Graduate Catalog 2025-2026

Computer Science with Specialization in Networks and Security (MS)

The Master in Computer Sciences with Specialization in Networks and Security aims to prepare professionals in the areas of analysis, design, implementation and development of efficient and secure computer network systems. This Program seeks to have students attain advanced, updated and research knowledge in the new technologies.

As part of the philosophy of the program, it is expected that a professional (graduate) possessing the following competencies and characteristics will be prepared as:

  1. An authority in the theories, principles, techniques, methods and technological trends in the area of networks and security of computerized systems;
  2. Qualified to apply research methodologies for problem solving;
  3. An authority in the problems that will affect the operation of computer networks; and
  4. Qualified to apply research methodologies for problem solving and analysis of situations.

The Guayama Campus is authorized to offer this Program in-campus and through online education.

Admission Requirements

In order to enter the Master in Computer Science with a Specialization in Networks and Security students must meet the admission requirements of Inter American University of Puerto Rico, as established in the current Graduate Catalog, and in addition, must have passed the following courses or their equivalents:

  1. Information and Computer Literacy
  2. Introduction to Data Communication
  3. Network Management I and II
  4. Computerized Systems Analysis and Design

Graduation Requirements

  1. Comply with the satisfactory academic progress norms at the graduate level.
  2. Approve the thirty-nine (39) credits of the program with a minimum grade point index of 3.00.
  3. Have approved the research project.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

This program is designed to develop the competencies that will enable students to:


Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

  1. The characteristics and the fundamental technological elements of a computer network.
  2. The principles of security for computerized systems and their interrelation with the computer networks.
  3. The theoretical and technical principles that explain the movement of data in different types of networks.
  4. The importance of security methods for computerized systems and their interrelation with computer networks.
  5. The process of research in the network and security areas.


  1. Design the necessary infrastructure for the development of safe and reliable network systems.
  2. Use the techniques and method of evaluation, measurement and assessment, of traffic in a network.
  3. Apply the communication protocols that govern the operation of computer networks.
  4. Use the method of problem solving (“troubleshooting”) in situations related to the practice of the profession.
  5. Integrate the technological changes related to the area of networks and security of computerized systems.
  6. Apply to the principles of research in the area of networks and security.


  1. Show interest in research to improve the practice of the profession.
  2. Recognize the importance of applying ethical principles in the network and security of computerized systems areas.

Requirements for the Master of Science in Computers with Specialization in Networks and Security

Specialization Requirements 33 credits
Prescribed Distributive Requirements 6 credits
Total 39 credits

Specialization Requirements - 36 credits

CSNS 5100Network Analysis and Design


CSNS 5110Principles of Research


CSNS 5121Routing Technologies I


CSNS 5131Network Switching Technologies I


CSNS 5222Routing Technologies II


CSNS 5232Network Switching Technologies II


CSNS 6100Firewalls


CSNS 6110Security and Forensic Computing


CSNS 6220Intrusion Detection Systems


CSNS 6230Security Design in Networks


CSNS 6240Assessment of Security in Networks


CSNS 6330Research Project


Prescribed Distributive Requirements - 3 credits

CSNS 5220Cryptography in Networks


CSNS 6310Network Troubleshooting Techniques


CSNS 6320Satellite Communications Systems