Graduate Catalog 2024-2025

Clinical Social Work (DSW)

The Doctoral Program in Clinical Social Work (DSW) is aimed at social workers interested in expanding their clinical knowledge, contributing to research and to the dissemination of the results of the effectiveness in the biopsychosocial intervention. In addition, it is oriented towards prevention, secondary and tertiary treatment in the field of mental health from a health perspective. Likewise, neuroscience is integrated into clinical practice.

The Metropolitan Campus is authorized to offer this Program.

Program Goals

  1. Carrying out the practice of clinical social work with diverse populations to strengthen, maintain and restore the biological, psychological, social and spiritual functioning of people in their eco-systemic environment.
  2. Contributing the scientific knowledge of clinical social work by investigating evidence-based practices that evaluate the effectiveness of professional intervention.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

The Doctoral Program in Clinical Social Work is designed to develop the professional skills that allow the student to:

  1. Apply ethical reasoning strategies in the management of ethical issues and dilemmas that occur in the practice of clinical social work.

  2. Diagnose psychosocial conditions that affect human behavior through the use of a variety of instruments.

  3. Carry out interventions documented by the psychosocial diagnosis.

  4. Intercede in the defense of diverse populations for access to mental health services.

  5. Apply practices based on scientific evidence to generate new knowledge in clinical social work.

  6. Combat discrimination, oppression and stigma as conditions that perpetuate inequality in access to mental health services.

  7. Evaluate the effectiveness of professional clinical social work practice.

Admission Requirements

  1. Have a command of the Spanish and English languages.
  2. Hold a Master in Social Work from a graduate program accredited by the CSWE or its equivalent in other countries.
  3. Submit an essay of their experiences in social work and their interest to be admitted to the doctoral program of clinical social work.
  4. Take part in an interview and be recommended by the Program Admissions Committee.

Admission of Transfer Students

The admission of students transferred to the Doctoral Program will be taken into consideration if they satisfy the program conditions set out in the "Requirements for Admission to the Doctoral Program in Clinical Social Work".

Candidates must arrange with their university of origin to have their academic record sent directly to the Campus’ Admission, so that they are granted credit for studies already done with the conditions stipulated below:

  1. Candidates for admission as transferred students will be considered if they meet the conditions set forth in the section "Academic Admission Requirements".
  2. Students who have begun studies for a doctoral degree in another professional discipline or in another doctoral program in social work can transfer up to 15 credits that have been approved with A or B. No substitution or equivalence will be authorized for methodology or practice in clinical social work.
  3. The courses to be transferred must be equivalent to the courses offered in the Doctoral Program in Clinical Social Work of the Inter-American University and be approved by the faculty.

Candidacy Requirements

To obtain the candidacy for the Doctoral Degree in Clinical Social Work, students must present and receive approval of the publishable article by the evaluation committee. This candidacy requirement replaces the comprehensive exam and must be met prior to enrollment in Dissertation I.

Graduation Requirements

To graduate, students in this Program must meet the following requirements:

  1. Have passed all courses with a minimum grade of B.
  2. Defend and approve the doctoral dissertation.

Non-validation Policy

The Doctoral Program in Clinical Social Work (DSW) does not validate academic credit for previous life pr work experience.

Requirements for the Doctorate in Clinical Social Work

Specialization Requirements 28 credits
Operational Requirements 17 credits
Prescribed Distributive Requirements 2 credits
Total 47 credits

Specialization Requirements - 28 credits

SOWO 7215Qualitative and Quantitative Investigation in Clinical Social Work


SOWO 7230Neurosciences and Clinical Intervention in Social Work


SOWO 7310Statistics Applied to the Evaluation of Clinical Social Work


SOWO 7315Psychotherapeutic Intervention Models


SOWO 7410Clinical Theories in Social Work


SOWO 8015Evaluation of Effectiveness in the Practice of Clinical Social Work


SOWO 8025Biopsychosocial and Psychopathological Diagnosis in Clinical Social Work


SOWO 8030Clinical Intervention with Families


SOWO 8040Clinical Intervention with Children and Adolescents


SOWO 8050Construction of Measurement Instruments in Clinical Social Work


SOWO 8060Health Perspective in Clinical Social Work


Operational Requirements - 17 credits

SOWO 8026Biopsychosocial and Psychopathological Diagnostic Seminar


SOWO 8016Evaluation of Practice Effectiveness Seminar


SOWO 8910Clinical Internship I


SOWO 8921Clinical Internship II



SOWO 892AClinical Internship II A



SOWO 892BClinical Internship II B


SOWO 8931Clinical Internship III



SOWO 893AClinical Internship III A



SOWO 893BClinical Internship III B


SOWO 8985Dissertation and Publication Seminar


SOWO 8991Dissertation I


SOWO 8992Dissertation II


Prescribed Distributive Requirements - 2 credits

The student must pass one course from the following:

SOWO 8110Trauma and Advanced Clinical Practice in Social Work


SOWO 8120Addictions and the Practice of Clinical Social Work


SOWO 8130Therapeutic Groups with Various Populations


PSYC 8650Clinical Psychopharmacology