safety. The Program covers the requirements established by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the preparation of students to obtain certificates for Private Pilot, Single-engine and Multi-engine Commercial Pilot, the training for Instrument Rating, and the certifications for initial Flight Instructor, Certified Flight Instructor - Instrument and Multi-engine Flight Instructor.

Students are responsible for requesting the examinations necessary to obtain the aforementioned certificates from the FAA. In addition, they are responsible for complying with the FAA regulations, the procedures stipulated by the Aircraft Operations Manual, and the Flight Operations Manual of the School of Aeronautics, at all times in which they are operating an aircraft of the Institution. Failure to comply with the regulations and procedures constitutes a violation to the stipulated safety norms and could result in the suspension of the student from the program. Students of the Program may be tested for drug and alcohol use, in agreement with the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR).

2. Aviation Management

This major develops the necessary skills for students to occupy managerial or administrative positions with the air transportation industry.


Admission Requirements for Aircraft Systems Management (Professional Pilot) major

Candidates must:

  1. Be high school graduates or the equivalent, with a minimum grade point average of 2.50.
  2. Have obtained a minimum score of 475 points in the Mathematics section and a minimum of 490 in the English section of the PAA or equivalent test . 
  3. Present a First Class Medical Certificate issued by a medical doctor recognized by the Federal Aviation Administration (14 CFR Part 67) in order to take classes with a flight laboratory.
  4. Have an interview, in English, with a panel directed by the chief of flight instructors of the Aeronautical School or the person designated by him and be recommended for admission by the Panel.

Admission Requirements for Aviation Management major

Candidates must:

  1. Be graduates of high school or its equivalent with a minimum GPA of 2.00.
  2. Have obtained a minimum score of 475 in the Mathematics section and 490 in the English section of the PAA or equivalent test.
  3. Have an interview, in English, with a panel from the School of Aeronautics and be recommended for admission.

Specific Admission Requisites for transfer students or change of major

Transfer or major change students from other programs of the Inter American University of Puerto Rico or transfers from other universities or institutions of higher education can enter the programs in Aviation Sciences, if they meet the admission requisites of the Inter American University of Puerto Rico, and with those identified below, according to the major:

        Aircraft Systems Management (Professional Pilot)

  1. Have a grade point average (GPA) of 2.50 or higher.
  2. Have approved the Pre-Calculus course (MATH 1500) or equivalent with a minimum grade of C.
  3. To have approved the English courses at the intermediate level (GEEN 1201 and 1202) or English at the advanced level (GEEN 2311 and 2312) or equivalents with a minimum grade of B.

       Aviation Management

  1. Have a grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 or higher.
  2. Have approved the Pre-Calculus course (MATH 1500) or equivalent with a minimum grade of C.
  3. To have approved the English courses at the intermediate level (GEEN 1201 and 1202) or English at the advanced level (GEEN 2311 and 2312) or equivalents with a minimum grade of B.

Graduation Requirements

In addition to fulfilling the general requirements for graduation, students in Aviation Sciences must:

  1. Complete all the academic requirements of the selected program.
  2. Achieve a minimum grade point average of 2.50 in the major and core courses.
  3. Have approved the intermediate or advanced level English courses with a minimum grade of B.
  4. In addition to the graduation requirements listed below, for the Major in Aircraft Systems Management, students are required to have obtained certificates issued by the FAA. The certificates are:
    • Private Pilot
    • Instrument Rating
    • Commercial Pilot with Single-engine and Multi-engine Rating
    • Certified Flight Instructor (CFI)
    • Certified Flight Instructor-Instrument (CFII)
    • Certified Flight Instructor-Multi-Engine (MEI)

NOTE: The students in this program will take theory and flight courses using the resources provided by the University. These resources include the services that, due to their nature, may be subcontracted.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Aviation Sciences

General Education Requirements 42 credits
Core Course Requirements 46 credits
Major Requirements 37 credits
Total 125 credits

