Graduate Catalog 2024-2025

Criminal Justice (MA)

The Master of Arts in Criminal Justice promotes, within an interdisciplinary approach, a comprehensive education with which the graduate can effectively perform in the different scenarios related to this specialty.

The Program reaffirms in the participant the skills learned, through the acquisition of the professional skills necessary for effective performance in the different scenarios of Criminal Justice.

The Program provides the student with the skills required for research in the field of Criminal Justice.

The campuses of Aguadilla, Barranquitas, Metropolitano, Ponce and the Caguas University Center of the Metropolitan Campus are authorized to offer this Program. Also, the Barranquitas Campus is authorized to offer this program in the distance education modality.

The Metropolitan Campus has a consortium with our Law School that would allow students who qualify to obtain the MA in Criminal Justice and the Juris Doctor (JD). Interested students should contact their academic department at the Metropolitan Campus for information and requirements.

Program goals

  1. Reaffirm the knowledge of the discipline, as well as the integration of new approaches in Criminal Justice.
  2. Promote the identification, understanding and analysis of the causes and effects of crime and the search for prevention alternatives.
  3. Promote research and the use of technology as means to generate the necessary knowledge to explore new prevention and intervention practices in the Criminal Justice System.
  4. Promote interest in the critical understanding of social problems and their impact on crime management.
  5. Develop an ethically committed professional in his role in the field of Criminal Justice.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

The Program is designed to develop the competencies that will enable students to:


  1. Know the philosophical foundations of the concept of Justice and the development of criminal law.
  2. Know the particularities of the State and Federal Justice System.
  3. Know the methodology of social-scientific research.


  1. Apply criminological theories to the comprehensive study of the relationship between laws, individuals and society.
  2. Analyze the psychosocial and legal aspects of crime.
  3. Analyze the social, legal and economic effect of technological crimes.
  4. Apply the social-scientific research methodology to the development of research in the area of criminal justice and its relationship with other fields.
  5. Integrate knowledge of prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation strategies in the planning and creation of programs that address illegal conduct.


  1. Assume a critical attitude towards the different Criminal Justice systems.
  2. Demonstrate an attitude of support for diversity in the rehabilitation process.
  3. Recognize the importance of research as an effective means for the production and construction of knowledge in the area of criminal justice.
  4. Integrate ethical-professional concepts in areas related to criminal justice.

Requirements for the Master of Arts in Criminal Justice

Specialization Requirements 24 credits
Prescribed Distributive Requirements 9 credits
Elective Courses 3 credits
Total 36 credits

Specialization Requirements - 24 credits

CJUS 5010Ethics, Law and Society


CJUS 5060Methodology of Social Scientific Research


CJUS 5070Social Scientific Research Applied to Criminal Justice


CJUS 5080Public Policy, the State and Federal Justice Systems


CJUS 5520Managerial Aspects in Public and Private Security


CJUS 6970Integration Seminar


CJUS 5960Research in computer security


Select one course from the following:

CJUS 5310Criminal Justice Procedure and Evidence Law


CJUS 5613Addiction, Criminality and Rehabilitation


Prescribed Distributive Requirements - 9 credits

Select nine (9) credits from the following courses:

CJUS 5023Elements of Criminal Law


CJUS 5055Criminology


CJUS 5237Juvenile Justice


CJUS 5299Law and Correction


CJUS 5320Constitutional and Administrative Law


CJUS 5410White-Collar Crime


CJUS 5900Special Assignment


CJUS 5970Special Topics