General Education Requirements - 42 credits

Forty-two (42) credits are required as explained in the section “General Education Requirements for Bachelors’ Degrees.” Students of this Program will take the course GEMA 1200 in the Basic Skills in Mathematics category. Students who have obtained a score equal to or higher than 520 in the ​​mathematics section on the PAA test are exempted from GEMA 1200 and will take three credits in any Aeronautics (AWSC) course that are not core requisites nor from the highest major that the student has declared. In the Philosophical and Aesthetic category, they will take only three (3) credits in the course GEPE 4040. In the Historical and Social Context category students will only take two courses, one of which will be GEHS 2010.

Students will take the following courses in Spanish and English:

Basic Skills in English (Choose 9 credits)

GEP-GEEN 1201English Communication I


GEP-GEEN 1202English Communication II


GEP-GEEN 1203English Communication III


GEP-GEEN 2311Reading and Writing


GEP-GEEN 2312Literature and Writing


GEP-GEEN 2313Research and Writing


Basic Skills in Spanish for native speakers (9 credits)

GEP-GESP 1101Literature and Communication: Narrative and Poetry


GEP-GESP 1102Literature and Communication: Essay and Theatre


GEP-GESP 2203Literature and World View


Basic Skills in Spanish for non-native speakers (9 credits)

GEP-GESP 1021Basic Spanish as a Foreign Language


GEP-GESP 1022Intermediate Spanish as a Foreign Language


GEP-GESP 2023Advanced Spanish as a Foreign Language


Core Course Requirements - 46 credits

AWSC 2000Introduction to Aeronautics and Space


AWSC 2130English Proficiency for Aviation Professionals


AWSC 3300Aviation Law


AWSC 3600Aviation Safety and Security


AWSC 4000Airport Development and Operations


AWSC 4100Career Development for Aerospace Professionals


AWSC 4310Human Factors in Aviation


BADM 1900Fundamentals of Business Management


ENGL 2075Technical Literature


MAEC 2211Principles of Microeconomics


MAEC 2212Principles of Macroeconomics


MAEC 2221Basic Statistics


MATH 1500Precalculus


PHYS 3500Physics for Aviators


PSYC 1051General Psychology I


Major Requirements

Major Requirements for Aircraft Systems Management (Professional Pilot) - 37 credits

Courses for the major Aircraft Systems Management (Professional Pilot)
AWSC 2115Private Pilot Theory


AWSC 2116Private Pilot Flight Laboratory


AWSC 3155Instrument Rating


AWSC 3160Commercial Pilot


AWSC 3411Principles of Air Traffic Control


AWSC 4204Airline Operations


AWSC 4305Aviation Meteorology


AWSC 4320Advanced Aircraft Systems


AWSC 4340Applied Aerodynamics


AWSC 4370Flight Instructor


AWSC 4394Training Techniques for Flight Crew (CRM Training)


AWSC 4364Flight Instructor-Instruments


AWSC 4373Multi-Engine Instructor


Major Requirements for Aviation Management - 37 credits

Courses for the major Aviation Management
AWSC 2020Aviation Fundamentals


AWSC 4600Airline Management


AWSC 4680Aviation Strategic Management


ACCT 1161Introduction to Financial Accounting


HRMA 2100Human Resource Administration


BADM 3900Information Systems in Organizations


BADM 4300Managerial Economics


OPMS 3000Operations Management of Manufacturing and Service


FINA 2101Corporate Finance I


Select nine (9) credits from the following:
AWSC 2300Airline Passenger Services


AWSC 3411Principles of Air Traffic Control


AWSC 4055Management of Air Cargo


AWSC 4305Aviation Meteorology


AWSC 4650Fundamentals of Airline Finance


AWSC 4660Fixed Based Operators Management


AWSC 4670International Commerce and Aviation


AWSC 4913Practicum in Air Agencies Operations